Meditation – Walk of Evolution – Saint Germain – Day 9

You should do this meditation laid down. Try to breathe deeply sometimes and stay relaxed.

Today you will be inside a cave. The cave is not closed; it has a wide exit. Nobody is in prison.

There is a pond in the middle of this cave with crystalline waters. Look inside this small pond.You will see the bottom. There are no animals, poisonous animals. Everything is clear, crystalline, and clean. Don’t be afraid. Enter this small pond.

The water is not cold. It has the temperature of your body. Play a little in this water; be like children, jump, play, throw water out of the pond. Relax inside the pond. Be happy inside this water.

Now you will float. Don’t worry if you don’t know how to float. You will. Relax within this water.

Note a slight tingling all over your body. It is as if small animals were biting you. But, no, there are no animals at all. It is just the sensation that the energy is causing in your body.

Something starts leaving your body; it has no defined color. It is a gelatinous, liquid, viscous thing. The form doesn’t matter. Each point opened by those energies will be a point through which these substances will flow from your body.What are these substances? Pain, sorrow, diseases, trauma, everything your soul has gone through, and try to hide to avoid looking at it again.

Then, these are like boxes that your Souls put on these problems. You can’t hide them anymore because everything that covered them up is leaving your body now.

Stay within water for one minute.

You will feel new energy from this water that does not bite you. Instead, it only energizes your body. The pond is now full of a Violet energy that transmuted everything that left your body into Love and Light and penetrated your body, soul, filling up all spaces with Love and Light.

Feel your body being energized. Now leave the pond. Look at the water; it continues to be Violet. Leave the water altogether. Look at it now.

You may see scenes, faces, or something you don’t understand. Only some essential points discovered will show, and that need your attention as the human mind.

Keep looking at the water for one minute. Don’t be worried about forgetting what you saw, because you won’t. Everything is stored in your mind now.

Deal with each scene or the fact you saw with Love, and you will note that they are removed from your way. If you don’t see anything in the water, repeat the mediation. You must see.

You cannot see because your mind is controlling, so you can’t see what has to change.

So, repeat the meditation with an open heart, and you will undoubtedly see.

To finish, stand up and leave the cave.

You will see you are not within the cave anymore during this walk. Close your eyes, and immediately you return to the place where you started the meditation. Breathe deeply.

You will return to consciousness when you open your eyes.

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