Dear sons and daughters of this beautiful planet Earth! I AM MARY!
To be here with you again today is a reason for much joy and Love in my heart. Everything is transforming; your consciousness is awakening. So many find themselves in a whirlwind, a hurricane, a tornado of emotions and events. It won’t be easy for many to go through all of this. For many, it seems that a problem shows every blink of an eye. One more, among so many others, is to be solved. And how is it solved?
With Love, by taking that problem as something essential for your learning, for your journey. Look at the problem, put flowers on it, draw little stars, and pour perfume. This seems a little strange, but I tell you that this changes the energy of the problem. That horrid, smelly, heavy problem becomes something beautiful, scented, light. Because you decorated it with beautiful things, you took away the negative charge of energy in it, that’s why it was a problem.
So it’s no use if you want to solve all the problems at once; each has a type, each one has a weight, and each has a way to solve. So take them one at a time. There’s no point in taking the one at the bottom of the pile; it will make the others collapse and make an even bigger mess, where more recent problems will end up at the bottom. So take the top ones. “Ah, but if I always take the top ones, I’ll never get to the bottom ones because new problems always appear.”
Yes, that’s one way of looking at it. Still, if you start looking at each problem lovingly, they start solving themselves, even causing strangeness in you. Try it. Don’t whine, don’t complain, don’t curse, don’t curse. Look at it with Love, let it look beautiful in front of you, and you’ll see how easy it will solve itself and come out of that enormous pile, and so you’ll do with each one. Solve one at a time.
There’s no use in picking up one, picking up another, picking up another because you won’t solve any of them. So which one are you paying attention to? All of them, at the same time? It’s difficult! Because you need to put focus on what you do. So you take them one at a time. Make a list of the problems you are attacking. Attack one, and while you’re waiting for one to be solved, you can take another, and so on. And as they are being solved, you will give them as ended. But don’t open them all at the same time. You don’t have to wait for a solution to start another. But while you are acting, only act on one.
Set your focus on it, put Love on it, put perfume on it, put flowers on it, and that problem will be solved quickly. And then, while you’re waiting for that one to sprout, you can pick up another one because you’ll have all the focus on it while you’re waiting for the other one to grow for you to harvest.
My sons and daughters, problems are not insurmountable, and issues aren’t insoluble. Often the solutions don’t please you. Constantly the solution is jumping around, jumping in front of you, doing a lot of monkeyshines for you to see. But you don’t like it very much, so you turn your back on it and look for a solution elsewhere. Unfortunately, you’ll achieve nothing because the answer is there. But to live that solution, you’ll have to change something in your life or yourself. Ah, it’s complicated, isn’t it? Very complicated.
Change? That’s something complicated for you. But I repeat, every problem is precisely the result of the actions and behavior you mistakenly led to that problem. So, the solution is to change your way of being, your surroundings, and how you walk. And I tell you this: often, you look at the answer and say: “Oh, that would be very difficult for me to achieve. That’s where you end the process because you start by saying that you won’t succeed. So, when you find the solution extremely difficult, put Love, flowers, and perfume into it, and you will see how quickly and easily the answer will appear in front of you. You will set positive energies into it, and the universe will make it happen.
Learn this, my sons and daughters: every problem has a solution. And the answer is easy, all you have to do is treat everything with Love. Look at everything as a learning process, without ego. Accept your mistakes, and you will see how quickly everything will be resolved. Some people here ask me: What about when the problem involves other people? When are other people the problem? Then I recognize that it’s more difficult, but it isn’t impossible either. What will you have to do? Envelop the person in Love. Throw flowers at them… please, mentally, right? Otherwise, they will think you want them to die. Throw perfume on them, just like you did with the problem. Aren’t they the problem? Then act like it. Think of them and throw beautiful flowers, throw perfume and wrap them in Love; as if by magic, that person will no longer be a problem because the solution will come.
Everything, my sons and daughters, must be faced with Love, must be met with joy, not anger, not as a burden. You have to throw positive energy into every problem, which will resolve itself. Because you have taken the negative charge out of it, and without this charge, no situation can survive. Problems result from the burdens you carry and the development of negative emotions you have, which generate these results.
So my sons and daughters, look at everything with Love, whatever it is, whatever kind of problem it is; fill it with Love. Face the problems with joy, yes, with pleasure, because you know that you’ll have learned a lesson that will make you evolve by solving that problem. Isn’t that a reason to rejoice? Of course, it is. No matter how difficult the situation is, look at it as an activator and catalyst for your evolution. Look at it as something that teaches you to evolve, and you’ll see how it will get solved. As long as you look at problems as problems, nothing gets solved, nothing moves forward, and everything remains the same. And that pile gets bigger every day because you can’t solve any problem, so the situations only get bigger.
Look at them with Love, each one of them, and then you’ll tell me: “Yes, Mother, I did it! And I already knew that you would succeed. Everything, my sons and daughters, has to have Love involved. Where Love’s involved, there are no problems, obstacles, or bad feelings. There’s only peace and balance.