Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM MARY!
It is with great joy that I come here today. Not to talk about the future, not to talk about what’s to come, but to talk about you. This planet was chosen by God the Father/Mother for a great experience: the experience of diversity, the experience of mixing, of having no labels, of everything that could be put together to test how it would be faced. A people created from so many different bases, genetically speaking; a people created from so many races in the universe; a people created to make their own decisions: free will. A people created on an extremely beautiful planet, with unimaginable resources, to observe the behavior and the form how all this would interfere with the evolution of this people.
I’m not going to rehash your story here. Your real story hasn’t been told yet, but it soon it will be. So I’m going to talk about the known story. Not the story of an entire people extremely different, born to a single couple. Forget that story. But I’m going to talk about of a people who at this time, in this era, have not managed to learn to live together. I’m going to talk about a people in which differences still make some superior, and consequently transform others inferior. We can’t say that the divine experiment went wrong, no, it didn’t. God Father/Mother can see here on this planet to the extent that everything that was put to be lived on this planet can take the planet itself.
Of course, everything was very well planned and orchestrated by God the Father/Mother. Nothing that happened here was out of his control or not expected by him. God the Father/Mother knew that one day, no matter what status, what situation this planet was in, it would ascend again. This was already defined, this was already certain. No matter what happened here, you could have destroyed the planet but that would have been another story, because God the Father/Mother would never have allowed that. and He didn’t allow it so much that once again, let’s put it this way, the one you call his son, the one who was my son when I incarnated on this planet, would have to continue the mission he began 2000-odd years ago.
When he set foot on this planet as a human, he started the change, he started the process of ascension of this planet. However much his words, his teachings may have been distorted, his have been distorted, his Spark shines in everyone’s heart, through Christic Love. So he’s not coming back now to finish the mission, he’s just completing the work he started a long time ago. He already knew the mission he would have on this planet, which was exactly to prevent total destruction; which is where those who were here were taking their planet.
So he came, many years ago, yes, but precisely to plant the seed that you are seeing sprout today. This whole process isn’t happening now because it was decided that it would happen, the process is happening because it was already defined that it would be so; only a few changes have been made. And although many people think that the human race don’t deserve to be part of the universe, because of their extremely selfish and evil hearts, because that’s how you’re seen in the universe; because you haven’t even been able to love each other, or to love where you step.
But despite all this, my son asked for help and convinced everyone in the universe: “No! A human race was not just that, that here on this planet there were people, oh yes, really selfish and Machiavellian, but that there was an extremely suffering people, extremely fearful, extremely cornered who just needed a little push to become strong, brave, and to fight back strong, brave, and fight against all the evil that has settled on this planet”. And with his love, he managed to convince everyone. And look where you are today!
Unfortunately, we can’t say that the majority are exuding love and brotherhood, not yet. But soon, very soon, everyone will be able to see the great truth, everyone will be able to feel the great love of God the Father/Mother, who sent this enlightened being, whom you call Christ, to put the house in order, to bring light to this planet and, above all, to lift up the oppressed, to lift up the weak, to give them the strength and courage to fight. And there you are, standing, confident, believers in this world to come. There is still a lot to be done, yes, nothing will happen with snap of your fingers, even those of you who are “awake” as we call it, you will still have many lessons to learn; you will still need to show that you have learned the lessons and that you have effectively become fraternal; that you effectively respect your planet; that you want a better world.
Then a new stage will begin; no longer a stage full of veils, full of lies, but a transparent stage, where only the truth will be known, and everyone will be able to make your own decision: to accept this great truth or to continue living in the illusion of a perverted and violent world, but which brings joy to the hearts of many. Then everyone , will be able to make your choice, and your choice will be respected, with a lot of love. We have already said it many times: Don’t suffer the suffering of others; don’t let yourselves be carried away by what happens around you. You will see a lot of pain , you will see a lot of suffering. But never forget, every soul is exactly where it needs to be.
Each soul will go through exactly what they have to go through, respecting their decision to go to go away to another place in the Third Dimension; or to go away to watch everything without going through anything else; or to simply learn the lessons and continue on their physical ascent to the Fifth Dimension. Be supportive, help in any way you can, but don’t suffer the other person’s suffering. At this moment, everyone is going through what their soul has defined, what your soul has chosen, what is necessary for your journey. We will not have easy times, we will not only have times of joy, we’ll have pain and suffering. Why I say, will we have? Because we are with you, we want to say that we are together.
Of course, we won’t go through anything, but we want to say that we’ll be there, by your side, around you. And any time you need help, you don’t even have to call us. Just think and we’ll be there. So we’re all together, to get you through whatever you have to go through; giving you strength, giving you courage and giving you the certainty that you will get there that you will be known in the Universe: “Like those who have risen. Like those who overcame pain, who overcame evil and who showed that it is possible to live among so many differences, in harmony and emanating equality and unconditional love”. And be sure that this will be seen in the Universe as a great lesson, where you may succumb to the bottom of the well, but that there will be a day when the sun will rise and you will stand up, and that you will come out of this well will simply superior and loving.
Superior, in relation to what you were, not in relation to anyone else. Because in the universe there is no superiority, there is equality between all peoples, between all races. And be sure that you will get there. We have already seen the New World and you living in it. All you have to do your part, and trust and believe that you are capable of it, whatever happens. So, once again I repeat: Be supportive. Help those who need it, but don’t suffer anyone’s suffering, because everyone is effectively reaping what they have planted along your soul’s journey.
Never forget: God the Father/Mother is pure unconditional love; we are pure unconditional love. So there is no punishment whatsoever. There is only the harvest, no matter from moment of your soul. But for sure, this will be the moment when each soul will reap all that it has planted along the journey.
Translation by Virginia Leite