Kwan Yin – Take care of your Thoughts, Feelings and Actions

Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM KWAN YIN!

Today, I bring a small rose, a lilac rose, for each one, for it to fill the hearts of each of you with much Love and much peace. Feel the vibration I bring to each of you at this moment.

The moment is not easy for many; the moment is peaceful for some. It does not matter. What each one is living is part of the journey; it is part of the journey that needs to be fulfilled. Be confident and have faith in what you are sowing. 

It is important that hearts are connected to the minds in what you desire. There has to be action together with thought. There has to be feeling together with action. There has to be this balance for you to act correctly, feel correctly, and think correctly within the same aspect—within the same desire.

There is no point in the mind alone wanting to evolve if the heart still yells with ego screams and if the actions contradict the journey of Light. Therefore, the whole must be in every action. You must find this balance in every thought and action so that you may effectively place yourselves on the Fifth Dimension road. 

Many try, try, try, and slip a lot. They slip, meaning they repeat mistakes, repeat actions, and repeat thoughts that should not exist anymore. And unfortunately, each generates a negative percentage on your journey, and you will have to do a lot more positively to get out of the place. 

There is no point, my brothers, in you misleading yourselves and trying to think nothing has consequences. Everything has a consequence. Each action, thought, and feeling has consequences. Therefore, constant vigilance is necessary. I would say that thoughts are the most treacherous because they are fast and sometimes come when you are not even thinking about them. 

So, when this happens, when the wrong thought comes, think the exact opposite. Think with intensity about what you truly believe in and want to do. That will be enough to cancel that wrong thought and allow you to move a little further. It is a constant control. You cannot be careless for a second because a second brings many thoughts. 

So, be careful with them. Be careful with what you vibrate. Vibration produces thoughts because those around you are eager for a low vibration and are always ready to pollute your minds with wrong thoughts. They are everywhere. Therefore, be careful with what you vibrate. 

If you vibrate high, they move away because that is not their energy, and then they do not affect your minds. Therefore, be careful with places, people, and moments. Everything attracts them. The vibration needs only to drop. Therefore, you must always be alert, watch out, and vibrate high so that these thoughts—meaningless but which do much harm—do not pollute your minds. Those thoughts that arise from yourselves, which are often very interesting, are enough already.  

So, my brothers, the journey is not as easy as many think. Many think it is enough to meditate, ask, follow a path, and do a bunch of proceedings, and everything is fine. Of course, all of that helps. Of course, all of that keeps the vibration high. But thoughts come out of you. Therefore, all that work is in vain if you hold negative thoughts because they destroy all you have achieved in a particular proceeding. 

So, there must be much control, attention, and vigilance at each second. Vibrate high at all times, and you will not need to even worry about your own bad thoughts because they are automatically canceled when the vibration is high. Vibrate high. Vibrate high. Vibrate high. “I need to vibrate high.” This is the mantra for the moment. 

Or, I will teach an easier and more powerful mantra: “I AM LIGHT!” Repeat this mantra three times each time, and you will see how you will attract more and more Light, and your thoughts—those who should not come—will begin to move further away. It seems easy, but it is a very powerful mantra, and I assure you that it will bring the balance that each of you needs. 

See my Code of Light, which I left today. It has my Dragon, two swords, and a lotus flower. It also has a code that emanates energy all the time. Look at the swords. Let the Dragon fulfill his role, destroying everything that needs to be destroyed on your path. And I will always be beside you, at the distance of a thought. You need only to think about me.

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