Lanto – Cover Yourself with My Golden Yellow Light

Dear Brothers of Planet Earth! I AM LANTO!

Being here once more is a cause for joy and peace in my heart. The moment on your planet is disturbing; these are the last moments of domination and submission tempted by the beings of this planet. We are here one more time to help you stay away from this entire process. What’s the big deal now?

Don’t take sides with anyone; no one is correct. Don’t wonder who is Light and who is not Light; it doesn’t matter. The point is, right now, only the Light will reign on this planet. That’s all that matters. So don’t wonder, don’t take sides, and don’t fight for “A” or “B.” Just focus on the Light that will exist on this planet and will fully penetrate this planet in a while, in a short time.

There is no labeling. There are no choosing sides. For this time, If one of the choices were excellent, we would have done something about it by now. So what to expect from this great moment on the planet? Pray for the Light to act and reach this planet as quickly as possible. Because it will win. It has already done so, but it must completely decimate all who are still negatively manipulating the energy of this planet. So many things still have to happen; humans have yet to learn how to choose.

The human race must stop getting deceived and being deluded too easily. You get carried away by pretty words. You get carried away with promises that will be good for you but not for the Whole. Rarely any of you think of the Whole. Most think only of themselves, so they always make bad choices.

You’ve been making bad choices for some time now. Then the time will come for you to choose the outcome of those choices so that you learn to observe everything with your heart, not your spirit or self-interest. Learn to look at the Whole, your brothers, sisters, and the planet. Listen to what is said between the lines.

I’ve said all along that wisdom isn’t intelligence. To be wise is to understand, comprehend, and draw from every teaching, whatever it has to be learned. But, unfortunately, not all people can do that, even the smartest. So there is still a learning period, which won’t last a very long time, but it has to happen to learn and understanding the choices being made.

Light will prevail as soon as the human race understands their choices, and all domination will cease. I can only tell you that this process won’t take long and will be very brief because we no longer have time to wait for you to learn. We have already allowed much time for learning, and most don’t care about what was taught.

So it must be demonstrated and taught to those with conscience and wisdom. For the others, nothing will change since they are oblivious to anything. We’ll arrive all at once, bringing the Light and the New World to this planet. The reign of the Non-Light will cease altogether. Then those who are unaware of everything today will open their eyes, see the truth, and hear what is said. Those who choose not to listen, not to take part, will be separated from the wheat.

It’ll take a long time, and it’ll not be fast because the learning speed of the great humanity won’t be the same as yours, whose souls are evolved. This is a slow and very intensive learning process for them to assimilate and choose to evolve. You’ll be on another plane, vibration, and path moving towards everyone’s ascension into their own time.

And the day will no doubt come when all the tares will be separated from the wheat, and the remaining wheat will be elevated to the Fifth Dimension. And Gaia will live only in the Fifth Dimension. This scenario awaits us, but there is no way to live tomorrow; we have to live in the now. So we are here to help you stay protected during the night.

Today is my day. After you put the glass filled with water, say: “Master Lanto! Energize this water with your Golden Yellow Light”, then I will do it. And you’ll have protection throughout your sleep. In the morning, the water has to be discarded. Whenever you want or need a quantum of extra energy in your bodies and hearts, ask, “Master Lanto! Cover me with your Golden Yellow ray.” And I will.

Rest assured, we’re all here, just a word away. We are not far off. We are immediately beside you. So all you have to do is ask for our help.

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