Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM MARY!
Today, some are a little fearful, afraid of what the world is presenting. Others are bored because their wills are not satisfied. Others are undecided because they don’t know what to do. Others are unconnected to the world; they are only concerned about their journeys. Today, I want to bring a little Light to the minds of those who still can’t focus only on their journeys. So often, we are drawing attention, quarreling, or scolding you because you are not following the right path.
HiI do not deny that this is our mission: drawing attention and making you see the path to follow. But at no time do we love you to a lower intensity; at no time do we give up on you; at no time do we put you apart from the others. There is a belief that parents do not love rude children because they bring much discontentment and grief. But is that true? A father and a mother love their son, or daughter, less because of his conduct? Or, on the contrary, will they try to love him even more, to bring him to reason? There’s still a belief that those children that utterly vibrate non-Light don’t have a love of Father/Mother God.
And why don’t they, because they’ve chosen to vibrate non-Love? But they are still Father/Mother God’s children, and Father/Mother God does not punish them. Each one will receive back his choices, the path he has chosen, and the vibration he has chosen. Therefore, for each of you who don’t want, or can’t, or choose not to follow the things we talk about, please do not abandon the journey thinking we have put you aside. We are looking at you much more carefully, trying to place the truth on your path so that you can understand where you are deceiving yourself.
My sons and daughters, the Matrix is cunning. So many times, it puts in front of you exactly what you believe in as if it were reaffirming that your idea, your belief, is correct, and it does that many times. And that’s where it creates doubt within you because we say the glass is complete, and the Matrix says the glass isn’t full; it is empty. And then you doubt, and it is shown several times that the glass is empty. How? The glass is full of water. Water is transparent; therefore, you need to look carefully to see if the empty glass is full of water.
This is the truth. Yet, you will be led to believe that the glass is always empty. You don’t see anything inside it, and then you doubt us. You begin to doubt our guidance and what we say. And the Matrix continues to insist on showing you that the glass is empty, and we, on our side, are showing you it is complete. And then you become confused, not knowing whom to believe.
And why does the Matrix continue to show you it is empty? Because you have doubt, those who have doubt vibrate together with it. And then it controls you and shows you what your ego wants to see. When you believe, it loses strength. It doesn’t have power over you anymore because you believe in us and that the glass is full. My sons and daughters, the moment is delicate. Your world will yet undergo many transformations. There will be much suffering, for you are reaping what you have sown. It’s necessary that learning takes place because, if not, you will repeat the same mistakes further on, and you will end up being removed from the Fifth Dimension.
It’s necessary that you value each life moment, that you learn to find equilibrium in your lives, and that you learn to love. But the right Love, with respect and acceptance, not the Love you proclaim out there… That is absolutely wrong. That Love you sing so much about in your songs is an awful Love, which fights, demands, implores, murders, doesn’t respect, imposes, and enslaves. Is that Love? Never. Love — the word known in the universe — looks at others as an image of oneself. It doesn’t matter the clothes they wear, their physical body, their shape, or their choices; what matters is what they are as minds and souls. That’s what matters. This certainly is to love, to love souls, to love what they are, not what they do or think.
My sons and daughters, you still have much to learn, and many changes that will come to your world are for you to learn each day a little more. Some through suffering, indeed, because they insist on not seeing the Light. They insist on following the wrong path, listening to their egos, and living the Third Dimension. I won’t say that those who have chosen the way won’t suffer, but it will be an easier path considering all their souls have already gone through. It will be a gentler path because you choose it and reap tranquility and peace in your heart. So refrain from considering that everyone will go through everything the same way; certainly not. Each one will receive back the quantity emanated, unlearned, or rejected.
Thus, what is the choice you have to make? We don’t want you to choose us. That’s up to each one’s heart. We want you to choose Love because Love exists in the entire universe. It doesn’t matter if you will live here or on any other planet. You’ll have to emanate the same feeling. This is the feeling humanity needs to learn, but true Love is unconditional Love. This is the way. It is not to love us because you might choose to live this Love and not love anyone one of us, and that’s all right. What’s important is for you to emanate Love and live this Love within yourself. If you don’t love us, there’s no problem with that at all.
But do you love yourself? Do you love others as you love yourself, with no conditions, and that’s all right? My sons and daughters, stop vibrating with the Matrix. Stop doubting that a New World is coming, that everything will change, and that every change has its periods of stress, disarrange, and conflict. No change is simple; all are complex. Changing the world, humanity’s minds, and Earth is complicated because you have been vibrating with what’s out there for a long time. You must see and feel the truth in your flesh so you may have the chance to change your mind. It will be each one’s choice. And, once again, look ahead; don’t look aside. It doesn’t matter where others are. What matters is where you are. Each soul has made its choice. Each soul is moving at the pace it wants. Do not worry about others; worry only about yourself and your journey.
Stay focused, waiting for others to reach you because the others might, at a given moment, gain impulse and outrun you. You will have wasted a long time waiting for them. Or, maybe, they will never reach where you are; but you will certainly lose the chance of getting where you could have been. Choices, my sons and daughters, need to be made now. Choose to follow your hearts, not us. It’s each one’s heart. Listen to your hearts; listen to your Higher Self. It is the one whom you must listen to. The choices must be yours, not based on our guidance or on what we say; they must come from your heart, from your Higher Self. It will guide you. Now, know how to listen to it because, otherwise, you’ll be listening to your ego, and then you’ll undoubtedly take the wrong path.