Lanto – What is Happiness?

Dear brothers and sisters of this beautiful planet! I AM LANTO!

It seems repetitive to some to repeat again and again that we are grateful to be here and able to pass on these teachings. For a long time, our voices were silenced. And now we can bring all this manna of knowledge to each of you.

Today, I would like to comment on a feeling that you call Happiness. So many try to find a description of what Happiness is. So let me go back a little in time. There was a time when your souls only vibrated with Light; there was no suffering, no duality, and the world was perfect and balanced. Could we call this Happiness? Perhaps. Many would call it boredom and calm because nothing surprising happened; not how you know it today, because much was done.

Every day brings a new discovery for everyone’s well-being. The scientists of that time never stopped. The priests were always in contact with the Highest to bring balance to everyone around them. So, I could say that Happiness was there because, as many understand it, Happiness is a set of feelings such as joy, harmony, abundance, plenty, and love. So this is it. There was a lot of it. So we could say that Happiness was there.

And why was all this broken? Why did this planet let itself be embarked on a situation that brought you to where you are today? What happened? I would say that all souls are born perfect, perfect, I say, within the consciousness of Father/Mother God. But each soul is a thinking being, and as such, they make their own decisions. We are not being manipulated by our Father/Mother God to do exactly what he wants. I would not call this free will, as you have. I would call it the ability to choose what to eat and do, where some feelings, not entirely adapted to Happiness, began to appear.

Then the whole process on this planet began. The opportunity was brought to it for a great project. The project of letting each really have free will; they could choose to remain in the Light or not; vibrate feelings that are incompatible with the Light. And then the rest of the story you already know. So I ask again: What is Happiness? It’s something boring, something tedious that has brought different feelings to those people who reigned here in the past over time. Is that what Happiness brings?

What is Happiness? Is it a moment? Is it a set of moments? There is no exact definition of what it actually is. So I’ll go back again to the beginning. Each soul is born with the balance of Father/Mother God. The soul needs to go through many adventures, through many processes, to evolve or not. So what is the goal of every soul? To constantly evolve toward the Light, toward higher and higher dimensions.

And with each step in this evolution, what changes? The balance, the ability to remain whole, regardless of what comes around or what needs to be experienced, changes. This is evolution; this is being a Being of Light. All of us, Ascended Masters, myself included, were once humans. We lived on the planet’s surface and went through all the processes you also go through. And on our way, each one, in their own way, has been searching for Happiness. That joy in the heart allowed them to look around without being shaken, neither experiencing that negative feeling. To look at everything with love, awareness, and wisdom. Understanding each movement of the surroundings is a lesson to be learned, accepting and learning from this lesson, and being extremely happy to have this awareness at the end.

So what is Happiness? It’s seeking balance, ascension, and results. Then many may say, “But I don’t have all that, and I am happy sometimes.” And I tell you that sometimes when you feel happy, it is because you have started to look at your surroundings with much love. You were contained in a context of pure love and joy. Your joy was so great that you forgot about everything else. You started to look at everything else in the world with the eyes of love, so you felt delighted. Then I’ll ask you how long that Happiness lasts. And many will reply, “It was fast.” Exactly, because it was an instant.

At that moment, you managed to raise your vibration of joy, love, and Happiness to the point of feeling that way. When all that fades away, it’s as if Happiness is gone; it was just an instant. So what is Happiness? Does Happiness mean having something to eat, somewhere to live, a good job, and a perfect family? No, not for the most part, but having a family is. But will you feel happy all the time, or will there be days when you wake up tired of all that, the routine, the sameness necessary for you to have everything I’ve talked about?

So that you can have a large table, a place to live, keep a job, and provide for your family and your children. Then on that day, you don’t feel happy. You feel tired. Often you feel like throwing everything up in the air and running, digging a hole and staying there quietly, and seeing if anyone forgets you. You also forget every need you have.

So, what is Happiness? It is to seek this point of balance. Nobody is happy 100% of the time. Because even those with no need, who do not have to work, have everything at hand, there are days when they feel bored, precisely because they have nothing to do. And I would say that many feel more bored than those with nothing. Because they are empty, they haven’t built anything.

So what is Happiness? Is it to have everything, nothing, and worry about nothing? But then not having anything is not being able to afford it, not having food, not being able to help your family. No, this is not Happiness. To have everything and nothing at the same time is not Happiness. So what are you looking for? You seek all this, but will all that you seek bring Happiness?

Many seek fame and notoriety and lose freedom. Is this Happiness? Many seek love, that ephemeral love, love of each day. Is this Happiness? Some find love, but are you happy 100% of the time? Does that other person next to you complete you 100% of the time? I would say no. Someone is diminished if that other person completes you 100% of the time, lacking willpower and being subservient to please the other person 100%. Is this Happiness?

Are you completely satisfied at the expense of the other person’s uniqueness? No, that is selfishness. Then where is Happiness? Please note there is no single answer. There is no little pot of gold that you will get hold of and bring Happiness forever into your lives. So I can tell you that the most incredible wisdom is to seek balance. This word is so widely used and so little lived. Because when you are in balance, you have bad moments, but you also have excellent moments that will help you forget the bad moments. You will be able to continue on your way. You will have a companion who will not be a doll by your side but another being who will teach you many things while also learning many things from you, and vice versa.

Then you will grow with that other being. That is balance. Ah, but there will be the day when you fight and disagree on specific issues. That’s great; it’s a sign that everyone still has their own individuality, that they haven’t been carried away by each other’s thoughts and ways of thinking. And how to reach a consensus? With balance, each gives in a little on their opinion. Still, no one erases their own idea, getting a middle ground. So where is Happiness? It is in the balance. Because when you have equilibrium, you are happy because you have the wisdom to deal with any problem resulting from love.

As for understanding, there is a lesson to be learned and aware of. And there, you gain knowledge, become wiser, and in the future, when the same thing happens, you will say, “No, I won’t fall for that anymore. I’ve learned it.” Because your wisdom brought it to you, you will be happy at that moment because you will not allow yourself to experience that problem again. So what is Happiness?

It’s to seek balance; it’s to strive not to be happy alone but to be happy with the Whole. It doesn’t matter what this Whole is. Try to take each bad thing as a lesson for great learning later. What is Happiness? It’s looking for joy in every little thing, a little gesture, a kid’s smile, every hug, and on a perfect day, you give or receive. This sounds silly, but it makes the days of many much better. To emanate joy and love is to change your world, to create that wave that spreads around you. And if it meets someone vibrating in the same range, another wave is formed. How many waves will form? How much joy and Happiness did you spread that day?

So in closing, I would just say this: What is Happiness? Happiness is not complaining, judging, criticizing others, or looking at everything with a look of sadness, anger, or pity towards oneself. Instead, it’s to look at everything with love. When you look at everything with love, you become happy for several reasons: for the wisdom, you will gain, for not emanating negative feelings, and for helping spread love energy. So what is Happiness?

It is to look to heaven and be grateful to Father/Mother God for having all this consciousness. It’s to be grateful to be alive. Ah, but you are sick, and what is this sickness trying to show you? Have you ever asked yourself that question? This is an essential learning experience. Do you want to learn or not? It depends on your answer to why you have this disease. Be grateful that it is trying to teach you something. It will never go away if you can’t see the condition this way. It will continue to be there, hitting you harder because you don’t see it as a lesson but as a burden, which will become increasingly burdensome.

So what is Happiness? It’s to look with the eyes of love at anything, at everything, at the Whole. No matter what it is, everything has to be looked at with love. And then, can I assure you that you will find Happiness? I cannot guarantee that, but I can guarantee that you will be in balance. And who knows, maybe this balance will be so strong and powerful that you will not find Happiness?

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