Dear brothers and sisters of this beautiful planet! I AM KWAN YIN!
My heart is in celebration, pounding with joy to be here today, contributing to this slower and easier journey that you are going through. Don’t believe that because it’s easier, it has no strength, or it is less important. Each of the words spoken from the heart can lift you to very high vibration and contribute to the continued elevation of your mind. Begin to observe yourself. Notice what has changed in this period of so many meditations and words. What has changed in you?
It is impossible to go without change, impossible to go without even a fraction of transformation. Everything depends on how much you open your heart to receive. If the heart opens intensely, you will be changed; if it opens slightly without much faith or surrender, the change is proportional to your feelings. But to say that there was no change, there was no transformation, no, not possible. The simple fact of participating already causes changes and modifications. Now it’s up to each of you to decide how far you want to be changed and how far you want that transformation to happen.
Don’t think of us as playing with words. Each word has a quantum of energy, an energy that, throughout the Channeling, will accumulate in your bodies and will provoke the changes. Perhaps you haven’t yet stopped to observe yourself, look within, verify where and to what extent you have changed. Do the drill. Observe how you look at the world today; observe how you look at people; watch how you respond to what the external provokes you. I assure you that nothing is the same. Everything has changed, a little bit, a lot, it doesn’t matter, it has changed. And it is precisely this change that enables you to take steps up or forward on that very high road.
Do not be discouraged! You’re almost there. There is very little left for you to bring about change on the planet. So, don’t be discouraged, don’t think you’re too few and too powerless. You can make the change. If you picture yourself as a giant, that you are a massive point of Light on the face of the planet, you have no clue what you might accomplish. But all this must be done without egoism, arrogance, or superiority; just imagine yourself growing in Light, letting yourself grow in it. How to grow in Light? Only by surrendering to the Light, allowing the Light to fill your body and aura. There is no limit to the Light, no limit to how you can absorb the Light.
So you see yourself like a giant sponge absorbing the Light and growing, growing, growing, growing, growing, growing, limitless, becoming a great portal of Light. Many depict themselves as pyramids of Light. Are you pyramids? You aren’t, but you’ve become them, and you’re emanating plenty of Light to the planet. So keep it up, look at yourself like those pyramids, only bigger, becoming balls of Light, giant balls of Light, so big that they go around the planet, joining each other. And on the day when these balls all gather around the planet, the great awakening will occur.
So see yourselves immense, see yourselves as giant balls of Light, and you will bring about the change. Believe it, it is possible. So to help you, my words today will be precisely for that growth so that you feel immense, not in power, not in superiority; enormous in Love and Light.
Then repeat:
“I’m a tiny ball of Light.
I breathe the air around me, and I get bigger.
I breathe it in again, and I get even more significant.
So, I go on breathing and growing, breathing and growing, breathing and growing.
I see myself as a huge ball of Light and Love, rolling across the planet’s surface, looking for other balls just like me.
When I find them, we will be one big carpet of Light and Love around Gaia.”
That’s it, my brothers and sisters. This is my contribution. In these words are my energy and my Love. I trust I believe, and I am sure that you will succeed in becoming these balls of Light and Love.