Dear Daughters and Sons of the Planet Earth! I AM MARY!
My heart is joyful. I can even say radiant. So many children are on the way, open to receiving all this treatment for their souls. The path is not easy. Sometimes there are stones, sometimes only flowers. What determines this? Your soul walk. So, many still don’t understand what happens on this Walk of Forgiveness. I’m not going to explain it all again here. I would just say listen to each orientation with your heart, not with your mind.
Don’t set yourself up as a victim, don’t set yourself up as unable to conform to what is asked of you. The rules are simple and easy to understand. We are giving you this time to get organized. The next round will start early next week. So for those of you who are behind, you can speed up a bit if you want. “No, I don’t want to speed up. I want to do it day by day.” Good, make your own control. There is no need to stop between one lap and another. Just follow your walk.
It’s interesting how you always put yourselves in the position of the critic; you always have something to criticize, and you always have something to comment on. To effectively understand what has to be understood…; “Oh, not that. I understand what I want to understand.” This walk is a little bit different because we decided that there’s no point in you seeing everything. Because so much has already been, let’s say, paid for by your own soul, it’s no longer a lesson to be learned. So why know, why meet?
Those who see and understand to have lessons to learn don’t think you have been wronged by others. Those who are not seeing anything think of themselves as extraordinary, “Oh, so I have nothing to learn.” That’s ego. I will tell you precisely the opposite. You are not ready to see; that does not mean that until the last lap, you will not see. Everything is done with Unconditional Love.
So each one of you is having the walk that you are ready to walk. You all have immense and vast and numerous lessons to learn. Those who are prepared will see, will hear, and feel. It doesn’t matter because they have a way of being aware of the lesson to be learned. So you who pass by with impunity, as you think, because you don’t see anything… “I am wonderful, I am perfect, I have nothing to learn!”; watch out, the ego is filling up. You haven’t seen anything this round, but what about the next ones? Do you know what we are planning? No, you don’t. So don’t think you are better than those who are seeing everything.
The walk is individual. Don’t compare yourselves with each other. And now the big discussion of the moment is who got the gifts and who didn’t. It can be only one thing: Gift, those who deserve it win. I will say nothing more. Now a good majority will start thinking: “Well if I didn’t get it because I didn’t deserve it, because this, because that because I am this because I am that…”. So I will just answer the following: You didn’t deserve it because it wasn’t the time to receive it.
When you receive a gift from us, it is not because you did the right things as you do with your children. We are not like that. Each gift received results from your journey and learning. As we always say: the walk is a ladder, and each step gives access to some things. So let’s say that it coincided on the day of the meditation when there was a gift, you were on the proper step where that gift was, and then you won. ” Oh, but it didn’t coincide.” It didn’t win. Why? Because you did something wrong because you are a bad boy because you did naughtily?
Of course not. Only because your walk hasn’t given you the right yet, to receive that gift. Evaluate your walk, but it’s not judging yourself, it’s not thinking you are lesser, it’s not thinking you are undeserving. You just haven’t reached the step where that gift was available yet. This is also a lesson. When we say: repeat until you see the present, it has no condition. Everyone will win. So if you haven’t seen it, look inside yourself and see what is preventing you from seeing it.
I will say something essential: When we say “see,” many want to see with their physical eyes what we say. When we say “see,” it can be on your mental screen, as it can be in your mind. Let me give you an example: we will give you a crystal, and then when you are about to receive the gift, you look at a mountain; the image of a mountain comes into your mind. And then you say, “Oh my God, I got a mountain!” What’s in a mountain? Crystals.
So know how to evaluate what you receive in your mind. Of course, you are not always ready to see exactly what the gift is. But, when it is a specific object, you will see it. Maybe not in the moment of meditation, but you can see it in a dream; something will catch your eye in everyday life. But you don’t believe in anything; you think it has to happen at that moment.
But what if you are not ready? We work it out where there are no more possibilities to show you. The problem is that you don’t see it because you simply lose focus, and it is not shown to you.
My children, where is the heart? Where is the feeling of Unconditional Love? Everything you put fear, apprehension, anxiety, anger for not having succeeded. And you build up this feeling day by day. What do you hope will happen? Everything will work out, and you will actually go through the journey and receive what it offers? Of course not. You won’t get anything because you complain about everything. Everything has a reason to comment and complain.
Why the seven laps? Imagine if we just stopped at this first lap? A single lap, so many comments, so many complaints, so many dissatisfied things, imagine if we stopped here? I will tell you one thing: it will become harder with each lap. With each lap, it will become more intense. So start preparing yourself before each meditation. Prepare yourselves beforehand. Make your bodies and minds ready. Call for your masters to help you receive, learn, and perceive all that is needed. Call for the beings you want to help you have the perception and raise your vibrations to the highest level before the meditation.
It’s like you come running in from the street, don’t do anything, arrive, throw everything aside, sit down, and go meditate. Do you know what you will have? Nothing, because your body is full of unbalanced energy. Get ready. This is a sacred moment. Meditating this kind of walk is a sacred moment, where you need to be clean and calm. Take a glass of water beforehand; take that as a bath for your souls. Whereas it penetrates your bodies, that water will cleanse all that is out of balance.
Do this: get ready, choose a time, do it always at the same time, and learn to have a routine for your soul. Be open. Don’t put yourself: will I see it, will I not? It is over. Because you are not trusting what we will give you at that moment that you will go through. So how do you want to get results?
I would say my children, the time is for pure gratitude. The time is for thankfulness all the time. How many brothers and sisters are awake like you? How many are having this opportunity that you are having, cleansing your souls to evolve? How many? No, you are not privileged. You are the product of your soul’s journey. There are evolved souls in that group, in that number of people that see nothing, believe nothing, and want to evolve nothing.
So be grateful every minute for the opportunity you are having. Whether you get a grain of corn or a corncob, there is no difference, be thankful. Stop commenting, stop complaining about what happens to you. If there are doubts in your heart, it is not others you will ask. It is us. But you don’t want to listen to us because you don’t like the answer when we answer. So you prefer to ask the other, whose answer may be the one you want to hear.
I’ll end here by saying that taking a walk like this is a gift for your souls and for you. So, before you start the next walk, ask yourself: Why am I on this walk? Am I ready to go through whatever it is? If there is any shadow of doubt in your answers, don’t waste your time because you will only be fooling yourself. Nothing that is not done from the heart leads to anything. You can even decide to go on and simply go through the rays; that’s all right. But don’t expect a return, don’t expect evolution.
Evolution is done with the heart, with love, with Light. Doubts, uncertainties, and dissonant thoughts will get you nowhere. Think a lot. What are you worried about? What are you concerned about at this moment? Be aware of the decisions you will make. But never forget that we are always here, always, unconditionally loving you in any situation.