Meditation – Walk of Evolution – Day 6 – Kuthumi

The purpose of this meditation is to show each of you those points that you need to look at very closely during your next journey.

This meditation will aim to show each of you those points that should be looked at very carefully throughout the next walk.

If you don’t notice anything or if you don’t see anything, don’t worry.

Everything will be brought into your life in the Third Dimension, and surely, you will have the clarity to see each of those points.

Do this meditation while sitting or lying down. It doesn’t matter.

Imagine yourself at the beginning of a major road.

Envision this road. It can be narrow or wide, full of trees, full of flowers, or an open field. It doesn’t matter. Create it any way you like.

And you start walking on it.

At this point, stop.

In front of you, something will appear. It could be anything: a familiar shape, a small animal, or a small plant; just remember whatever appears.

Keep walking.

Stop again, and see what appears this time. Likewise, keep it in your mind.

Walk a little further.

Stop again. Another object will appear. Keep it in your mind.

Walk a little further. Another object will appear. Keep it in your mind.

I would say that these four objects, animals, figures, and shapes, no matter what appeared, will have an important meaning to be analyzed within your world.

If you cannot figure out the enigma of each one, ask for my help, and I will help you to have the clarity and awareness of what that means.

If you forget the objects, repeat the meditation. It’s important that you have the four in your mind, and later you will perceive and understand them.

Continue walking on that road.

No more objects appear in front of you. Now, it’ll be the road itself that will reveal itself to you.

You will walk for one minute. And at the end of this walk, try to remember everything that caught your attention during your walk.

Take note; similarly, you will understand.

Keep walking.

And now you will see a portal up front. In what shape? Any shape you want.It can be a small door, a big door, a door of Light, as you wish.

Come to this door.

Take a deep breath and open this door.

Just go through it. There’ll be a gift from me.

This gift will not be an obstacle; it will be something that will help you understand everything that you saw.

Receive this gift into your heart, and every time you think about each of the obstacles that have appeared, remember the gift, and quickly you will find the solution.

Close your eyes.

Breathe deeply.

And I enfold each of you now in a great Aura of White Light of love and balance.

Stay in this state for as long as you wish.

To finalize, just open your eyes, and you’ll be back where you started.

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