Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I’M MARY!
How much joy in my heart, splendor, and Light some children have on the planet. But we don’t actually count units like you. Why do we need many human beings if only one with a lot of Light and Love in the heart can emanate Light to the rest? This Light reverberates throughout the planet; then why do we need many? What counts is the intention of the heart. If a son or daughter goes within and opens up to the energies of Light and imagines: “I will envelop the planet in a bubble of Pink Light, and this bubble will emanate a lot of Light to the planet. Will this work?” So I tell you, what were your feeling and intention? Was it the intention to fill Gaia with all your Love? Was it to envelop the planet in a bubble of Pink Light of pure Love, as if the earth were a small ball? Was this your intention?
So that little bubble for you was tiny; for Gaia, it was immense because your heart made her grow and enveloped this gigantic planet. So, sons and daughters, trust in the strength you have. The intention is magic. It transforms, increases, and decreases according to what you imagine. So if you put yourself off the planet, look at it from afar like a little ball, it will be a little ball about you, and you can do with the planet what you want.
Unfortunately, this is also true for negative feelings. So it is clear that there is a big difference. Perhaps this is the big secret that I will tell you; it won’t be a secret anymore, but it will be our secret, don’t spread it around because some who hear it may not like it, but I’ll tell you.
When you… tiny that you are, yes, we cannot deny it, you are small about the planet, you are a tiny point of sand, maybe not so much; but if you fill your little heart with Love, with Light and ask: “I’m going to wrap the planet in a big ball of Light, with a lot, with a lot of Love, with all my Love. What happens? I’ll tell you: All Angels hear your prayer, and these Angels quickly tell us their intention. And then we, in a big choir, in a big group, make your bubble of Light and Love happen. It effectively covers the entire planet. It effectively transmits its Love, which is no longer tiny, immense for Gaia, and thrilled with your gesture. Therein lies the big secret.
Then many may ask, why don’t you stop the evil on the planet? Because we can’t change your intentions. Now think with me: Someone has the same intention to cover the earth, but as something terrible, with something devastating, with something that will bring suffering to everyone; the Angels tell us. And what do we do? Do we magnify that evil? Obviously not, we act to balance all that evil, but we cannot stop it because it results from your decisions. So we need to let that reverberate, and you go through the result of your actions.
But we are not here to talk about evil. I want to continue talking about good deeds and good times. I want to keep telling you what happens with every positive feeling you make; they are powerful, my sons and daughters. You are tiny. Yes, you are. But if your intention is enormous, it’s deep, it’s true, there we are, making it gigantic and fulfilling your desire.
Oh, my sons and daughters, you are unaware of everything that happens in the Universe. But, little by little, you are learning to understand how everything works. So once again, I say: don’t feel small, don’t feel powerless, don’t feel isolated, because a single thought, a single intention, is capable of changing everything. Because the Angels and us extend a single thought across the entire planet.
Courage, let’s take a moment of positive thinking for the planet? No, you don’t need to get together so everyone can think simultaneously. You can think every second, look at the Sun, and be grateful for that energy. You can look at a glass of water and thank Gaia for quenching your thirst. We reverberate this feeling of gratitude to Gaia, and it thanks you back. How? It doesn’t matter; you’ll get it back because you’ve emanated a powerful feeling of gratitude.
So be grateful for the food, the air, the water, the roof, the ability to walk or not, be grateful for being alive and having this whole experience. So now you know the secret, we are here, constantly adding to everything you think is good. So think, dream. Dreaming is wonderful because you surrender to that moment and create many beautiful things. And we pass all this on, and that reverberates on the planet, creating new situations and futures. So never forget my sons and daughters; what is coming soon, tomorrow, the end, is built with what you think today.
So dream about wonderful and good things, and you will build a beautiful future. Don’t get carried away by so many bad things appearing; they are being shown because they are the truth. And the fact needs to be seen; it needs to be lived. But don’t get attached to it. The important thing is for you to look at everything with Love, understanding that everything is accurate and emanates many beautiful things, dreams, and good feelings. And we will be there, waiting for that moment to enhance everything.
You are not small. You are a tiny speck, yes, I have to agree, but your intention, your heart, is what rules this planet. And if it emanates Love and, if it emanates gratitude, rest assured, you are doing a lot for yourself, for the planet, and for everyone on it. Believe me, sons and daughters, you have more power than you realize.