Mary – Truly Be Pillars of Light

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM MARY!

My heart is always joyful when it can be here again with you. Fear nothing, children of mine. Understand everything that comes with love and peace in your hearts. Do not get carried away by fear. Fear is hidden in each corner of this planet. You, yourselves, constantly feed it, and it is an enormous force. It may even be small in size, but it has an immense power to throw you off balance. 

Fear nothing. Keep your hearts confident. Keep your hearts within the Light. Keep your hearts on your goals. Do not get carried away by fear. Do not get carried away by what happens around you. Everything we do has a purpose, and everything they do also has a purpose: take away the belief, take away the peace, take away the joy, take away the confidence that the Light is winning. 

Many of you are already beginning to doubt the victory of the Light. And why? You cling to tiny things. You cling to events that are just a great play to provoke in you precisely that — doubt and lack of confidence — and make you easier to manipulate. 

Do not let yourselves be involved, children of mine. Fear nothing. The Light has already won. We will not win; we have already won. Evil is fully spread on the planet’s surface, still acting exactly where fear still reigns. The more you feel fear, the more evil grows. No, this does not mean that the Light is not winning. It means you are getting involved with the wrong energy. It means you are giving power to those who cannot have more power. 

Each dread, each fear, each anguish feeds what they do. We have already said here that the chaff is being separated from the wheat. Do you want to be chaff? If you do, feed that energy, feed fear, feed anger, feed outrage. It does not matter against whom. Feed it, and you will be part of the chaff and be more and more attracted to it. Everything around you will only be that: pain and violence. 

Now, if you choose to be the Light, if you choose to be the wheat, at each moment of violence you witness around you, fill yourself with Light. Be Light. Look at everything taking place and embrace that problem with Light. That is your role. It is not running away; it is not complaining; it is not fearing anything. Your role is to emanate Light. You call yourself a Pillar of Light, and Pillars of Light do not run away. They are planted in Gaia’s womb. They are planted in Gaia’s body. And each time something bad happens around, what is the role of the Pillar of Light? It is to trust the Source and fill himself with more Light so that this Light you absorb emanates and opposes the shadows around. 

That is your role: to be Pillars of Light. Bring down, fight, eliminate the shadows. Not with war, not with anger, not with fear, only with Light. Only in this way will you fulfill the role you wanted to fulfill. A Pillar of Light has no fear, even if the shadows reach your feet and climb through your structure. To whom are you connected? To Gaia. To whom does your edge point? To the Source. 

So, when this happens, ask Gaia for help, ask Father-Mother God for help. And you will be such an immense energy — so strong, so vibrant — that all those shadows will be transmuted in pure love. 

Be Pillars of Light. Do not be pillars of fear because that also happens. If you feed fear, doubt, and outrage, you will no longer be a Pillar because shadows do not charge a Pillar of Light. It is only Light. 

What do you want to be? A turned-off Pillar or a Pillar full of Light? Fear nothing. Fear nothing. 

Translation by Joana Rodrigues

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