Lanto – Journey of Forgiveness – Sixth Round

Dear brothers and sisters of the planet Earth! I AM LANTO!

It is with much joy and light that I am here again for one more round of this Journey of Forgiveness. I have observed many of you; the walk on this journey hasn’t been easy. Some of you have stopped along the way, feeling powerless, not opening your hearts wide enough to take a step forward. I have repeated it here many times: to be intelligent isn’t to be wise. You are intelligent, but when it comes to applying wisdom, you fail because wisdom comes from the heart, from the soul.

The question we hear most often, all of us, is: “Why can’t I do it? Why can’t I do what is asked? “I would say that the question is already wrong in the first place because you can do it, and everyone can do it. So the fundamental point here is what’s inside the heart, what’s being emanated. And I’ll say it, and I’ll repeat it: you don’t want to go on, and this unwillingness brings you this “I can’t do it.”

All souls are born identical in power as if it’s a standard for all souls. Some like to use their own powers, no matter if they often misuse them, but they do. Others are absurdly afraid of making a mistake, so they don’t use them. What position do you stand on? I would say in the second place because to succeed, of course, you can achieve, but you don’t want to for fear of what you’ll see, feel, and be free from.

There’re many limiting beliefs in many of you. Many are moving forward, but deep down, you don’t believe in anything that’s been done. You question, you don’t accept; deep down, it’s wrong, not right. And you wonder why you can’t do it? So do an exercise: go in front of a mirror and look into your eyes; ask yourself: “How do I really feel about what I want but can’t get?”

Let your heart speak, no matter what it says, no matter if you find that you don’t believe in any of it, so you don’t want to do it. It doesn’t matter if you’re afraid of what’s coming up ahead or what the answer will be; what matters is that you will learn exactly why you “can’t do it.”

Many of you are on a road, and there’s an obstacle. Many of you try to get around the obstacle. You don’t want to do anything about it; you want to pass and continue your journey. Many of you are trying to destroy the barrier and don’t even know why it’s there. Sometimes you succeed, sometimes you fail, in breaking that obstacle. And some sit down, look at the obstacle, and ask, “But how did it get there? What do I need to learn from this obstacle? What’s it trying to tell me?”

Which of these three options is the best? It’s the third option, I would say. It’s not only the best; it’s the right one. Because no obstacle appears before you, out of nowhere, to teach you nothing, just to get in your way. There’s no such thing. Every obstacle has a foundation, a why, and a purpose. If you simply try to go through it, you can even succeed, but down the road, that same obstacle will come back with full strength. Whoever broke the barrier and crossed, in a way, even managed to move forward. Still, the obstacle will also come back because it was destroyed but not understood.

Stop playing the victim: “Oh, I can’t do it because it’s difficult!” No, it isn’t tricky, and you can do it. You just have to face it and ask, “What are you trying to teach me? What can I learn from this obstacle? The day you open your heart and hear the answer, however painful it may be, you’ll succeed. Because you’ve opened up to hearing the truth, you haven’t let your ego lead your way because it’s the ego saying, “No, you can’t do it. Give it up!” Only that obstacle will keep coming back in your life until one day you decide to look at it. And each time it comes back, it comes back stronger.

So why not destroy it now? This is wise. It is known that the sooner you destroy an obstacle, the easier it is to kill. The more you refuse to see it, the stronger it gets. What do you choose? So let’s stop with this “I can’t!” The correct phrase is, “I don’t want to see the obstacle.” That is the correct phrase. “There’s an obstacle in my way, but I don’t want to see it”; perfect, that’s the sentence. It’s not “I can’t.”

It’s not by being a victim, “Oh, I can’t do it,” that you’re going to get out of your position. On the contrary, you will fall further and further behind the others. Is that what you want? Well, it’s all about choices. Make your own. If you want to sit there and cry because you don’t want to look the problem in the face, that’s fine. Now up ahead, you’ll have to take a look at it. That’s if you want to reach the realm of the Fifth Dimension. Because if you don’t, that’s alright too. It’s your choice.

You don’t realize what’s happening. The waste of time that you’re causing yourselves just by not wanting to see what’s so crystal clear in front of you to see. But it’s all choices, and with each option, a pathway for sure. I can only advise each and every one of you to stop this rhetoric. At this point in your journey, there’s no more “I can’t.” Understand that. There is, “I don’t want to see what’s ahead.” That is all there is. The day you get the courage to see what’s in front of you, you will achieve anything.

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