Meditation – Portal 11/11 with Archangel Michael


I am here today with great joy! All improvised and messy. However, for me, any place is a good place. Any moment is the right moment. This Portal today couldn’t go without notice. Our focus today is this important Portal 11/11.

To avoid further doubts, those not here now will do this meditation later with the same energy. So all you have to do is call me and ask me to displace you for this day and time to do the great meditation. Just this is very simple. And you will participate here as anybody else today.

So, I ask each of you to put your foot on the ground. The height is neither critical nor whether the ground is stone or wood. Put your foot on the ground and be sure you will connect with Gaia, which will return all the energy required by this process. Just put your foot on the ground. We won’t do anything. You don’t have to reach Gaia with your roots. Just put your foot on Gaia, and It will act on each of you. Now, close your eyes and allow yourself to be taken by each scene your minds create. You don’t have to see anything that I am saying. You can imagine, and I guarantee that your imagination will take you far because all of you are protected by Gaia’s energy. It will help all to imagine what is real. Now, I bring you all to that big field, our immense field where I always position my army. Very well, without much mess, you organize yourselves. It doesn’t matter who is in the front or back, who is in the last row. For me, each heart is more important than what each one’s heart is bringing now.

So, you are all aligned and tidy, as I like. The day is beautiful, with a blue sky, and far away, you see an immense Sun. Not the Sun you are accustomed to, but a colossal Sun that brings Alcyon’s Sun brightness and Light to each of you. Feel the heat of this Sun on your bodies, the energy penetrating your bodies. Now that you are warmed by Alcyon’s Light, I will start calling our guests. Obviously, I won’t do this meditation alone. We will have many guests. So, on my right side, as always, Sananda arrives with His shining heart, involving each of you in Love, Peace, and all Christic energy. At my left, Maria, with Her beautiful Blue Mantle, which as if by magic, emanates Love and Peace that She pours into each of you. Now, at a distance, look at this immense Sun, and you will see some dark points moving, flying. There comes our Master Kuan Yin, followed by Her White Dragons to bring the energy of these Beings from a very high dimension. They are around this group to protect and maintain it within this incredible energy. With her beautiful Lilac Mantle, Kuan Yin arrives and is beside Maria. Next, I call our Commander, Ashtar Sheran, who positions Himself on Sananda’s right side. All our guests are here, emanating high energy and Love to each of you.

I am in front of all. The way you see me is not essential. I am on my knee, with my Blue Sword in front of you. I am not a boy. I am pretty big. All of you can see me clearly. Now, I stand and become even more significant, and I will conduct you through this beautiful Portal. Now open your soul’s eyes, and you will note that it is not day anymore. The sky is full of shining stars, and many are moving. They are not stars, you know. They are our brothers who are there in the sky emanating Light, energy, and Love to all who are here now. I stand up again to open the Portal and conduct you to the Fifth Dimension. Our guests also make way for you. In front of you, you see a huge and illuminated Portal. How is this Portal? Each one will create the Portal their way. It is a vast portal, illuminated and beautiful. I ask this army to pass through the Portal. Very well!

You are now in the new world in the Fifth Dimension. The stars seem more brilliant. The points that used to move now have forms, and you see many of them in the sky. Many spaceships. All of them are following this process. So, our guests are here too. Each one will give you a gift. Sananda will provide you with a beautiful white crystal. Open your hands and put them up to receive your presents. Sananda gives you a white and transparent crystal. Maria offers you a white rose. Kuan Yin provides you with a beautiful lotus flower. Ashtar Sheran will give you a different gift; a small metallic star, a decoration for each one of you as soldiers of His army. You used to put these stars on your clothes, so do it. You can use this star all the time as a reminder and protection from our Commander to you. You should put the crystal and flowers on your heart. Remember your gifts whenever you have any problem, sorrow, or suffering. Think about them as ask the help of those who gave you the presents, and you will get their answers. Obviously, it will depend on the request, but if it is a wish for good, mainly your good and the whole, we will help you.

Now all of you can close your eyes. Each will have a sword in front of you. Yes, a shiny sword is pretty similar to mine. Each of you will have one and can use it consistently to do good. Never use my sword against the other because it will dissolve on your hands. Now you can cut everything that prevents you from following the path of Light. Everything that prevents you from being happy and seeing the truth is the correct way to follow. Use my sword as a protection against each and every negative energy. The sword is yours. Keep it where you want; a corner in your house, within the closet, wherever you want. It will always be there, available for you. Maybe one day, the sword will materialize. It will depend on how you use it. If you use it with Love and wisdom, it will materialize. If you forget it somewhere and then misuse it, it will disappear. It won’t be there anymore, and you will know it. So, use it with Love, always with Love in your heart. You are full of presents within this beautiful setting of the Fifth Dimension. Breathe deeply and feel the fresh air you are breathing. Feel the energy all are passing to you.

I want you to exchange your roses for those who will be physically united tomorrow. When you meet another brother or sister, give your and receive their roses with Love. Don’t mind who will receive it; exchange your roses. Whenever another rose touches your heart, it becomes yours, and you can exchange it again with another person. So, exchange many roses tomorrow. Don’t worry about a rose coming with energy different from pure Love because the Love put in this rose by Mary cannot be affected; nothing changes it. So, this will be how you will fraternize tomorrow. How it will be tomorrow is not essential but make this gesture of pure Love with a brother or sister. This is what we ask. Keep your roses with Love.

So, now you begin returning and leaving the Portal. The gate is closed after the group passes. The gifts are in your hands. Use them whenever you want, and don’t forget: everything must e used with Love because otherwise, it will dissolve! They don’t remain with you. So, use them for whatever you want, provided it is with Love. Just the Love for yourself, another person, the planet, or an animal, it doesn’t matter. Just Love, nothing more.

Now, each of you will return to your home, where you started this meditation. I hope your hearts are now with Light and Love. Our guests were not forgotten. They are in your hands. Each gift contains the energy of our guests. So, use these presents. We are looking at each of you here and will remain as such for eternity, if necessary. We will love each of you with your errors, defects, and everything. You are on the path to evolution but have yet to arrive. However, you are trying to follow the right way. So, go ahead. Never forget that what is most important in this walk is Love and only Love! However, it must be true Love, which nothing asks, exchanges, or demands. It just gives because it loves. Unconditional Love. Live that Love. Seek that Love, and all the rest will come quickly to you.

Stay with our energy! We will meet again tomorrow!

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