Dear brothers of the planet Earth! I AM LANTO!
My heart brings joy and a little peace to everyone’s heart. Believe me, my brothers, long ago, it was said that times would be challenging, but this cannot be the reason for outlining one’s day. You must see the Light and the sun shining on the horizon. If you see only pain, suffering, and imbalance, that is what you will have. For everything you put your focus on, it takes shape in the universe creating the egregores that you already know. This is not the time to focus on problems but on Light, hope, Love, and the evolution of your planet.
My brothers, you have spent too much time as puppets, being controlled like those little toys where strings manipulate the body and simulate what is said. You have been commanded for too long and learned so many wrong things. So many things have led your planet to be what it is and where it is today. The time of manipulation is coming to an end. The beings who kept control over your minds are still on the planet. Still, their minds no longer contain anything that allows them to control anything or anybody. The Light has already eliminated everything and burned out all those forms of control. So everybody is now thinking with their minds.
Don’t believe that Matrix still controls you. Today I can tell you that what you see and hear controls you, nothing more. And, of course, the things you see or hear always keep you under the leash of fear, stuck to so many prejudices and useless rules. But, on the other hand, the Light is on the planet and brings change and wisdom as it penetrates your mind, for it clears and illuminates. And those thoughts that are incompatible with the Light start to bother you and become very present, and many of you do not like what you think or feel.
If you stopped and analyzed this whole process and found a new path, accepted that it was a mistake, and took new tracks, you would be taking the first step toward evolution. The big problem in your world today is the ego; the ego has been exacerbated, overcoming feelings, and exceeding Love. Because each one is right and thinks correctly, each one determines what the other will do without asking if this is correct. There is no room in your mind for the slight possibility that you are doing something wrong. But what is feeding this ego? This negative mass out there still controls you by each one’s ego.
It makes you see that you are superior and are right. You are perfect, and everybody else is mistaken because your way of thinking is the right way. So you don’t see the truth; you never admit or will admit that you might be inaccurate because the ego is too inflated. That way, you only feed this mass and never let it diminish. But that is what it is there for, to provide the ego and everything negative that comes from that: The ego for power, the power for power, the ego of stubbornness, the ego of thinking only of yourself, the ego of not respecting the rights of others, the ego of fighting for something that you believe is right, but you don’t stop to think that it might not be.
You allow yourself to be controlled, not by chips, implants, or anything remaining in your mind. You are held because you like what you are doing and you agree with everything you are doing. So let’s also not blame the negative mass. Why are there many who don’t let themselves be controlled by this mass? Because they shut their ego up long ago and are observing and forgiving others and themselves. Discovering that they have made so many mistakes that they no longer make. But you who are there with your whole ego are not allowed to do that yourself because your ego only allows you to abandon some of your ideas. After all, they are the right ones.
So don’t blame anyone outside. We always say here that evil enters when the door is open. So if you vibrate in the same frequency as this negative mass, you go along with it, agree with it, live what it teaches you, and live what it determines. Many do not want to see that the mass determines the prejudice, and you become prejudiced, but you don’t admit it. But deep down, deep in your heart, you clap your hands for the discrimination. So you agree with the mass; the mass determines that you should judge the other. But you don’t show it, but deep down in your heart, you judge and condemn. The mass determines that you separate people by color, race, sexual or religious option.
But you don’t say that. You demonstrate neutrality, but deep down in your heart, you are in agreement with it all, you agree. So you give blessing to the mass because that is how this negative mass vibrates, separation. And everything that separates brings violence. When you separate, you don’t accept the other; in doing that, you don’t welcome the other, and the difference becomes your enemy; thus, violence arrives. So there is no way you can think like the mass and say you are not inside it. Any thought that agrees with it determines what pulls you into it. There is no way. “Ah, but I’m not in it.” You are. Any thought that corresponds to anything other than Love pulls you into that mass.
That’s what many don’t want to understand. That’s what many don’t accept. “No, I am not. I am fully evolved. I am not within this mass.” But you are prejudiced and don’t respect the other’s limits. You judge the other. This is not the role of one trying to follow the path of Light. Looking in the mirror is hard. It’s tough to admit what you don’t want to admit. It’s like we’ve been saying; there is a thin line between one side and the other, and you can’t stand with one foot on one side and the other foot on the other side. You have to make a choice, half here, half there. You can’t, and your choice has to be: I’m going to follow the path of Light, which means to emanate only Love. I’m not going to repeat here all that it means to emanate Love. Anything other than the emanation of Love falls on the other side, falls within this mass.
It’s hard to admit that, I recognize that, but the vast majority are doing that. Many of you never admit it and keep saying -“No, I’m following the path of Light. I’m on the path of Light.” But you act like someone who is not because the ego won’t let you see. It is too huge to admit that you think just like that mass. So my brothers, stop justifying yourself and trying to make others believe the path you have chosen because you are deceiving others. Deep down, you are deceiving yourself. Now in the spiritual context, you are not fooling anyone. You have made your choice. You are only making it up, which is not suitable for you. Because you are not being authentic, and he who is not true is not on the path of Light.
Now let something be obvious here: When I say that you are not on the path of Light, I am not stating that you are non-Light, don’t confuse things. To be non-Light is something else, something intense and heavy. What I am saying is that you are within the mass. You are there in the middle of it, being fed by it. Is it a negative mass? Yes. Everything without Love is negative. Now, which path will you choose in a while? That is up to you. Each one has the power of choice to continue feeding this mass or to try to get out of it. But to truly get out, not only on the outside. Because nothing changes your walk, showing something that you do not make your walk, you have to be honest.
That is difficult for most of you who label yourselves on the path of Light. But you are one foot inside that great mass by prejudice, judgment, separation, beliefs, and many things. So how do you get out of all that? It’s up to each one of you. Our hands are outstretched, all you have to do is ask for our help, and we will help you get out of it. Now you have to want to change. You have to want to change. You must desire everything in your heart that was keeping you in the middle of the masses to be stopped, or at least admit that you have to change and have new ideas and concepts. Then I will tell you that you will be on the path of evolution, the path of Light. Otherwise, you are still there among the masses without growth.
Is it sad? It is regrettable, but nothing happens by chance, my brothers and sisters, and all this mass only exists because many vibrate with it. It could even try to live, but it would be so small if everyone emanated only with Love. It would have no strength and would dissolve itself. It only exists because you feed it. So there is nothing to do. It is up to each of you, but don’t forget, nothing is lost, there is no ground zero up ahead, and the path is still open. You have to choose to walk on it. And we will always be here, available; you have to ask us. Now the most important thing at this moment is: Look in the mirror and identify precisely where you are. But without ego, with truth, leave the ego out of the mirror and see where you are.
Are you walking towards the Light, towards evolution, or are you walking on the same path you have always walked? Many of you will come to your senses and accept that you have been fooling yourselves when you have that answer. You have been deceiving yourselves for so long that you were never on that path to the Fifth Dimension. It was all just a shell, makeup, not a true heart.