You should do this meditation lying down.
The idea is to treat your bodies as a whole when you are completely relaxed.
So, lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.
Keep the hands aligned with your body.
You are inside a cavern.
This cavern is open, and a door connects the cavern directly to the sea, a beach.
Inside this cave, there is a table, a plateau. See yourself lying down on this table.
Feel how fresh the cavern is with the sea breeze.
Keep your eyes closed.
Just feel in your body whatever will happen.
The cave is not very clear.
The Sun starts rising.
When the first rays of the Sun start covering your body, you feel as if a strong electric discharge is passing through your body.
The entry to the cave is immense, and as the Sun rises, it reaches more and more of your entire body, increasing the energy.
Do not open your eyes now.
Tiny golden elemental beings stroll around and on your body.
They are elementals of the Sun.
They shine; they shine a lot.
When they touch your body, they penetrate your skin without causing any pain or discomfort.
These elementals will stroll throughout your body, transmuting everything that is not good and should be removed from each body point.
Stay in this process for five minutes.
After this time, if you open your eyes, there in the cavern, you will see everything golden color.
You can stand up and see your body.
You are golden; you shine.
Your glow confuses with the brightness of Sun rays.
Now, lie down again.
Close your eyes.
You will feel something leaving your body; these are the Sun elementals exiting from your body.
They can take with them all they removed.
Your body starts to lose that glow slowly, while the elementals leave and return to the Sun rays, taking with them all they removed from your body.
Emanate, express much gratitude to these tiny beings.
For the beautiful cleansing, they performed on your bodies.
Now sit down, open your eyes. The Sunrays won’t hurt you.
They are not as strong as before.
See a shiny and golden Sun there on the horizon.
Be grateful for everything you received.
Now lie down again.
Close your eyes.
Breathe deeply in the fresh air of the cave.
Feel this air going through your entire body, from head to toes, as if you were a balloon deflating.
You inspire, and when expiring, the air leaves throughout your body and brings freshness to each of your cells.
Now breathe normally.
Again, be grateful for the whole experience.
Open your eyes and see you are not in that cavern anymore.