Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM MARY!
It’s with great joy that I come here today, to bring you all my love, all my peace, all the feelings you need at this moment, to bring you the balance. I recognize, in fact we all recognize, that the vast majority of the time we have been repetitive, we always say the same things. But what is the objective? It’s so that you learn.
A lesson that is given only once, you don’t pay much attention to. But when it is repeated over and over again, you begin to think that it must have some importance and you pay attention to it. Throughout humanity’s existence on this planet, much thing was placed in your souls a long time ago. Placed in the sense of learning, in the sense of evolution, of unconditional love, when this planet was still a planet of golden, an evolved planet, but with the fall of consciousness, you began to vibrate other feelings and, as if by magic, you forgot everything you knew; because you found it interesting to get involved with new feelings, to get out of that feeling of fullness that you had due to your total connection with God the Father/Mother. You chose to live in privation, you chose to live in pain, you chose to live in suffering, but unfortunately, you didn’t realize that these feelings were coming from those who came from those who held the power, who held the tools to provoke those feelings.
And so their souls lived on, increasing the quota of bad feelings, of pain and suffering on your journeys. Of course, you also practiced good practiced love, but in much lower doses than those other feelings. And this accumulated the energies on this planet, the energies of pain and suffering, of insufficiency, of violence, because you only emanated this and you are still emanating it today.
So what have we been saying lately? Turn inward, start looking at yourself, stop depending on others. You’ve been taught not to look at yourself. So if you judge, the vast majority of the time, you judge the other. If you criticize most of the time, you criticize the other. If you commit a malicious act, practically every time, it will be against the other person. So you’ve been trained, accustomed and planned, to always look at the other person as if you didn’t exist. You have no importance, no power, you have nothing; you only look at the other.
So you envy the other, you covet what belongs to the other, you depend on the other, you depend on the other’s opinion. What are you? An amoeba, the most inferior particle you know, what are you? A mass that moves, eats, drinks, but doesn’t think? What are you, puppets, totally manipulated by others? Look at yourselves. Go to the mirror and look at yourself, but don’t look with disdain, don’t look with judgment, don’t look with criticism. If what you see doesn’t please you, it’s the product of your soul .The Beauty is a concept created to underestimate you. No one is beautiful, no one is ugly; you are the mirror of your soul.
So why so much criticism, why so much self-disgust? Who imposed beauty? Who told you that “A or B” is prettier than you? Those who have an interest that which, in their view, is not beautiful, encourage vices in order to achieve a perfect body, encourage sex by making that body an object of desire. Who encouraged this? But you were carried away by it all, you found it all interesting; and you seek it out, and you seek it, crave it, run after it, do whatever it takes to achieve this level of beauty. What beauty? What is beauty? Something imaginary, something subjective, not something real, because you can be beautiful today and tomorrow, through a slip of fate, you lose your beauty. And then what will you do? Commit suicide because you can’t bear to see yourself so ugly?
So, beauty is just one of the aspects you’ve been used to comparing yourselves to with the other. So we always have to talk about the other. What was it that my son said? “ love your neighbor as yourself”. Do you follow this rule? You love your neighbor, but you love with a burden, you love with dependence, you love with subjugation, you love without balance, why? Because you don’t love yourself. So you don’t know how to apply this phrase that my son said, because the other person always has to be involved.
Each one of you is a power machine, a perfect machine. Where if you know how to use this machine properly, you have no idea what you’re capable . But you’ve been taught to put everything on the other. Why? To take this power away from you, so that you never think you’re capable of anything. So you always need the other person’s opinion , you need the other person’s argument, you need the other person to tell you what to do, you need the other person to accept what you’re going to do. why? Because you don’t think you can make your own decision, you have to be accepted by the other person, so you want to follow the other person’s opinion. So that he likes you, even if his opinion is totally wrong. But you’re going to follow him, because you want to follow someone, you don’t want to be alone among so many people.
Why do you need each other? You have a Divine Spark, you have the Spark of my son in your heart. you have the Spark of each one of us that you allow to into your hearts. So why seek the other, why seek the other’s opinion? if you have a whole council within your hearts? It’s as if you were center of a large auditorium, where several Beings of Light are sitting and you sit there in the middle and ask a question. And everyone, or some, or some will give you an answer, but you need to believe it. Many of you say: “Oh, I ask and I don’t hear anything!” Why? Because you don’t believe it, you don’t think you can listen to anyone. So you prefer to listen the other person, because he’s there, you hear him with your ear, so for you it’s stronger and more palpable.
So I say to you: As long as you don’t listen to us, your world will stay the way it is, because you propagate other people’s opinions, not your own. On the other hand, to propagate other people’s opinions is to have the justification that if you make a mistake… “Oh, I did it because he did it too!” It wasn’t fault, you did it because he did it. Is that an argument? Obviously not, you did it because you did want to, don’t throw your decision on the other person. So as long as you don’t look inside, as long as you don’t see and hear us, your world will continue as it’s been, nothing will change.
Until the day comes when everything will happen and those who really trusted you, trusted us, will ascend. And the rest who are totally dependent on another person’s opinion because they don’t think they’re capable, because they don’t believe, because they don’t feel, because they don’t hear, because they don’t see, and many other reasons; they will remain in the same place. The Fifth Dimension is heart, the Fifth Dimension is love, the Fifth Dimension is trust, it’s faith. is you assuming the power you have.
I’m going to end my words by asking you a question, so that you can think about it. If you are products of God the Father/Mother, what are you? Exact copies of his power or are you something else?
Translation: By Virginia Leite