Dear Brothers and sisters of this beautiful planet! I AM LANTO!
I bring you a lot of insight and enlightenment today. How is this possible? Each soul has its own path. Each soul has followed the right path. Sometimes it follows the wrong path, but the vast majority of souls have been evolving over the years. It’s not in this incarnation that all your missteps will be cured; many have already been. But at this moment, it is vital to have awareness of all that your souls have done over the years, whether on this planet or beyond. It doesn’t matter.
Consciousness is intriguing because the more consciousness–the more truth, the more consciousness–the less ego. So, those who still let the ego lead them, show them the path, define their words, acts, and thoughts are still a long way from consciousness. For it’s precisely this awareness that leads to wisdom to follow the road into the right path.
What is the best way to attain spiritual enlightenment? As I previously stated, the first step is to let go of the ego and stop allowing it to determine how you should think, speak, or act. And what do I do when I don’t have the ego guiding me? Follow the right path. Follow the path that leads you to a single feeling: unconditional love. It’s been said before, but it bears repeating: don’t pass judgment, don’t condemn, don’t point fingers, and don’t do anything that infringes on others’ free will.
These are important factors in the fight against the ego: not always wanting to be the winner, not always needing to have reason, not always needing to be right, take responsibility for your own mistakes rather than blaming others. All of these mindsets are not easy to change, but the intention, the willpower, and even the mere walk in the Light begins to bring you a certain discomfort when you break these rules. It seems that that keeps banging around in your head, in your thoughts, in your mind, telling you, “reconsider your actions; examine your soul.” That’s when you recognize what you’re doing wrong.
No one is smarter than the other. No one is cleverer than the other. People have different ways of focusing. Everyone can read a book, and if we ask everyone what they read in the end, we’ll get a wide range of books. Because each of them will focus on a different component of the book, a sentence, or a section of it, and will recount it in his own style, in his own consciousness.
So, who was the smarter one to read that book? Whoever was able to concentrate on the entire book. The person who will explain the text in its original form rather than from his own perspective. As a result, this one will be able to almost perfectly retell the meaning of the text. But is this one smarter? Are the others not intelligent? That’s a concept we don’t have. Focus is the key concept here. It’s how you take in what you’re reading. Some read superficially, while others read deeply, and each will be able to comprehend what was stated.
It’s for these and other reasons that we’ve said, “Don’t influence anyone.” Each being on this planet has the ability to comprehend and choose what he reads. Because the same text can be perceived differently by you and him. Within your perspective, that is the truth of the text; from his soul’s standpoint, that is the truth and it’s completely different from yours.
So you set yourself up as being smartest. Why? You made an interpretation, and who says that your interpretation is the correct one? Because he doesn’t seem to have the psychological prerequisites to comprehend the text? And then you consider yourself to be wiser and more intelligent? I’m going to tell you that you have a completely erroneous idea. As I have stated, what makes the difference is focus.
Even someone who isn’t a scholar or hasn’t studied, as you say, can comprehend a text. As long as he doesn’t portray himself as someone who lacks this skill, then really, he’ll read and he’ll understand nothing. But if he simply takes the text and focuses on what he’s reading, believing that he can comprehend what is there, he will understand within his soul journey.
What happens is that many of you put yourselves down. Put labels on yourselves that say you don’t know how to do anything or that you can’t do anything. And it becomes true in your minds. So why labels? Because society has conditioned us to believe that those who study are intelligent, while those who don’t study are not. Everyone has the ability to focus on something. The ability to comprehend is also the same. No one is born with a mind that is inferior to another’s. They’re exactly the same.
Everyone has the same capacity. Everyone is made of the same mold. No one is born less intelligent than another. You make people feel that way, and they end up believing it. So where is the wisdom? With whom is the wisdom? Who is smarter or who puts the focus on what they are reading? So many of you need to learn that you are identical to those who you believe lack the ability. Perhaps you’ve realized and accepted that you’re capable. Others, who are dealing with their own life situations, are constantly told, “You are incapable,” which becomes a mantra in their lives.
So at this moment, in this great phase of the ascension process of this planet, with whom is the wisdom? With those who already understand everything and are trying to get on the right path? With those who already understand everything but are extremely reactive to change? In those who already know everything and decide to do nothing because they don’t think they will succeed, or in those who don’t know anything about what is going on behind the scenes? With whom is the wisdom?
I believe that each soul possesses its own wisdom, and those who have yet to awaken will have the opportunity to do so. And at this time, many of those souls will be brought into reality in a very short period of time. I may even suggest that they will have more insight than those who are already on the path, because they are far more advanced souls, much more than you. So who has the wisdom? Who is the person in the front row? Those who are aware of all that needs to be done and attempt to do so. Do they, however, do it with focus, passion, and in a way that fundamentally alters their path? Where is the wisdom?
So, at this time, I would say that no one is better than the other. It’s not because you are spiritually awake, supposedly knowledgeable about the processes, that you are better than anyone else, you are not. You simply focused more on what needed to be done, each in their own way. Those who have not yet awakened will do so one day. And I state to you, once again, that many will pass you by because they came ready for it.
So don’t think you are the planet’s rulers. Don’t think you are the ones who are going to do the whole process. I say yes, you will help, and help a lot. You will help those who are coming, you will help, by helping them to find a way; to see the truth, but not by showing the way. Helping to find a path is different from showing the way. For the path will have to be found by each of them, not by you. So I’m sure that many here are thinking that they are the saviours of the world. And I tell you that you are not; it is the people of the planet who will save your world. When the people of this planet wake up and make their own decisions and choose the paths to follow, the people of this planet will choose ascension or not.
It won’t be you who will bring about their ascension. The choices will be theirs, as yours were a while ago. So just see yourselves as beings who are a little bit more evolved at this time and who are aware of numerous truths. That is all. Do not consider yourself to be more important than anyone else, because you are not. All of you are physically and mentally identical to the rest of the inhabitants of this planet. Nobody is superior to the other. So gather your egos and stop acting like you’re the world’s saviors. None of you will be a superhero.
You’ll just be that lighted hut in the middle of the desert, where everyone who needs a path will see this very brightly lit hut. And when they get there, they’ll be surprised, because there will be just one illuminating the whole hut. And they’ll have faith in you and they’ll ask, “Which path shall I follow?” and the only answer to be given is, “Listen to your heart. My heart has brought me here, so listen to yours.” How to listen to the heart? By connecting with mother earth, connecting with the High, allowing one’s Higher Self to take the reins of the path. This is the answer. There is no other.
Many will remain in the vicinity of that Light, because they will feel that there is a sympathetic ear, there is an evolved, expanded mind that might solve some doubts. But never ever, at any time, show them the way. The path will be their own choice: ascend or not. Accept everything they learn and understand, or rebel and desire to keep living their lives as they are, believing in nothing. Many will come to you with hatred, with revolt, and will attack you. What to do at a time like this? Simply surrender your walk to your guides and masters, they’ll know what to do.
Now, let it be very clear to all of you, that you will attract what you emanate. Those who emanate Unconditional Love will never attract rebellion or contestation, because their energies will repel that kind of energy. Now, if you don’t effectively place yourselves as Pillars of Light and enter into the planet’s frequency, that is what you will attract; more of the same.
So, whoever thinks he is a Pillar of Light, be one; act like one. No ego, no superiority. Just think that you have become a firefly and that you have a little light inside your body that is capable of illuminating a large hut. That’s all. How did you get that little light? By your own walk. That’s not why you’re smarter or better than anyone. You’re just like everyone else, except for one thing: you have a little light that illuminates that hut.