Meditation-Walk of Evolution – Solar Being – Day 3

This meditation will take you on a journey of consciousness, a journey of liberation.

You can do it sitting or lying down; just don’t fall asleep.

Place yourself in an open field; a green field with many trees around you on an extremely sunny day.

In front of you will appear a small ball; it’s transparent, and inside of it there’s a chair.

Look closely and you’ll notice there’s a door.

So open this door, get on the ball, and sit in the chair.

Note that the top of the ball is open, so you can breathe normally without any kind of problem.

There is no heat inside the ball. On the contrary, the temperature is very nice. Now close your eyes. Let’s start the journey.

This ball of yours is a small ship that will take you to higher worlds.

Right now, it’s being moved to another dimension.

Each of you is being accompanied by your Inner Master. There is no danger, no need to be afraid.

Feel that this ball has landed. You feel the impact of the landing.

Open your eyes inside the ball. Look around you. It is not a pretty sight.

Lots of junk, chains, bits of something you don’t understand.

The surroundings are dark, but there’s light on the horizon.

It’s not night, and you’re out in the open.

Open the door and get out of the ball.

You don’t understand what you are seeing. There are all kinds of things, some of which can even crawl.

Unfortunately, this is all inside you, inside every cell, accumulated over so many eons.

Look at your waist. There’s a tool there.

It is not a sword, it is not a dagger, it is only a tool of Light; it is a lightsaber.

Look at this lightsaber; it has a golden color, and the Light that comes out of it is yellow. Touch those things on the ground with the tip of the saber. You will observe where the tip touches, disappears, just disappears.

Then start touching everything you see.

Each touch destroys a good deal of what is there.

Included in these objects are fear, pain, suffering, beliefs, agreements, decrees, and everything that is entrenched in your cells.

You go around sweeping everything around with the lightsaber until it’s all cleaned up.

It’s all very quick, and there’s not much trouble cleaning it up.

And you quickly realize that you have created a big aura around that ball, lit up and clean.

This cleansing has been done in a single cell of your body. So now place the lightsaber at the level of your chest and repeat:

“May this cleansing be expanded through every cell in my body,

eliminating all that does not serve my ascension.”

Now get back into the ball.

Close your eyes again.

You’ll be transported back to the field where you began your inner journey.

Feel the ball landing.

Open your eyes and look at your body. You glow, you are enlightened.

Step off the ball.

Take deep breaths of this pure air from where you are. Yes, it is pure air because you aren’t in your dimension.

Deeply inhale this air.

Be grateful for all the cleansing processes that you have experienced here and now.

Sit on this green field and put your hands on Gaia’s soil.

Take a deep breath.

And when you open your eyes, you will be where our journey began.

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