Kwan Yin – Fill your Hearts with Light

Dear Brothers of the planet Earth! I AM KWAN Yin!

I come to you riding a great white dragon. With me, a few more dragons flap their wings vigorously, clearing all low-vibration energy. You are immersed in a great sea of negative energy, thrown into imbalance, and supposed to hinder the whole process.

We are aware, and we are acting. Fear is the worst adviser at this time. There is no need to be afraid. Instead, each one must raise their vibration and enlighten their heart. Fill your heart with Light because an enlightened heart does not allow an unenlightened mind. Because it is from it that all the energies that spread through your body come out. So fill your hearts with Light.

Each one has its own form and way. There is no recipe or formula to fill a heart with Light. You must fill your heart according to your form, shape, and beliefs. Not those limiting beliefs you had before. But the result of all you have learned and all you are living in this moment.

Fill your hearts with Light. In so doing, your souls rise up and out of this tremendous negative mass that plagues the planet. We can say this is the last card of those who have dominated this planet for so long. The idea is to provoke fear, the worst consequences, and decisions. But it will be useless because the Light is coming more potent than all that. But never forget that you are reaping what you have sown.

All this negative mass that has come up and accumulated on your planet comes from what you emanated; you did it. So now you will reap. There is nothing we can do, not in this sense, because you have to learn to live with the consequences of what you cause. We are cleaning up as much as we can and doing our part, but we cannot clean up everything yet. Because there are lessons to be learned, all your involvement is in these lessons.

So may you learn and look at everything with Love, not anger or pain. Look at everything with a heart full of Light and much Love, without judgment or anger. Each one of us is acting around your planet. The moment is now decisive, but we still need to wait for you to go through the consequences of this mass that you have created so that we can act definitively.

There is no point in taking action now. You need to see what you have caused. We will act when you are aware of what you have caused. But this awareness has to happen on your planet. Everything is fast approaching, and soon the Light will be unique on this planet, but for now, there is nothing we can do. We can only wait. Wait for you to reap what you have sown, wait for you to learn the lessons, wait for you to look at everything with the eyes of your heart, not with the eyes of your mind.

Admit that you make mistakes, make decisions contrary to the Light, and have looked at your own navel instead of your neighbor. In the last gasps of those who came here, this is your planet, but we have to wait a little longer for humanity to reap all it has sown. And when this happens, be assured the Light will come with full force, and they will no longer operate here. But the lessons need to be learned and seen, and the truth needs to be understood and accepted.

So just wait. Those who fill their hearts with Light will stand above it all. Nothing will reach them. Now, if you stay with your heart guided by your mind, there is nothing we can do to help you because you will be swallowed by all this mass.

Look inside yourselves. Enlighten your hearts. Right now, it is the only thing you can do to help yourselves first and then help the planet.

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