Mary – All in the Direction of Light

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM MARY!

I carry a great mantle and I wrap this planet in my mantle, welcoming all the children who are on i

Have faith. Have patience and trust in all that will come. The  Lessons need to be learned. There is still a lot to learn, especially for those who make fun of everything; who think everything is nonsense. Especially those who mock you,call you crazy, senile. 

Don’t worry about that, my sons and daughters. What matters and what counts is what’s in the heart of each one of you. It’s love, care, belief and trust in everything we guide you towards. And I assure you, my sons and daughters, you will not regret it. 

Whoever, at this moment, trusts, simply trusts;  don’t really know why, but they trust, is taking a big step in their evolution. They are taking a big step in the right direction. Don’t worry about anything. Don’t be frightened by anything. Just look at your own journey. There’s a lot to be careful of on your own journey. 

The journey will, at moments, seem extremely complicated; it will seem almost impossible to see; but trust in your heart; trust in the step you will be taking. And we will be there guiding you, not letting you take a step off the way.

My sons and daughters, we are with you all the time, helping you to get through all this, to get through this whole process. We just can’t live for you. It’s your journey and you need to live it fully, with all the risks and pain, in order to learn and evolve. But we’re there taking a pebble, giving you a little bit of water, to help you on your journey. 

We don’t change your lessons. We help you to get through them, to be ready, to have strength. We haven’t abandoned you. And we will never abandon you. You have had an important role in the entire process. And souls who are ready for evolution need to be looked after, closely monitored, so that they are not attacked or taken off the path. You are protected

There may be moments when you don’t think so. But these little moments come from your vibrations. When you dim your light a little, we move away. And then you become more unprotected, but not entirely. Because we are still there, guiding you to regain your Light. We never abandon you. 

So be sure of this: When your heart is squeezed, when the fear appears, when the sadness invades, don’t let it build up inside you. Call out to us! Call out to us! And we will help you immediately. Don’t doubt it, my sons and daughters. I carry each one of you on my lap when you need it, easing the pain, calming the suffering. And you think not; that we have forgotten you.

You don’t know how much we cut the size of that suffering. It was only necessary for your evolution. And I can assure you that it wasn’t the size of what you caused, because we eliminated a lot, a very lot. So be sure, my sons and daughters, we look after each one. We know each one. And we know what each of you needs at this moment. 

Everyone is supported. Everyone is being looked after. We just ask that everyone does their part, trying to keep us close so that we can act intensely. And together, listen carefully, together we’ll all be moving in the same direction.

Translation by Virginia Leite

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