Mary – You are Cocoons of Light

Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM MARY!

Being here today, once again, is always a reason for much joy in my heart. I have been busy analyzing each little heart on this planet, taking to each one the Light, consciousness, and energy of my Motherly Love. So many souls are evolving, finding peace, and getting answers to many questions they have always asked. They are becoming balanced, much more loving, but calm.

This is part of this great movement to expand consciousness on your planet. The Light envelops each human being like a cocoon, and this cocoon, like the butterflies, is still finding each one of you as a little larva. And as time goes by, each one transforms, evolving until it reaches the butterfly. Of course, no one will become a butterfly. It’s a way to explain that you are all inside this cocoon of Light, and this Light is transforming your hearts, your cells, and your thoughts.

But to my sadness, not all children want to evolve. Some have such a dark heart and low vibration that they destroy the cocoon of Light. It is as if it dissolves completely. So, for many to understand, evil is not stronger than Light. But there is free will, and if a son or daughter chooses to remain in darkness, the Light goes away; it respects the heart’s choice. And know that there are many hearts like that. But everyone will have their chance, and everyone will have that moment of reflection so that they can make new choices, everyone will have that moment. And who knows, in the future, they will follow the Light again.

No soul is born in the shadows, all souls are held in the Light, and after this moment of extreme Love from Father/Mother God, they are guided by those Masters who chose them. No soul is guided by evil; souls grow and constantly evolve in the Light, and when they can decide their path, they choose to deny the Light or give themselves to it.

So all souls are made of Light. All have the Divine Spark, the Light of the World, of the Universe. And when they choose to have a black heart, the spark is almost lost, so tiny inside the heart. But it is there. It doesn’t die. It is still there. And all it takes is a straightforward choice, one simple change, for it all to break, and it can shine brightly again.

My sons and daughters, the changes are accelerated at this point in your planet’s journey. All that needs to happen is happening, so the changes, choices, and evolution of souls can occur. But be assured, today, more than ever, you look like little illuminated balls walking around the planet. It’s beautiful to see that every human being has become a giant ball; some are tiny, but it doesn’t matter; as long as it’s the Light, it’s wonderful. But there are also some little black dots, those that repel the Light.

And who is winning, and who exists in more significant numbers? You know the answer, but it bears repeating. But, of course, there are more glowing balls, the Light always wins, there is no power in the shadows, and there are choices.

So the Light is winning, and we have been very excited because many who were shadows are becoming Light. They understand that they made wrong choices and are taking another direction. Yes, those getting close to the Light are still few; there are still many in the shadows. But the middle is mixed and blended, and many are taking the path of Light. So very soon, that edge towards the Light, which today is weak and small, will become larger daily. Because the separation is being done, it is not over. It is just beginning.

So we still have a lot of mixing and people who are starting to walk the path. So you are there at that end, have already done a good walk, and have evolved a lot. But many of you are arriving now, and it will take you some time to get to the top. But don’t worry, the number of little shiny balls is much higher than the little black balls. And so it is our hope that we will change many consciences and at the same time get a large number off the planet.

No, don’t think that they are still here. Many are leaving, each in their own time, but they are leaving the planet, weakening more and more the other end, the shadow end. Finally, there will be a time when everyone will wake up, awaken, see their wrong choices, and repent. And if that repentance is from the bottom of your heart, you will immediately walk a new path, the path of Light.

Don’t worry, my sons and daughters; everything is as expected. The Light has won and will always win! It is enough that Father/Mother God determines, and here it has been determined. Therefore, Gaia will ascend, become a more beautiful planet than she already is, and have beautiful children on her surface, vibrating Love, vibrating Light. Happy beings because they live with other races to learn new customs and to live new experiences. This is what awaits them, and everyone will be satisfied, and everyone will be balanced. There will be no hunger, poverty, or misery; there will be balance in everything on the planet. There will be no rich and poor; everyone will have everything they want, as long as it is for the good of All.

So don’t lose faith at any moment; continue on the path of Light. If it sometimes seems too complicated, remember you are in a cocoon of Light. Say: may this Light around me give me the strength to overcome this obstacle! And so it will be. Remember: You are Cocoons of Light; trust in the Light; nothing beats the Light. There are choices, and these choices give power to the shadows.

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