You should do this meditation lying down.
While lounging comfortably, breathe deeply three times.
Now transport yourself to a beautiful Shangri-La place, a place that you want to create on earth, not in space. On a mountain, a beach, a green field, a lake, wherever you want. Just don’t go into the water. You can stay near the sea, a lake, or a waterfall, but stay off the water.
Observe this place. You chose it.
It gives you a lot of joy, calm, and peace.
Listen to the birds singing.
Be deeply relaxed while lying down there.
Look at the sky; it’s so blue.
And you are lying peacefully in your place.
Suddenly, a deep sleep comes over you.
Then you doze off and dream.
You could be a queen or a king in your dream, as you wish. Now, you are in front of a beautiful palace.
Further ahead, the people applaud your arrival.
You feel most grateful for the welcome of your subjects.
Your heart is in celebration because you are sure that you have done well; you have done a lot for them because your heart is always involved in your decisions.
And you feel grateful for being the king or queen. You’re not a snobbish king or queen nor arrogant. You feel responsible for your people, not superior, making them see you as almost an equal, not someone conceited, just with a higher status.
The sun shines on the horizon, toasting this celebration and making everyone really happy in that moment.
As king or queen, your heart is at peace because of the duty completed, the love you show others and your subjects, and your gratitude for everything received.
You are a joyful person.
You receive many gifts from your subjects, and you take care of each of them with affection, whether it’s a simple rose or something priceless, it means the same to you.
The party is over, and you go to your quarters with your heart in celebration, sure of your duty fulfilled.
You lie down, then fall asleep.
In that place you have chosen, you awaken from this beautiful dream.
Oddly, there’re gifts all around you, the same ones you got in your dream, and you don’t understand how.
Just transfer to your mind all the feelings you felt in that dream as a king or queen.
Understand this as if they were from your soul.
The gifts around you are gifts from your soul, in gratitude for your decision to follow this path.
Be grateful to your soul.
Receive all the love that you felt in your dream.
Take each gift and attentively look at all of them as you did in your dream.
Symbolically, each of these gifts will be a breakthrough on your path to ascension. So pay attention to each one.
If by any chance you don’t see any gifts, feel the love that this dream brought you, at least.
This love is the love I feel for you. It’s my Unconditional Love that I leave with you now, filling your hearts with Light and Peace.
Receive these gifts from me.
Now, lie down once more and close your eyes.
Breathe deeply.
And when you reopen your eyes, you’ll be back where you started this journey with me.
Sleep with all my energy.
And trust me, I love you unconditionally, and I care about you always.
Just open your heart to me.