Maria – Each Soul, Its Choices

Dear Sons and Daughters of Planet Earth, I AM MARY!

My dear sons and daughters, fear nothing and carry no sadness, anger, hatred, or other feelings that lower your vibration. Fear nothing; everything has already been written, everything has already been planned, and nothing is happening for any other reason than being part of this whole process. We know how tough it is to lose loved ones—people you know—for one reason or another. But always remember that every soul has already determined how far it will go and how it will depart.

Look carefully at the sequence of passages that have occurred in recent times. Coincidence, the end of time, as some might call it? No, nothing is a coincidence, nor is it the end of times. It may be the end of times as you know them. But it will be the start of a new journey, a New Time, and a new way of life.

I only say, my sons and daughters, that if you cling to loss, the heart suffers, and increasingly, sadness takes over. The time now is to emanate Light, to think that each set of energy called a soul is wrapped in much Light, so that those souls find the peace and the path they have already chosen before they incarnated.

My sons and daughters, you are being shaken internally in your hearts and minds and externally on your planet. It is as if all those false and dubious castles of cards, which have been put together, have to and will collapse for the truth to come out, for the truth to show itself naked and raw, as you say.

Look at everything, my sons and daughters, with the eyes of your heart; don’t let the ego keep bothering your minds with ideas. – You see, no place is safe anymore; you can die at any moment! Beware, beware, beware! These are some examples of what your ego and mind tell you when something unexpected happens. Don’t allow it. When the mind insists on making you feel fear, say to it, “No, everything happens according to choices; each soul has made his or hers, and it is being fulfilled.”

If you look at everything in this way, your heart will be light, and you will go through all that is yet to come in a balanced and serene manner. Never suffer the suffering of others; it is not the size of the physical body that determines the depth of suffering. All are old souls full of energies that need to be transmuted. The physical body is merely a shell, a garment of limited duration.

Look at everything with Love, with feelings, but with feelings of Light. And trust that every moment, every soul is where it ought to be, to go through whatever it has chosen. Never appeal to God the Father/Mother for reasons, and don’t look to Him with questions as if He is responsible. Human beings can make choices, and they’re not all good, and you know what the choices made in previous lives were.

So don’t place the blame, the will, or the action for what is happening to the people in your world in the hands of Father/Mother God. You are going through an intense process of change, cleansing, and transformation, and each of you will live this process according to your path and what you need to learn.

And let go, let go, let go, forgive, forgive, forgive, ask for forgiveness, ask for forgiveness, ask for forgiveness… But do all this with the heart; without the heart, nothing is worth; nothing is worthwhile. So there must be love and surrender; certainty in everything that has to be done.

My children, we are not here, somewhere in the universe, sitting idle, watching you suffer. Me and any Lightbeing are within reach. All you have to do is think; all you have to do is ask, “Help me through it all!” Immediately, instantly, we will be at your side, giving you strength and showing you how you need to act to get through it all. You simply need to open your heart and let us operate.

Learn, look at your journey, and don’t compare it with your neighbor’s. They are different souls and have different experiences, and just because you are side by side doesn’t mean you’ll face the same challenges. Every person is a soul, and every soul has a plan to be followed.

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