Beloveds sons and daughters! I AM SANANDA!
I’m with you all the time. Every word that has been spoken here has been mine. Every word that has been brought to you here has been brought by me. You need to understand that this moment is a watershed, as was my experience when John the Baptist baptized me. And what does it mean to dive into the waters? A place where you have no control. A place where you can’t breathe. A place where you have to connect and trust in what you’re doing.
John only put me underwater and supported me. The transformation was mine. My desire to know the path and properties of my soul.
“What is diving, my fellow sons and daughters? It’s what everyone is doing. But here, you don’t need the water; you need your determination, your will. I can take each one of you and baptize. And what’s the point if you’re not truly connected and just want to say you’ve been baptized?”
The journey to the desert is up to each individual. It’s your desert. You will come to know yourself in your Divine Presence. In Light, in peace, in Love. Everyone here is on a search. Life doesn’t stop there. All the movement that is here, everything is working. But on the journey to your own desert, it means connecting with your deep, Divine Presence. On your way, on your journey.
At this moment, beloved children, I place each one of you under the waters. Your waters. So that you understand that you are worthy and that you are here because your soul has chosen this moment. Undressing from the whole process means letting go, because everything you have experienced will no longer exist.
Because on this new journey, you will encounter different energies. You need to spend 40 days in your own desert, facing your work and daily life with an open mind and without judgment. Everyone who hears these words is undergoing a symbolic baptism, a unification of recognizing who they are. From today, for the next 40 days, it’s up to you to embrace this aspect in your life. It’s about living from the strength of your heart and acknowledging your true self.
The 40-day journey is yours, it was mine. You are going to provide, see, feel, hear, and intuit, everything you need, as big as you are. And when I leave the desert, the journey begins. The 40 days is preparation. Everything you’ve done so far up to today has been to be baptized, in the sense of energy. Not in the context of your life, of the baptism, which has been included to each of you.
It will depend exclusively on you. We are together as my masters, as Father/Mother God were with me, but He let me face all the internal and external challenges. But I had the Spark inside me. This little door that was opened.
Beloveds, feel the power of this Love, of this Light.
Translated by Simarea Marques