Kwan Yin – Take Care. Be Firm and Strong

I arrive, bringing all my Love and compassion to each one of you. Bringing Love, bringing peace, and balance, to every heart.

My brothers, strengthen yourselves. Don’t just focus on what we say. Don’t try to figure out what, or what will happen. The more you focus on what will happen, the further you stray from the path, because you start to create situations that won’t actually exist.

Don’t think about what’s coming in the future. Thinking creates new paths, and new ideas, and often they’re not good ones. So why worry about the future? It doesn’t exist; it exists here and now. There is what you emanate here and now, the result of which will come later on.

So don’t waste time thinking, trying to guess what it will be like, what will come, how it will happen. It doesn’t matter. What matters is the here and now. What matters is that you are ready. So use the time you have to strengthen yourselves. Take care of yourself. Treat yourself. Do you have your techniques? Take care of yourself.

No one takes care of the other without being in balance. So this is a time of preparation. It’s a time of strengthening. As you often see in the movies you’re shown. Imagine there’s a big battle ahead. What do you do? You put on your armor, you get your weapons, and you prepare to meet the enemy.

So draw a parallel. You need to be in your armor, but not physical armor. You need to have your weapons, but not physical ones. Armor and weapons are the energies that you possess; they are all the energies that you have been initiated into. And these can protect you. So create your shells, create your fortresses.

This is the time to prepare the fortresses. What will the enemy be like? It doesn’t matter. Who told you that the enemy would be physical? Who told you that you’d have to use weapons to hurt someone? Of course not. Right now, we’re preparing you for defense, not attack.

You need to be whole, balanced, strengthened, and confident; so that nothing gets to you. So that nothing makes you doubt. So that nothing makes you fear. So that nothing makes you disbelieve everything you have learned. You need to be strong, secure, totally immersed in your beliefs, in your concepts, and in the Love of each one of us.

Don’t worry about the future. It will come, whether you want it to or not. But don’t create any more fear. Don’t create any more doubts. Don’t create things that might not even happen; think about the future. Then look to the present. Live in the present. And in the present you need to be protected and strong, firm, so that nothing shakes you, that nothing messes with your beliefs.

Then the time will come when you will put all that armor away. Because there will be no more pain, there will be no more evil, there will be nothing to make you doubt anything. And then you will play the role that has been assigned to each soul: to help a brother or sister, to help those who arrive, to bring balance, to bring healing. But you need to heal yourselves first. You don’t want to balance the other if you’re out of balance.

Always think that you are a powerful being. You know it. You already have this awareness. So put on your weapons, put on your armor. Be strong, be your own superhero. Not the other. This is not the time to think about the other. It’s time to think about yourself. It’s about being ready for everything that’s to come. But without thinking about what will come. It doesn’t matter.

Don’t think about what’s to come. Don’t think about anything beyond the present moment. Think only of being in balance, of being healthy, of being firm and strong. This way, nothing will shake you. There will be nothing that will shake you. Because you will be an army of strong and balanced souls.  And, above all, an army of loving souls who are grateful to be living through this moment.

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