Maitreya – Help Your Brothers by Sending Love and Light

Dear Brothers and Sisters of the Planet Earth! I AM MAITREYA!

I’ll be with you more often, extending our connection. We’re all together. Our assignments aren’t isolated, where each one does work without interacting with the work of the others. We’re all acting in the same focus for the same purpose, each using our strength and way of working.

We are preparing the planet for the Great Awakening; we are preparing all the energies, all the Beings of Light who will be able to elevate the planet’s energy. At this crucial moment, all beings on Earth’s surface will donate energy to restore balance as quickly as possible.

We can’t deny that there will be difficult moments of significant turbulence and great exaltation. Still, the energy on the planet, from each elemental to the crystalline structures, will be involved in this process. We will be all around, forming a great halo of Love and Light energy. All the galactic beings who are already around your planet are together with us.

All forces will come from the bowels of Gaia, such as the crystals, elementals, gnomes, fairies, elves, undines, salamanders, and the elemental dragons that exist on your surface. They will simultaneously be engaged in generating a giant energy field of Love and Light from within the planet towards the outside.

It’s as if you were stepping onto the extraordinarily bright and positive ground. You will then be, all of you, without exception, enveloped by this whole layer of Light and Love that will come from above and below. Of course, those of you who have a pure heart, who already understand all of this process, will receive all of this energy and will calm down in a way you might say is strange. Still, the energy you are vibrating today will cause all this process to pass through you, balancing you even more.

Those not awakened but with a heart of Love and Light will receive this source of positive energy. Without knowing how, they will obtain all of this process in a tranquil way, without much fuss or suffering. Those whose hearts are attacked by fear daily, stuck in their limiting beliefs and everything they have been taught, will also receive this positive charge of Love and Light. Still, they won’t absorb it because their hearts are more focused on these beliefs.

They will emanate much fear, causing a great bubble of energy of low vibration strong enough to prevent the Light and Love coming from above and below from touching their heart. As they get used to the idea, lose fear, and become aware of everything, this fear will dissolve. Then, the Light will also invade their bodies until the point when their hearts will be converted. So, they will be as enlightened and pure as you, not in the same frequency because you are higher. Still, they will be in a frequency of Light.

Those whose hearts are already black won’t accept anything. On the contrary, they will incite actions to bring more imbalance to the planet, involving those people full of fear so that they emanate more fear. Unfortunately, this will be the vast majority. So what action to take? Receive this wave of Light and Love and simply return it to the environment; emanate Love.

You can make groups and send energies to the planet every hour. This will be very important and interesting that you, who have all of this consciousness, emanate Light and Love towards the Earth, but not towards the planet Gaia, towards your brothers and sisters. So you must imagine the balance and Love on the planet’s surface, involving each brother without exception. This is a perfect attitude and will help the Light on the surface to increase more and more.

And those who have the weapons to incite fear will see themselves wrapped up in Love and Light. Their voices are not echoed, ideas are not propagated, and their actions are not multiplied. Therefore, begin to plan. Small groups will emanate Light and Love for all the brothers on the planet. This will be fundamental, and I tell you that this will be the only thing you do. Keep yourselves isolated from any and all discussion, despair, or arguing. Don’t answer anything, for you won’t be heard.

Emanate only Love and Light. Wrap your family members and non-awakened ones in Love and Light so that all that energy fostered by those without Light doesn’t reach them. They only live their fears and don’t need them to be magnified. This will be your role. Do not try to explain, do not try to impose ideas, do not try to say anything; you have learned much over time, each in their own time.

Many even today still contest some things because they haven’t understood. So how can you expect people who have never heard of anything, in minutes or hours, to learn everything, accept everything, and agree with everything? Don’t try to teach them anything. The Great Awakening will open everyone’s consciousness. They won’t remain inert as they are today. The Light that will arrive intensely will cause their minds to open, and many truths will be placed there, even if they are not said.

This will make them think about it, not just listen without an opinion. But you won’t be the one to teach. If you are asked something, just answer: “Learn in your own time. Open your heart to the Light; you will learn in your own time.” I know that for many, this will be difficult because many like to impose their ideas. They want to force people to think as they do. It will be terrible for you and them because you will not understand each other, and you may even harm understanding more than help.

Then you won’t be the teachers. Everything will reach everyone, and I would add that you will also learn a lot. Today you say you are awake and know a lot, but you know almost nothing. So, everyone will learn, including you. And it’s through this learning process that the earth race’s evolution will occur. With everything said, each can choose the path to follow, determine the chaff, or select the wheat. Nothing will be imposed.

So don’t impose ideas on anyone. And if someone you love very much turns to you and says: “I don’t believe in any of this. I want to go my own way”; you may suffer, but it’s her choice. It’s a choice of that soul. Don’t try to change it. Ask for help so that we can applaud your suffering, but do nothing because it’s not you who will change a soul.

Each soul thinks how it wants to. Consequently, the human consciousness represents the soul. So be ready to learn and consider how you will do it to emanate Light and Love every hour, for instance, for all the brothers on the planet. If you wish to begin today, it will be perfect because you will already be creating a great egregore of Light and Love on the surface of the planet. So, make an appointment every hour. All those who can in that hour send Love and Light. And how will you do this? There’s no rule, no meditation, no recipe. Each of you will do it from your heart.

Those who emanate energy do it; those who do not emanate energy in any technique emanate your own Love and Light. See your brothers wrapped in Love and Light. For those who have difficulty thinking, think of the planet and surround it with a great halo of Light. That is enough. Wrap the world in Light and stay as long as you wish: 5 minutes, 10 minutes, one minute, it doesn’t matter. What matters is the intensity of what you’re doing.

Five minutes every hour is not much for you, but it is much for the planet. So start getting used to it. Always do it on the full hour so that everybody does it on the same hour. It doesn’t matter if that hour is different in another place; it is a full hour. So then, stop for a moment at a full hour, wrap the planet in Light, and send all your Love and good thoughts to your brothers and sisters on Earth, without exception. Do not make any exceptions, for then you are not emanating Love, and everyone will receive this Love.

Each of you doing this action, look how many of you can repeat it on the planet and how big a layer of Light you will create. So you can begin today, yes, in your own time, in your own place, in your own way. If you want to combine groups and make processes, that’s fine. The important thing is that you act to help those brothers and sisters who need Light and Love.

Everything is coming together. So be ready. You cannot wait for this to happen before you begin the process. So start today, at any moment, and do what you can. You don’t have to do it 24 times a day because you sleep. Whenever you remember, in a full hour, stop for five minutes and send your energy, send your Love to your brothers and sisters on the planet.

Again, it’s not for Gaia but for your brothers and sisters. We are speaking of human minds, bodies, and souls. These Souls need to have much Love and Light around them to absorb the process most simply and efficiently possible. We above your planet are already doing this. Not every full hour. We are all the time. Not your time, but our time, which is the here and now. Here and now, we are enveloping your planet in Light and Love, and each human is receiving this energy. But do you want to help? Then do your part, each one of you.

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