Lanto – Fighting Imbalance and Exchanging Gifts

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM LANTO!

I stand here often, working my golden-yellow light and searching my heart for something I can bring to you, to increase the Light, to increase the wisdom, to increase this wonderful will to evolve. 

No, don’t think that we don’t plan, that we don’t create. Yes, we often plan. We just have a slightly greater facility for creating each thing. And to think in a very macro way; in a way that encompasses the Whole. This is very easy for us. But we always have to bring something that’s interesting. Bringing things that don’t bring joy, that don’t bring Love, that don’t translate into Light, doesn’t do you much good on your journey. 

Throughout this time, we have given you many gifts; we have given you support; we have given you many tools, many weapons of Light. This is wonderful, because you can choose between each one of them, the one that is most suitable for each process, for each moment. 

A while ago I left you a little box, a magic box. And many people have used this box. And I see that they use it with a lot of love, a lot of dedication. This is wonderful. My ray, the Golden-Yellow Ray, always brings wisdom, but it also has the property of bringing prosperity. Yes, prosperity is not something that concerns me very much, because there are beings who are suitable to talk about it. But the golden-yellow color itself is reminiscent of gold. And gold is a metal of prosperity, it’s a Divine metal, it’s a metal that you will use abundantly in the future. 

So I would say to you that I have created something very interesting. I tried to combine these two properties: wisdom and prosperity. Prosperity is always something that is closely linked to balance; to will, to confidence. You often complain a lot about this area of your life, but I would say that these complaints are unfounded, because you deserve what you go through.

There’s a certain lack of control, imposed by your society, encouraged by your society, fed day after day by the news, by the Internet. So you just get carried away. But you’re not such little children that you’re not aware of what you’re doing. Many of you get caught up in unnecessary purchases, unnecessary spending. And then you cry out to heaven for help to pay off all the commitments you’ve made. 

Yes, my brothers, I would say that everything is a wheel in which you feed the imbalance. This is the great truth. You constantly feed your own imbalance. That’s why there is often no abundance. That’s why there is often no abundance of the energy of money in your hands. 

The energy of money comes easily when there is balance. But not just balance in spending. There needs to be balance in the mind, in the way you live, in the way you think, in the way you act. There needs to be a complete balance. And then I tell you, and I assure you, abundance will easily flow into your life. 

The great thing here is that finding this balance, in a sea of appeals, I recognize is not easy. You would have to live in a different system. In a minimalist system, where you only need to buy what you need to eat

or something to protect you, nothing more. But then I’d be asking a lot, wouldn’t I? You giving up so many comforts? Hmm. That really wouldn’t work. I don’t think I’d achieve much. You’d stop listening to me pretty quickly. 

But what I bring here today, I always like to remind you, is nothing magical. It’s not salvation. I’m not bringing you interest-free loans or loans that you don’t have to pay back. I’m just bringing you a way of reaching balance, or at least trying to. So that abundance can begin to manifest. It’s important that you learn to create your own things. To attract what is necessary for your path; what is important for you to have happen so that you can enter into total balance. 

So, my brothers, the thought of asking you to buy gold coins is really out of the question. Because in your world this metal is very expensive. And it’s not easy to get them. So, let’s imagine that you’re going to take seven pieces of any crystal. No, no, there isn’t a specific crystal, because the crystal has the property of doing what you ask it to do. It has its own function, which is inherent in its nature; yes, but if you give it another function, it will fully fulfill it. 

So you’re going to take seven small stones. They wouldn’t be big stones; they’re small stones. It’s not the size of the stone that will influence what you get. Look at the greed! So you’re going to get seven small stones of any crystal. Put them in water, in filtered water. If you want to put them in mineral water, you can too. An ordinary glass, a simple glass that doesn’t need to be new. You will place these crystals in this water and leave them in the sunlight for one hour.

There needs to be sunlight, not that soft light; the ray of the sun needs to carry these crystals. So do this little ritual on a sunny day. After the crystals have been bathed in the sun, you’ll take the water out and do the following. Each day, you will take out a stone and say the following: “This stone represents my financial imbalance. And I remove it from my life.” 

Simple, isn’t it? Take the stone out and leave it on the side of the glass. And you will repeat this for seven days, one stone each day. If you forget, no problem, do it the day you remember. The important thing is that you start removing the stones from the glass. Oh, but that’s… will it work? It’s very simple!” Well, that’s the big question. You think that everything needs to have a lot of words; it needs to have a lot of actions. No. What matters is the heart, what matters is what you’re asking for. And of course this little ritual was created by me. 

So I will be there in the Light of the Sun, in the golden-yellow light of the Sun, energizing each stone. I created it, so my energy will be there. But you don’t need to call me, because I know my functions. Everything we create has our energy. So you don’t need to call or be with us for it to work. You just have to do it. 

So do this little ritual. “Oh, how many times can I do it?” As many times as you like, always doing the following: have you finished the seven stones? Put them back in the water and leave them in the sun for an hour. Then you can resume the ritual. It’s quite simple, isn’t it? Ah, but I would say to you that if you do it with faith, with trust, it will work. It will eliminate the imbalance. 

You see, my brothers, I’m not saying that you’ll pay off your debts. I’m not saying that money will appear out of nowhere for you to pay off everything. I’m removing the imbalance. And what is removing imbalance? It’s attracting abundance, attracting prosperity, because they only arrive in balance. As long as there is imbalance, they won’t arrive. 

So I’m helping you not to have imbalance. It’s a way for me to bring you another gift. We love bringing you gifts. We love helping you to stay more in balance. Now, there’s no point in you doing this whole ritual for a whole year and continuing to spend, to buy unnecessarily; because the ritual will take away the imbalance and you will feed it.

Then, as you say, it will be zero to zero, nothing will happen and don’t blame me later for it not working. You have to do your part. Try to pay off your debts little by little before making new ones. Only buy what you need. Stop consuming what you don’t need. Learn to live with little. Learn to live with only what you need. 

Try it out. Try living like this for a while, doing the ritual. And you’ll see how the feeling that what you have in your hands will multiply will happen for you. Try it. If it doesn’t work, you’ve tried and I’ll applaud you. But it will work, as long as you do your part. My brothers and sisters, you need to control yourselves. You need to be able to look at a store, look at the products, and not buy; just for the sake of buying, for the sake of having. And often keep it in the drawer because you won’t use it. 

Only buy what you will actually use. Don’t buy just to have, to show off, to have the feeling of having. Buy if you’re going to use it. But you don’t have to have several of each thing either. Have what is enough. Learn to live with little. Let go of this consumerism. Let go of this whole process that you’ve been taught.

You’re in a time of exchanging gifts, where many people buy presents without knowing if the other person will use them. And that will be one more object that you will be contributing to the other person leaving in the drawer or putting away. Do you want to give a gift? Give things that people will use. “Oh, but I don’t know!” Find something. Look for the person’s tastes, something they like and will actually use. 

Learn to give gifts. Gifts are not something you give to someone to keep. They won’t even remember that you gave it to them. A gift is given so that the person uses it; so that they have a chance to use it. Sometimes even something they’ll never be able to buy and they’ll be extremely grateful to have that experience. But they will be using it, not keeping it. And they’ll always remember: “Oh, one day I got what I wanted so much, I used every last bit of it.” And that will be a fabulous memory. Better than opening the drawer…” Wow, there’s so much stuff here that I don’t use. All gifts.”

What good was your present? You didn’t take the time, care or attention to see what the person really likes or needs. You bought what you wanted. Look at the ego. It’s not your gift, it’s someone else’s. So buy what the other person needs or likes. “Oh, but I don’t know the person!” So don’t give them anything physical. Give them something, a chance to choose a gift. I assure you, you’ll be doing the best thing for her, because you haven’t contributed to something she’ll keep without using. 

Be smart. Exchanging gifts has been going on for a long time. It’s something old. And something, I would say, pleasurable, very interesting and very good. But be careful what you give. Have Love when buying a gift, but Love for the other person, not for yourself. “Oh, but I can’t afford expensive presents” Give a flower, a rose. I guarantee that the person will appreciate it more than getting something to put in the drawer.

Who doesn’t like flowers? “Ah, but you shouldn’t pluck flowers.” It depends. You’re giving a gift. And that flower, with that fairy, will have all the feeling of Love, for being used, for such a beautiful gesture. Of course, you’re not going to pluck all the flowers on the planet. But if a flower is given with Love, the fairies will clap their hands. And the flower itself emanates all its light energy to whoever receives it. 

Yes, my brothers, you still have a lot to learn. Nothing is so straight, nothing is so closed. Everything has its own way. So be intelligent, exchange gifts. But above all, exchange Love.

Translated by: Leticia Balbino

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