Meditation – Walk of Evolution – Day 12 – Metatron

You can stay laid down for this meditation but can sit down if you wish.

See yourself sitting in a chair within a big room, even if laid down.

The room is lighted and contains many doors, all of them closed.

Don’t feel lonely. There is a legion of Angels around you. You may see them or not, but they are there, pouring on you the Unconditional Love they have.

Now, your chair remains stationary, but those doors start turning. You don’t have to look at the doors turning. Just close your eyes.

Now open your eyes.

The door in front of you will open, and something is thrown at you.

You can see an image on your mind, hear a word, and have a thought. It does not matter how you will receive the message from that door.

Receive the message.

Then, the message that reached you dilutes in the soil. It does not exist anymore. The door closes and disappears.

The doors turn again.

The doors stop, and a new door opens.

Something will come to you.

Take time to realize what came to you.

What came to you dilutes in the soil.

The door closes and disappears.

The doors start turning again.

The door in front of you opens, and something reaches you.

Observe and receive what came.

What came to you dilutes in the soil. Then, finally, the door closes and disappears.

There is another door. It turns and turns until it stops in front of you.

Something can come from this last door that may or may not be analyzed.

You can receive a gift.

The door opens, and something is brought to you.

Carefully observe what arrived.

I ask: “Does what came to you shine or dilute in the soil?

If you received a form so brilliant that you can’t identify it, see it shining, you could receive everything that should be seen. You understood.

If you don’t see anything shining, repeat this meditation until the fourth door shows this illuminated gift.

You know how to prepare for the meditation.

Do it and believe, and you will see.

See in the broad sense of the word.

See with the eyes, mind, a word, a phrase, energy. It doesn’t matter; it could be a scene. Anything may come.

Pay attention and keep what you see.

Now that door closes.

The illuminated gift is not in front of you anymore.

There are no doors or windows.

Close your eyes in the chair.

Open your eyes again.

There are no doors, windows, or circles around you.

You are in flat terrain, immensely lightened, according to your mind.

However, the place is delightful, with much Light and beauty. Absorb the energy of this place.

As you wish to see it, it will be the reflex of your mind, provided you create it beautifully.

If you try to create it ugly, you won’t see or feel anything.

Stay in this place you created for q1 minute.

Breathe deeply now, after receiving this entire message, which resulted from what you created.

When exhaling, you will return to your physical world and consciousness.

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