Metatron – Get out of the Negative Mass

Dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth! I AM METATRON!

Being here bringing information and teachings is a moment of great Light for all of you. You should go back a little in time, not too long ago, 50 years ago. At that time, would you be able to understand and accept everything that happens today? I would say no. Even if we tried to make contact or came with messages, we would not be welcomed, much less the galactic brothers. So why is today different? It is different because of all the Light that is on the planet right now. The Light that comes from the Sun of Alcyon doesn’t just bring Light as Light; it brings evolution and expands consciousness.

It is as if your minds were a dark room, that you were groping around without knowing what was there. Some, sometimes, even had a small spot of fire in a candle, for example, to try to see this dark room. But it was all so strange and weird that it brought more fear than information. And the whole process began, the process of freedom of this planet. Then, in each mind, a small window was opened, where the Light began to penetrate. And this Light had the power to gradually increase that opening, and then you could, little by little, look more closely at each of those things in your mind.

At first, no one knew what to do with them, but as time passed, you learned to look at each of those weird, formless things and take care of them, either with forgiveness or with an apology. And they, as if by magic, were dissolving, getting that dark room cleaned. And what stage are you in today? Today the opening of your mind is immense; there are practically no more dark places. But it still needs to be 100% expanded, 100% enlightened because there are some places in your mind where you, over time, built strongholds so that they would never be reaccessed.

Light has a hard time destroying all of that. Because it also depends on your willingness to eliminate all your souls created. But little by little, each of you succeeds in breaking down these barriers. Of course, the memories are not easy; many are practically inadmissible and challenging to swallow, but you have been strong and know that you need to face all this and make the right decision. So 50 years ago, if all that Light came, you wouldn’t understand anything because you were not ready to understand and comprehend what the Light was showing.

Today, the Light arrives with wisdom and knowledge. And you have the power to treat each of these points, allowing yourself to clear and expand your mind and consciousness. You do this process correctly because you have been guided to this. Now the vast majority don’t know what to do; they also have access to all these horrendous things in that dark room. But they sit there, looking at it all and wondering what to do with it: “I don’t know how to clean this up .” They’ve tried several products, but the dirt doesn’t come off because they don’t know that this dirt comes out with the heart, not with the mind. Many even realize that a reaction occurs by looking at it with Love, which is not solidified anymore.

But the treatment for that is still unknown to them. It is no longer hard, it is no longer clinging, it has become a shapeless and ugly mass, and they still don’t know what to do with it. So that’s where the second part of this whole process will start. We will bring the knowledge, we will get everything you have already learned, to the rest of the planet, so that each of you will be able to treat this mass and clean all the others in the same way you did. And what is the difference between most of you, who I call awakened here, about the rest of the planet? You are evolved souls, not those born here. You are souls that already have all this knowledge within you.

So when knowledge came through the Light, it just opened a door that had been locked for a long time, and you quickly remembered what you had to do. You are more advanced because you are not souls from here. You are souls from other universes, from other galaxies that came to this planet with the mission of bringing the population to this planet and going through this whole learning process. So that’s why you are ahead, don’t feel superior to anyone. There is no way to compare souls that are already immensely evolved with souls from the Third Dimension, there is no comparison.

Now it’s up to you, evolved souls, to help in the process, to keep yourselves elevated and above it all. It is not for you to mingle with those who know nothing. We are surprised at the attitude of many of you to get so inwardly and deeply involved in the Matrix that it seems that you have suddenly forgotten who you really are. We are surprised you are so easily deceived by this existing mass. What I can understand is that deep down, you weren’t so ready. You were on the fence, a fence that has long since fallen, but you were there.

And by an inexplicable force, you fell to the wrong side, enveloping yourselves in all this great mass. It’s a shame because your place is not there but here outside of this mass, preparing the planet for everything to come, for your brothers and sisters who will need help. But now, you have become one of those who need help unnecessarily. We are surprised, be sure of it. But nothing is final. You can still take a step back and get out of this big fuss. We cannot say that you will not be missed; of course, you will be because the more souls are vibrating Light, vibrating Love, the more we can act on your planet. The less, the harder it gets for us, and that’s what they want, for us to have difficulties.

But nothing takes away our purpose, our strength. We will do whatever is necessary to achieve the objective in the required time. If we have to use more time, so be it, we’ll use more time, but nothing goes back, nothing is interrupted, and nothing is changed from what is to be done. So I hope that each of you, for whatever reason, has been careless and has fallen into this dilemma and that you will review your decisions. Ask for our help to get out of there, and we will certainly help you.

And may each one of you outside here not feel superior to anyone because there is a fine line separating you from that great mass. Don’t think you are exceptional. You are here, outside, at this moment, but you can be thrown inside by a minor slip. So don’t consider that big mass disgusting and inconceivable because you could be there anytime. The walk has to be done every second and will only be defined when you ascend. And even in the Fifth Dimension, you will have to remain there because nothing will stay there. But this is a different matter.

So I ask each of you, for those who are outside, vibrating Light, to do an internal work of vibrating more and more Light, to move further away from that mass. So now, if you’re in there, review your concepts, and check your opinions and decisions. And if you want to leave, ask for our help, and of course, we will be pleased to get you out of there.

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