Dear sons and daughters of planet Earth! I AM MELCHIZEDEK!
I bring all my love and all my strength to embrace you in a great bubble of Light and evolution.
The moment is for treatment. Treatment? Yes. The moment is for you to treat yourselves and treat the planet. The moment is for you to seek to use your own techniques or make use of the technique of someone who applies it to you. It is important. It is important to be energetically balanced.
Do not focus on the illnesses you have. Focus on balance. Focus on the balance of a therapy that might bring you the movement and, simultaneously, the stillness of the internal energies. There is not a technique that is better than the other. There is the one that speaks to your heart. There is the one with which you identify yourself.
So, do not follow someone else’s mind. Do not follow the opinion of others. Seek yourself. Ask your Divine Presence to tell you which technique you must search for. And search for it. At the moment, balance is important—complete balance. The Light is coming with much intensity and putting out many feelings and situations you cannot even imagine.
It is necessary to deal with them. It is necessary to go through them, understand them, and leave them behind. But balance is always needed because you are putting out very ancient and the most profound situations—those which are a priority for the soul, for there is pain there, suffering, agreements, pacts, and teachings made in not very enlightening times.
Your souls have been being cleansed for a long time, but the deepest layers have now been reached. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to deal with the emotions that come up—with everything that comes up—so that you tread the right path and keep on the right path.
Seek to take care of yourselves. Seek to participate in treatments and techniques; it does not matter which one—your heart will tell you. It will be your heart that will lead you to the right person. Know where to search. Do not let yourselves be led by the opinion of others. Always be present during the treatment. Always be present during the application of the technique.
Make a difference in yourselves and the world because when a child of Father/Mother God is balanced, when a child is well, the All is affected. That balance reverberates through the All. It might be that you do not balance the entire planet, but your balance makes the difference in the All. Therefore, that step is important.
Seek self-balance. Seek to remain balanced. Try always to be balanced. Be confident in the strength you have. Be confident in what you have learned. The time has come to use and apply everything you have learned.
When you are called to learn a technique, it is not to put it in mothballs. It is not to accumulate the papers of the courses and techniques you have learned. That does not matter. What matters is what you do with the technique. What matters is your offering. What matters is your application. What matters is what you are doing with what you have learned. It is not to put it in mothballs.
May each of you who are called to learn a technique rest assured that you have used the technique a lot at some point in your journey. It is just your soul reminding you of what you have already done. Therefore, do not be afraid of anything. Do not be afraid to do it correctly or wrongly because it is not you doing it; it is the technique. You are just a channel.
So, there is no such thing as the best or the worst. There is a technique, and if applied correctly, there are no mistakes; there is no way to make mistakes. If there is any mistake, then that person does not have the technique. Learn that. Therefore, each of you is just a channel of learned energy. Nothing else. There is no correct application or wrong application. There is a technique, and you, a channel for it.
Do not let the ego tell you that you are miraculously healing because you are not. It is the technique that heals. It is it that does miracles. It is it that makes it happen. Therefore, there is not a better or worse therapist. There is just dedication. That indeed may be analyzed and compared. Each one has their own method, way, or respect, and each one follows a path that is comfortable and pleasing to them.
So, seek holistic balance, my brothers. Seek to be balanced. It is very important at the moment. And, more importantly, make it happen: use the technique. Do not leave it. Do not put what you have learned in mothballs. That is not the goal. That is not being a Light Worker. That is just being another one and nothing else.
For in that way, you are not making any difference on the planet. “Oh! But I receive the energy of the technique!” Indeed, you receive the energy, but you are only a vessel. It is as if the energy came inside you and remained there, not expanding because you are not expanding it.
Expansion needs to come from you. Therefore, do it. Really be Light Workers.