Meditation – Evolution Walk – Sananda – Day 1

For this meditation you may lay down or sit up, just don’t let sleep envelop you.

You need to be awake and aware of what you’ll be talking about.

If you fall asleep, redo the meditation.

Breathe deeply 3 times.

Stand on a strip of sand in front of an open ocean.

If you are afraid to go in the water, this is a great time to get rid of all that; but if it’s extremely difficult for you to get into the sea, just put your feet in the water.

For those of you who like to go into the sea, go in.

The waters will be calm, very calm.

Then stand at a height where you can stand upright, and step in as far as you feel comfortable.

Close your eyes and repeat with me:

Every step I take on my journey, I leave behind

everything that wounded me, everything that hurt me,

everything that violated me, everything that brought me out of balance.

May the power of these waters penetrate my soul,

cleansing all these energies.

May the power of these waters enter in my physical body,

cleansing all and any pain,

each and every unbalance,

any and all disaffection that may exist in each and every cell of my body.

At this moment, begin to notice that from your feet a Light begins to rise,

and it’s going up your legs, and it’s taking over your whole torso, your arms, your neck, and your head.

You see yourself just as a being of Light.

Feel the energy of this Light.

Now, immerse yourself completely and let yourself be enveloped by these waters.

You don’t have to stay in the water for too long, just a short dip in then out.

For those of you who are just at the edge, imagine that you’re in this water.

As you come out of the water, you will realize that you are no longer enlightened, and that the Light has gone out of your bodies.

Taking with it all that is necessary for your cleansing.

Get out of the water, walk backwards, don’t turn around.

Keep facing the sea.

Walk until you are back on the sand.

As you come out of the sea, even those who were just with their feet in the water, walk back to the sand.

And now be grateful for this whole process that you’ve been through.

E simplesmente respirem profundamente, e voltem às suas consciências.

And just breathe deeply, and come back to your consciousness.

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