Kwan Yin – We Are Holding Our Hands Out to You

Dear brothers and sisters of this beautiful planet, I AM KWAN YIN!

I arrive on my white dragon, bringing much energy of love. I can tell that at this moment, hearts are confused, afraid, and fearful of what is to come. Think of it like a child who, because he doesn’t know the world yet, is afraid—afraid of a dark room—and then you, mother or father, take this child’s hand, bring him to the doorway of this dark room, and turn on the Light. And the kid starts to see that the room he was so scared of has nothing; it’s a room like any other, and nothing there can harm or scare him. So each of us sees you as a child who stands before a complex, violent, and almost hopeless world, frightened to take the next step.

The reason is that you don’t know what’s up ahead or inside the next day, just like in a dark room. Just as that mother or father who took the child’s hand and showed him that when the lights are on, all is clear and revealed, shows the truth and confirms that there is nothing to fear. With our hands stretched out, we are all here for each one of you to lead you on this journey and show each of you that you have nothing to fear. No matter how far ahead it may seem like a big dark room, if we take your hand, we’ll show you the Light and that there’s nothing to fear. Our hands are magic; we can hold many of you simultaneously and, better yet, not let go of our hands.

Don’t be afraid to hear the truth, and don’t be scared to see the truth; you are on a learning journey. But, of course, no one has learned everything yet; you make mistakes and will make many more. Still, only by making them do you know to think, analyze situations, and understand that it was a mistake. Therefore, don’t crucify yourselves, don’t place yourselves as defendants, and don’t judge yourselves. This walk has not been easy, and right now, I can assure you, it is the most challenging time of the journey because the enemy is no longer scattered. And why do I call him an enemy?

Because he has no love in his heart, he doesn’t love you, doesn’t respect you, doesn’t want your good, and wants to involve you to bring you suffering and pain. So that you understand, I used the word “enemy.” The enemy is the one who is on the other side of the war. And you are living in a battle of good against evil. And why is this war more difficult at this point? Because before the war was abroad, it was at the planetary level; it was at a much higher level in the great-thinking minds. Today the war is at the melee level, and negative energy is on your side. It is not far away; it is on your side, fomenting your doubt, pain, suffering, judgment, decision-making, and choices. But these choices are always made with the intention that you choose the side that will lead you to suffer, to pain, never to good, never to elevation.

So the war is now to be waged, lived, and fought in your mind. It is through your mind that the enemy acts. And how do you keep your mind protected? by reaching out to us and asking for our help. We will give you firmness of thought; we will help you make the right decisions and choices. But if you abandon us, feel angry towards us, and don’t believe in what we say, it’s a shame because you will vibrate in the same range as those who want to manipulate your mind. And you will start thinking like them, acting like them, and making the choices they induce you to make.

Remember, the enemy is on your side, literally. The time now is for attention, care, and asking for help so that you can be saved from this great egregore acting on the planet. And what is the purpose of this great egregore? It is not to change the course of events; they know they have lost and will no longer act on this planet. But they don’t want to leave without doing a great deal of damage to the minds of this planet so that fewer people can ascend to the Fifth Dimension. Their revenge is to increase the number of people who will be removed from the world. The primary idea is to empty the earth, so everyone will be removed.

But that you at least ask your Higher Self if what was said is true or a lie. Start believing only in your Higher Self, and this happening is magnificent; it is fantastic because you have chosen the right path. Nobody will deceive you anymore and manipulate your mind because you will always listen to your Higher Self. And that’s what we want: for you to create this brotherly and loving contact with your Higher Self. There has to be this trust; you have to trust someone; if you don’t trust what is said through a human, trust your Higher Self, and everything will be alright. But do it yesterday because every moment that passes, the energy covers you, reaches out to you, and tries to manipulate you. And if you have doubts, that is the open door for it to control your mind.

Let you at least ask your Higher Self if what was said is true or a lie. Then, start believing only in your Higher Self, and this happening is magnificent; it is fantastic because you have chosen the right path. Nobody will deceive you anymore and manipulate your mind because you will always listen to your Higher Self. And that is what we want—for you to create this fraternal and loving contact with your Higher Self. There has to be this trust; you have to trust someone; if you don’t trust what is said through a human, trust your Higher Self, and it will be alright. But do it yesterday because every moment that passes, the energy covers you, reaches out to you, and tries to manipulate you. And if you have doubts, that is the open door for it to control your mind.

So seek your Higher Self, and if you want our help, call us directly; our hands are outstretched, always ready to lead each one of you. Don’t be afraid of the darkness that appears up ahead; if we stand hand in hand and you trust us, you will see that this is all a grand farce, a great illusion. And that from a certain point on, all that darkness will be gone, and only the Light will appear. But the choice is yours; the path you want to follow is yours. I am here to remind you that there is only Love on our side. The truth sometimes hurts and confuses you because your mind is thinking, not your heart. He who lets his heart act understands what is said; as long as you don’t listen with your heart, you will understand nothing. And this is dangerous at this time.

I offer our help to see, hear, and feel the truth. Not to be told by anyone but to be shown to you. In this way, you will be able to believe, you will be able to overcome your doubts, and you will get out of this negative egregore. It is a choice you will have to make now; this is the most challenging time on this path, where everything seems wrong, nothing brings security, and no word brings comfort. All this—the peace, the balance, the belief—will only be achieved when you open your hearts and close your minds. These energies do not manipulate the heart; they control the mind.

Don’t forget us; we are still here with our hands outstretched, and if anyone needs help, reach out and call on any of us. We will immediately welcome you and do everything we can to help you expand your heart.

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