Dear daughters and daughters of planet Earth! I AM MARY!
My heart is overjoyed for being here again today, bringing all my Love to each of you. My sons and daughters look up to the sky. What is the sky? Something you can touch? Something you can imagine? Some of you think that beyond this blue sky, there is nothing, that the universe is limited to your planet, inside this big blue ball, and that the night is dark because someone turned off the Light. And then some stars appear, but where are these stars? Are they glued to this ball? Of course not. This sky that you see is not tangible. It does not exist materially; it is the reflection of the Light around your planet by the air, you breathe. The Light that comes from the Sun causes this effect.
And when there is no light, no blue sky, you look at the universe, the stars, other planets, and an infinite world that your mind cannot yet perceive. You are a tiny dot in this big universe. You are children of Father/Mother God, loved and protected by Him, just like all the other beings in the universe. Ahhhh, and before anyone is already wondering: Father/Mother God does not change his Love from one child to another. He loves everyone equally. Ahhhhhh, but this is absurd to you: “How can Father/Mother God love a murderer, a criminal the same way he loves me, such a perfect being?” – Father/Mother God does not judge; that murderer, that criminal, is loved by him just the same. And I would say that he has even more attention because he is lost and doesn’t know how to find the way to the Light.
But you still find it absurd. Those you call criminals cannot have the love of any of us, let alone of Father/Mother God. Why not? All of them were created by whom? They all have a divine spark. So how can children of Father/Mother God be loved differently? My children? Father/Mother God does not judge or punish; you reap what you sow. So these souls, those who do not follow the path of Light, will reap the consequences of what they did but will not stop being children of God. They will not stop deserving His Love. Every being in the universe, every soul, knows very well the universal laws, which are the laws that keep the universe in balance. Yes, there must be laws, otherwise, each makes its own decisions, and the universe becomes a big cataclysm, a big mess. So there are laws to keep the universe in balance. There are planetary laws, galaxy laws, and star laws. Each set of orbs has its rules because each group has its function in the universe. No one is there, just decorating or shining for no reason. Everyone has a role, as there are laws for beings too. You all know that some beings in the universe do not like to emanate Love; they follow an opposite path of pain and violence. What do you call it? “Of evil”. And those are judged by the universal laws and receive the appropriate punishment in each case, but do not lose the Love of Father/Mother God. No matter what the decision is.
Then many ask: “But Father/Mother God does not judge! Father/Mother God doesn’t judge. He doesn’t judge in the way you understand judgment. You conclude from the laws of your planet, but the universal laws were created, maintained, and used throughout the universe. It is not Father/Mother God who stands at a table and defines what each one deserves or not. Each one reaps what he plants. If he plants Light and Love, that is what he will reap, just as if he plants non-love. So is the universe; so are the universal laws. So, “it is not for one person to judge others.” When there is a judgment, by the universal laws, it is not one who judges; it is the collective, the whole, and many who analyze each case and make the decisions.
There are no prisons, and there is no place in the universe where perpetrators are imprisoned; this is the creation of your world. There is a whole work of training, teaching, and treatment to recover that person’s soul, which is “the supposed punishment” we apply. Of course, there are more challenging and profound decisions that would be absurd, violent, and inadmissible in your eyes. Ahhhh, you find laws objectionable; that’s funny. You know nothing about the universe; you don’t know anything about souls, missions, and lessons to be learned. So you are about to go through a very complex process on this planet, where the universal laws will apply here, not your laws of men, which we don’t recognize, don’t accept, and don’t understand.
Laws will be enforced against those who act to harm a race, a group, a country, or a city. In other words, people who deliberately make other beings suffer just for their suitability will be exposed to universal laws. And those who came here and who made this planet, the inequality and lack of love that exists today, will be the most deeply judged because they implanted here the lack of love and the evil. Many may ask, “And why are you only doing this now?” – Everything has a time for Father/Mother God. This planet was placed this way by Father/Mother God to serve as a lesson to the entire universe. What causes you to move away from the source? What consequences are brought to an entire race when you walk away from Father/Mother God?
This planet has lived millennia and millennia of the Third Dimension to serve as an example to the entire universe. Only now, this time is over, you can become high and evolved beings, and this planet will never again be low-dimensional. Earth has fulfilled its role and accomplished its mission of showing the universe what it is like to live in duality and with free will. Do not question Father/Mother God; everything has a reason, and rebelling against it will get you nowhere. What you need to do right now is to open your heart and accept your evolution, and take everything that will happen on this planet. These will be difficult times.
You will have to learn how the universe works. This planet will become part of the great Galactic Federation again, and as such, it needs to follow the rules, and so do its inhabitants. Then you will learn how things work in the universe. Much love is involved, but the laws must be respected and enforced. The word judgment is in fashion at the moment. So I say to each of you: Sons and daughters, do not judge anyone. You do not know what you did before on the soil of this planet. So how can you criticize a brother? You may have done much worse than him, and what you’ve done will be analyzed, and it will be up to you to transmute it immediately, with a lot of forgiveness, cleansing, learning, and consciousness.
The time is not for judging the other, anything, or anyone. The time is for truth, and this will appear to each one, no matter how ugly. You will see it, and you will all have the opportunity to redeem yourselves so you can evolve. For those who the universal laws will judge, there is no more time for redemption because they have already been given this time and have not accepted it. On the contrary, they did worse. So there is no more time; the laws will be applied immediately. It will be up to you to trust that everything will be done for the good of the planet and your evolution. Nothing will be done with partial or passionate attitudes. Everything will be done in respect of the universal laws. So, prepare your hearts.
Don’t let your minds get angry or frightened because everyone who goes through this process will have a reason. And for sure, you will understand. Look within, seek your “Higher Self,” and if it gets too hard, seek each one of us. Indeed, we will take each of you and relieve all the tension and feelings that may arise at the moment. You must believe this, especially from the heart.