Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM KWAN YIN!
I arrive again with my white dragons, bringing much peace, and much Love. Bringing the Violet Light with me. Bringing much Love, and much compassion. Bringing the Pink Light. Bringing balance, and peace. Bringing the White Light. Bringing wisdom, and confidence. Bringing the Yellow Light. Bringing the Light of health, balance, and healing. Bringing the Green Light. Bringing the Blue Light of the fresh start, of the new. Bringing the Blue Light. Bringing courage, strength, vibrancy. Bringing the Red Light.
My brothers, we don’t own anything. Nothing belongs to just one person. We are all representatives of God the Father/Mother. Just for the sake of organization, each of us has been given the task of working with a Light, with a flame. And so it has been over time. But there is no difference between us. We are all the same. There are different functions.
Just as each of you and your planet has an aptitude for a particular profession, we have our aptitudes for a particular path, a particular strength, a particular Light. That’s all. But we are capable of doing whatever we want with any flame, with any color of Light. Because we have love in our hearts. And it is this love that enables us to be complete, at any moment.
The time has come, my brothers and sisters, to stop, to internalize. Start looking inside yourselves. Start to see the shadows that are still bouncing around in your minds. And look at each one of them and destroy them with Love and Light. Don’t let these shadows grow. Don’t let these shadows haunt you. Don’t let these shadows lead your paths.
You are immense, you are enlightened beings. The shadows no longer have power over you. But they can if you connect with them. Because they are not weak, they are very strong. And if you connect with it, it starts to suck your energy, it starts to suck your Light, your power. Not for it, because shadows don’t like Light. They suck to destroy the Light so that you can become a shadow too.
So let go of attachment. Taking the law into your own hands. Anger. Revolt. Sorrow. All these low-vibration feelings; put them all out. You can have an explosive moment; a moment of letting go of that feeling, and then shutting it up forever. It’s time to really look at all this and deal with it in whatever way you can. But then be aware that you don’t have to vibrate these feelings anymore.
Let them die. Suffoc them with love and with great light. That’s the secret. Smother these feelings with Love. Smother these feelings with Light. And you will know that they will no longer have any power over you. Start. Start, little by little, to get it all out in the open. It’s like a great farewell, a great explosion. And from there, a New World will open up. Because everything that had accumulated inside has come out.
We understand that it’s not easy for you to just take everything and transmute it. You still have to show what you feel. Show all the feelings you’re still harboring. Good, do that. Let it all out. But do it all at once. And then forget those feelings ever existed.
It’s like a great catharsis. Do this great catharsis. No, you won’t, you won’t stay at a low vibration. It depends on how you do this catharsis.If the intention is, I will get rid of it for never again, do and it will work. Let it all out. Everything. Explode, but get it all out. And from there, start again on a new path, full of Light and full of Love.
And everything will have been valid. Because you exploded.That bomb that was inside, was gone. You cannot feed any more feeling. But we know it will happen. That you will vibrate these feelings again. But what is important, every time you vibrate this feeling, you are aware of stopping, and filling it with light and love.
This will be a constant exercise. Minute by minute, second by second. Don’t let any feelings grow. Don’t let any feelings, negative ones, of course, arise within you. If you feel the feeling coming on, transmute it on the spot into Love and Light. And as has already been said: Ask for our help. We’ll always be ready with a flame in our hands. The flame of Love. And we will immediately place this flame in your heart. And it will expand and burn all these feelings that have been generated.
Look, we’ll be making a great partnership. We will be doing great work together. Don’t be afraid, my brothers. Don’t even think we’ll be overwhelmed. We are here to help you. Our time has come to do our part for you.
So seek our help, at any time, in any situation. And we’ll know how to immediately transmute anything, any feeling. Don’t forget that. Call whoever you want. Because we are always ready. Everyone, with a beautiful colored flame in our hands, ready to be placed in your heart. And to help you transmute any and all feelings.

1 thought on “Kwan Yin – We’re Ready to Help You”
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