Metatron – Learn to Understand Your Souls

Dear brothers of planet Earth, I AM METATRON!

For some, this journey brought maybe no good times or good views, but it really brought enlightenment through detachment of all those feelings lived and stored. For some, it brought doubts and apprehension about not being able to see or understand what was shown. I’m going to add something for you to understand.

Every soul has a vibration, conquered along the way. When we say that, you instantly think, “Oh, my soul has done a lot. I’ve done some terrible things.” So, I ask you: Have you ever considered that your Soul might have done nothing wrong or done a few evil things, but it is that soul which also does not…, never cared much about evolving, and always liked to stay in the same place, doing nothing to grow? Did you ever think of it that way? No, you only blame your Souls for doing wrong, so now you are paying for it.

So a soul’s journey consists of positive stages of growth and evolution; of negative steps, where it will attract energies that aren’t so good for your journey; and stationary moments where it does nothing, going neither forward nor backwards. This is the walk of a Soul. Judging your own Souls now is pointless. I would say that you are getting to know yourselves; you are getting to know your own Souls. And how to fix this? Is there still time? Is it still possible? It always is, because it is precisely during an incarnation that the Soul has the opportunity to take new paths, to choose new ways, to change its postures.

So, when you feel nothing, see nothing, and can’t receive what we say you will receive, you set yourselves up as extremely complicated errant Souls who have done everything so that you won’t achieve anything today. So I ask you: Where is the Unconditional Love that you seek to learn?

So, if your Soul brought you to this moment and you saw nothing, felt nothing, received nothing of what was given to you, what conclusion should you draw? The conclusion is only one: “It’s up to me to change all this. It’s up to me to choose new paths.”

And then these new paths are not the same for everyone. So let’s say that, on this journey nothing was achieved. What will you do? Will you quit?

Will you accept the vibration point that brought you here and continue with it, or will you seek new paths, new ways, new thoughts, new beliefs, and keep on insisting?

This walk was perhaps too high for you to take, but the following one, or any of the next, will be within your reach and you will be able to alter your trajectory. It’s interesting how easily you give up. At the first obstacle you say to yourself, “No, I can’t do it. I’ll stop here.” Think if this is not what your soul has always done? For you to have come this far and receive so little, since so many others have received, could it be that your soul has always done this, at the first obstacle sat down and rested. Nothing did.

So this is the time for you to change that, to stand up and say, “No, I don’t accept that anymore. I want to go forward. I will go forward. I am able. I will make it. ” If nothing happened on this walk, fine, your vibration wasn’t high enough for you to receive what your Soul had to give you, but on the next one, who knows? You’ll only find out if you try. And if the next time you don’t make it, that’s fine. Keep trying, and for sure, there will be one you’ll make it. Everything depends on your soul’s vibration.

Let’s put it this way: every quantum of vibration attracts gifts that we give to you. If your Soul doesn’t have the vibration to even receive the gifts, how can it see what has to be seen? You aren’t ready. But it’s not to stop, sit and quit. It’s to keep going, it’s to change the path of your soul, it’s to change the way your soul sees obstacles, it’s to keep trying, it’s to go forward. Because even if it takes you a while to achieve it, you are telling the universe that you are trying and that you are doing everything with your heart, and you trust that you will make it. And I guarantee you will succeed.

Do not consider yourself to be less, inferior, or incapable in comparison to others. Each Soul is unique. Each Soul is in a vibration point and receives the same frequency as it vibrates. So, understand that you aren’t vibrating low or vibrating negatively. Your Souls are just without the strength to overcome the obstacles and prefer to give up, leading you to the vibration that you are today.

The moment is not for giving up. The moment has come to go all the way. It doesn’t matter if you won’t see anything; it doesn’t matter if you receive nothing. We are seeing you there. You will not be an unimportant piece because we are seeing you existing, standing there, receiving that energy. It doesn’t matter if nothing happens. And be assured that simply participating is the password to let us know that you are not sitting around giving up anything. You are continuing the walk. Who knows what you will see tomorrow?

When we say, “Give up because you can’t,” are we giving you an order or making you think? Then, I ask you if tomorrow we say: “From now on, you should no longer meditate, you should no longer pray, you shouldn’t do anything else, live intensely in the Third Dimension!” What will you do? Will you follow what we’re saying faithfully or will you understand that there’s a question mark? Just trying to figure out what you’d do. Learn to listen to what we say. Don’t take everything at face value. You need to make your own decisions, not based on what we say. Everything has a double meaning to make you think.

So what do you choose: Really drop everything and stop and leave it at that or insist on going forward, always believing that you are capable of changing your Soul’s path? What do you decide?

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