Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM MARY!
With great joy, I’m here with you on my lap, transmitting all my Love and Light into the heart of each of you. You’re excited, I’d say a little bit desperate, but everything will be alright; you’ll all be together in the same thought and heart. So don’t be sad if you can’t be here with your brothers. You’ll be in your hearts and have all the energy transmitted on this day.
Sons and daughters, we have said here many times that you have powers and are taking back all that your souls are. So I ask: Who won’t be here on the day of the meeting? Ah, then I’ll answer: Those who don’t believe they can come here won’t be. They won’t be here; they will be in their homes, wherever. Those who think they’re multidimensional beings will be very well-focused on everything. They’ll be sitting there with everybody. They will see everything, know everything, and participate in everything.
Yes, learn to live differently. You aren’t silly and foolish beings as you imagine yourselves to be. You’re strong, powerful, and multidimensional. You can be anywhere; you just have to want it and have it in your heart. Believe it, and you’ll be there. I won’t say you can eat; that’s a bit much. Because the food is physical and the body that will be there is not. But your body will be there to receive the energy and all the wonders we’re preparing. Or do you think that we aren’t doing anything? We’re organizing a beautiful day and afternoon, so everyone won’t forget this great day.
It will be beautiful and wonderful; we’ve already seen the result. Everyone will go home with radiant hearts, enlightened, happy, for so much Love received, for so much Light received. You have no idea. Just wait, and you’ll see. We didn’t pick this day out of nowhere; everything has a purpose. We have a powerful portal, 11/11, and you’ll still be under the influence of this portal. And it will be magnificent to see a part of Michael’s army there, together, physically, as soldiers as he calls them, but physical, not just in thought. It will be a moment of great glory and Light for everyone. Because it’s as I said, you will all be there. Don’t you move around when he does the great meditations in the same place? But this time you’ll have a place to see and know where you’ll be. And you’ll all be there. And it shall be beautiful, a moment of great Light and Love.
My sons and daughters, open your hearts and don’t put yourself without hope or as people who have been forgotten by Father/Mother God. It’s never too much to remember: Everyone is reaping what they have sown. So if you still don’t accept this and think that everything that happens to you is unfair, I’d say your path will still be very long because there’s no injustice. There’s no judgment from Father/Mother God. So it’s not a matter of being fair or unfair. You’re reaping what you sow. Ah, but you know nothing you may have done to deserve this? Yes, maybe not, but it comes from your soul, and there’s no way you can sit on one side and your soul on the other.
You’re your soul, represented today in this physical body. There’s no point in denying this. So stop making yourselves out to be poor, to be miserable, just because you won’t be able to be physically at the meeting. Stop it. You’ll be there. You just have to want and believe it. And I tell you, this is also a lesson. Because right now, you could be saying to the universe, “I really want to go. Surprise me, take me to the meeting!” But no, you just complain and put up a thousand excuses and reasons not to go. But you don’t do anything to nudge the universe, to demand from the universe what is rightfully yours. No, you start complaining, putting yourselves down as inferior, unhappy, poor.
So what is the universe going to do? Nothing, you haven’t asked for anything. Yet, many are doing it and are already finding their way, as if by magic. Because they believe it because they want it from the heart.
But many don’t believe it; they think it’s all nonsense. So stay where you are. My sons and daughters, you still have a lot to learn. You still don’t look at everything with Love. You see the obstacle as an impossible, dangerous monster that could eat you up any moment. But then some look into the monster’s eyes and pour all their Love into it. The monster gets smaller and smaller, the size of a small animal, and it will spoil you, and you will have destroyed that obstacle.
This is how you destroy obstacles; with Love, faith, and asking for help. Not with complaining, not by saying, “What injustice to me…”; that way, that monster only grows; it doesn’t get smaller. So for every stone in your path, look at it with Love. Don’t make it impossible, don’t think it’s heavy without at least picking it up. It may be very heavy, but if you look at it with a lot of Love, asking us to help you remove that heavy obstacle, maybe a path will open beside the stone. You will be able to pass without taking it away; who knows.
So my sons and daughters, look at everything with Love; nothing is against you. There’s no one on this side planning things against you. There is the return of the energies your soul once emanated and needs to receive back. And then you have to look at these energies with Love, only Love. It’s not by feeling unjust, poor, or unhappy that you will improve; on the contrary, you will only attract more of the same. Look at problems with maturity, assuming that the mistake was made. Learn that lesson, and you will see how everything clears up and resolves itself, and you take a step forward.
Seek everything with Love. The look of anger, contradiction, and lack of Love, only makes that monster grow and become more and more powerful against yourself. Look into its eyes and say: “I’m not afraid of you because I emanate Love for you .” And you will see how it will shrink in size, and you will be able to eliminate the problem. Problem… I can’t call it that; we call it reaction and consequence instead of a problem. You keep trying to find a solution to a problem, and sometimes you don’t find one. Now, if you look at it with Love, it will solve itself. Learn this.
You don’t have problems; you have situations that deserve to be looked at with Love. And by looking at them with Love, you learn, and they go away. Never to return? Maybe, you just have to learn the lesson. Because if you don’t, they will come back. But then you already know the solution: Love, always Love.