Mary – Envelope All in Light

Dear Sons and Daughters of Planet Earth, I AM MARY!

Today I bring much Light and joy to distribute with each one who is here. Everyone is being bathed by my Light, by my Love. It is a powerful wave of energy that will cause you to stay balanced. You don’t have to feel anything to be sure that this wave has swept through your body. But, if you believe in me and trust me, you will know that this wave has passed and stayed in your body. The time now is needed for much Light, much Light for each of you, to be strong, courageous, Loving, and above all, balanced. Don’t get carried away by any subject, and don’t stretch unenlightened conversations. If it is impossible to get the other person to shut up, turn your thoughts elsewhere, don’t listen, and don’t receive the energy.

You need to learn not to receive when you don’t want to, words that are not Light or that take you off balance. For many, it is difficult to be silent because they are used to always responding in the same tone and, at the same time, never leaving anything unanswered. But this impetus brings you unbalance, irritation, and anger, and you vibrate very low. The time now is to leave the other talking to himself, you will become rude, perhaps in the other’s conception, but you will be protecting yourself. Unless you don’t listen, you are there with your body present, but your mind far away, in a beautiful flowery field, lit by the sun, with lots of flowers, playing with the animals.

It is important at this moment for you to practice this. When someone comes in full of anger and complaints, look at the person and wrap them in Light, put a ball of Light around them. It will be perfect for you and for her too, and you will see how she will immediately stop talking because her thoughts will become confused, and she will wonder, “What exactly was I talking about?” And you will not be able to continue the conversation. This is the attitude: do not strike back, answer, or provoke a fight; the time is to be quiet, the time is to be in balance, and the time is for peace of heart and mind. If any of you still vibrate some negative feeling for someone, ask for our help to transmute this feeling, don’t live with it; transform it into Love and Light.

The time now is to be balanced because the world out there is in chaos, energetically speaking. You don’t see it, but the non-Light is at every point; it is in front of you, waiting for a slip of the tongue to act. Don’t understand this as spirits; I’m not talking about spirits, I’m not talking about disembodied souls tormenting you. They are not souls; they are balls of dark energy wandering in the air. In the beginning, they were tiny, but as they get closer to someone who vibrates low and does not act according to the Light, they grow larger. Because they absorb the energy generated, and each time they grow, they occupy larger spaces. There are no walls for them, no limits; they grow. And I am sure you don’t want such a ball inside your house. But if not everyone is awake, unfortunately, I tell you there is one there, but it is up to you to draw strength from it. How? Emanating Light to where you live; see the whole place you live in as a ball of Light. All you have to do is think about it and create it; it’s simple, it’s easy. Then many may reply, “But I can’t do it!” And I ask you, why can’t you? You can’t because you don’t see; you can’t because you think you are incapable.

So I affirm, my sons and daughters, that each one of you on the path of Light can do this and more. It can involve your building, your neighborhood, your city, your state, and your country. Just think, want, and imagine. Because by making this gesture, we are close and will make what you want to happen. I have said it here before; you are capable, and we implement your will, so you are qualified. “Ah, but I see nothing.” As long as you assert this, you will see nothing. The gifts inherent to all souls will return in time as you rise in frequency. Most are still being prepared; most will not know how to live with what they will see. On the contrary, they will despair and think the world is hopeless.

So believe in what we are saying, create balls of Light, and involve people in their homes, neighborhoods, cities, states, and countries. And why not the planet Earth? You have to want it; you can do it. And all the time, the non-Light tries to make you believe you are incapable, but we tell you that you are. So take care of your homes and wrap everyone in Light. This is not an invasion of free will because you are not changing anything about those people. It is the Light that acts, not you; the Light changes minds, and the Light illuminates minds. So don’t forget, my sons and daughters, the path is of Light, you are Pillars of Light, so act as such.

You are great, immense, and emanate Light to everything. If you all do this, you speed everything up because minds start vibrating at higher frequencies, speeding up the process even more and attracting more Light to everyone. The Light is coming into the minds of every being on this planet, and wrapping each one in a ball of Light amplifies this Light; it acts faster, accelerating the emotional and mental change of that human being. In other words, you will be doing good for humanity, not just for yourselves. You are Divine Sparks, pieces of Father/Mother God, and you can do anything.

And with this, I have a warning: You can do anything and destroy someone with your thoughts. It goes both ways; hate a person, and you will destroy that person because the moment is power, and the moment is strength, both positive and negative. And all this feeling you have emanated will come back to you in the same way: as a load of negative energy. So, my sons and daughters, be careful what you think. Because you can get much of what you don’t want back, be aware of your thoughts, words, and actions. Make these three pillars only Light, nothing more. If, in some moment of distraction, you feel that you have emanated something negative toward someone, immediately ask forgiveness from the person who emanated that feeling, this way, you eliminate the energy.

My sons and daughters, know how to walk your own paths. This is a time of great attention because everything is amplified, and any time you want our help, all you have to do is ask. A simple word, a simple thought: we will act with you, by you, and for you. Think about it and act; don’t just complain; act, and act with Love, lots of Love. And this Love emanated by each of you will also multiply; the universe will receive it, and you will give it back—abundance, prosperity, Light, in your own way. Never forget that whoever emanates Love, receives Light. And the Light brings with it all the abundance of the universe.

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