Meditation – The Evolution Walk – Day 21 – Miguel

This meditation should be done lying down.

Where would you like to be at this moment?

In a country house, on a beach, in a mountain house, in a townhouse, in nature, where do you want to be?

So, I’ll give you one minute to put yourself wherever you want.

Create your environment around you.

Your heart is happy; you are where you would like to be.

Then, feel your heart vibrate like a globe of Blue Light.

It vibrates, and as you feel happier and happier in that place, the bigger it gets, almost out of your body.

Emanate the joy of being here in this place that you created and chose, bringing you this immense joy now.

Your heart with the Blue Light is still pounding.

From your heart rises a beam of Light, a beam of Blue Light.

This beam connects to a Blue Light ball formed at the tip of this beam coming out of your heart.

It is as if you are supporting this ball with that beam coming out of your heart.

Take a good look at this Blue Light ball.

Put everything you want inside. Only good things for you.

I’ll give you one minute to fill that Blue Light ball with your thoughts.

Did you notice that the ball had grown? Yes, your thoughts are powerful.

Now close your eyes on that spot.

I’m standing beside you, I took that Blue Light ball, and absorbed all that energy.

Every request, every feeling you put there, I absorbed.

The beam of Light from your heart has receded, but your heart continues to pulse in this Blue Light.

Now, I’m standing behind you, behind your head, and placing my right hand on your forehead.

Feel my energy penetrating your body.

I am passing on to you all my Unconditional Love and telling you, “Carry on your journey, firm, confident, and I will always be beside you, to give you strength, to help you.”

All you need to do is hold this Blue Light in your heart. It’s my presence in you.

Now I’m taking my hands off.

You are now fully illuminated with a blue light.

Stand inside this Light for five minutes.

Now that Light will begin to disperse.

Your heart is still pulsating with the Blue Light. It’s me pulsating inside it.

Open your eyes.

Everything is even more beautiful, illuminated.

Make this place your fulcrum.

Keep in your mind every little piece of this place you have created, and whenever you need help, lie down, put yourself in this place, illuminate your heart with my Blue Light and summon me. And immediately, I will take you in.

Now close your eyes.

Breathe deeply, holding in your mind this whole moment you are living.

Take another deep breath.

And whenever you want, just open your eyes and come back to your consciousness.

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