Maitreya – Emanate Only Love and Light to your World

Dear brothers of this beautiful planet! I AM MAITREYA!

It is with great joy that I come here to bring my energy and Love to each of you. The walk is not easy. It seems that each day the obstacles grow bigger and more difficult to overcome and it is not only an impression. At each step ahead in the walk to ascension, the road becomes more difficult with much more obstacles than those you had until now.

Lessons, teachings come back, attitudes and results are demanded. You may ask: demanded? Yes, demanded by the Universe because you are facing each point and obstacle that you contributed to, the energy was emanated and must be corrected. It useless to revolt and get angry. The lesson must be learned, understood. There is nothing to do in general, each of you receives a different energy, resulting from what you emanted. There is not a general formula that fits all.

You must understand that your world is very disturbed since everything came to light. It is as if enormous winds had swept the planet and stirred up dust. Now you must live with this dust around. There is no way to hide the dust from everybody. The dirt you accumulated is coming out, it does not hide itself anymore.

Therefore, it seems that everything is getting worst and out of control. This is not true, everything was there all the time but it was masked, hidden and you saw what was permitted to see. Today, everything is around, there are no carpets anymore, there is no place to hide anything. So, living in this much unbalanced world is and will be increasingly a challenge to overcome each day.

How do you live together with all of this? Emanating Love. Nothing more. Wish Light, send Light, emanate Light always. Emanate Light in any situation that you see, know or come to your knowledge. Do not comment nor judge, don’t do anything that may come back to you. Any judgment will come back to you. So, just emanate Light and Love to that situation.

In this way, you will overcome smoothly all that is still to come. You cannot get involved in every conflict that appears. Always emanate Love and Light and the case will get solved but not in your world, not at your vibration level. Instead the solution will come where the situation was created. Maybe it won’t get solved but you were not affected at your vibration level, nor was harmed by it because you emanated Love and Light.

So, this is my contribution to this walk:

“Light illuminates all.

Light reveals everything.

There is no way to hide from Light.

Involve in light every dark point you find.

This is your action.

Every time you involve something of low vibration with Love and Light you will contribute for your walk of ascension.”

Always remember, emanate only Love and Light. Do not comment, judge or criticize, neither connect with that energy. When the energy of low vibration comes, emanate Love and Light and it will return to where it came from. Do not connect with the energies you don’t want to live.

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