Dear brothers of the planet Earth! I AM METATRON!
I can tell you that today, at this moment, your planet is totally wrapped in multiple layers of Light; layers of love, health, peace, transmutation, and protection. So many colors are around the globe, each with its own function. I can say that, at this moment, we give special attention to this planet because something significant is about to happen. Our love and balance are released all over this planet and into the hearts of all residents here.
Don’t get attached to what is being shown to you. Don’t hang onto moments of despair. Anyone who feels threatened reacts. And in the spirit of those who have always manipulated this planet, there is no such thing as surrender. There is no such thing in their minds. They have been taught to fight to the end, to do as much damage as possible, exactly when they feel under pressure. So don’t hold to whatever you see or hear. I can assure you will see a lot of barbarism underway. The main goal is to shake, to shock, to despair, to bring more and more fear.
What is your role? Not to pay attention to it. Pretend that nothing is happening because this is not true in your minds and hearts. You have just to watch it all as “a tiny drop in a big ocean,” which means it doesn’t matter. Light acts at every point. The action of Light reveals everything. Not to bring consciousness, to teach you something, or to be careful, but to cause discouragement, sadness, and a lack of will to believe that one day it can all get better. Nothing is hidden anymore. The truth will come out more and more.
You should understand that you must not be discouraged, angry, accusing, or judging; there is a lesson. What lesson? The lesson that nothing else remains hidden and has good results, not the actions contrary to the Light. The ones guided by the Light are producing fruits and wonderful ones. This is how the Light helps: to multiply good thoughts, good attitudes, and good actions. The Light is not increasing pain and despair but showing you the results of your choices. Still, it seems that many don’t care about this.
Selfishness is still very present in hearts on your planet. People think only of themselves. If that is good for them, “then to hell with the rest!” That is how the vast majority of you think. So there you are, the world that you create this way, a selfish one, where nobody thinks about anybody but themselves. All the actions being revealed come from this behavior of your self-thinking, in not making good choices, because the good doesn’t seem good enough for you.
Usually, the poor choices benefit the selfish, and the rest pay the bill. The present moment is one of trust that everything will be revealed, and nothing will remain hidden. Any little trick or scam will be exposed to those who are good-hearted to know the truth. Those who don’t care about anything, only about themselves, don’t care about what happens out there. They want to keep receiving the fruits of what is good for them, and the rest of the world doesn’t matter.
Every moment, each one of you makes a choice, and the most important one at this moment is to think of the Whole, of actions that will be good for the Whole, not just for you. Learn to let go of selfishness. Look at everything with the eyes of the heart, and you will see where the lie is. Whoever looks with egoistical and mind’s eyes doesn’t want to know the truth and prefers to live in illusion, maintaining the benefit of their own, always.
Your planet is moving towards new times. There will be no more place for lies, falsehood, big ideas contrary to the Light, and self-benefit. There will be no more room for everything done in the name of something, but actually about self-benefit and not for the people. It ends here. Make good choices. What are they? Those that are intended for the Whole and not for oneself. Do not brag about what has already been done. Is it done? It is easy to say, for the sake of saying, it has been done.
My brothers, words are so easy to put together in a sentence, in a great speech, in books. Now, where is the truth in each word? How do we know if each word spoken represents the truth? By listening with the heart. And what is listening with the heart? The first question is: “Is what is being said good for the Whole? Is what is being said possible? Is what is being said for the benefit of the speaker?” Answer those questions, and you will have the answer, whether it is the truth or a lie.
I would say that today, we must intervene in most of the planet because few of your leaders actually think about the people they rule. So, stay calm because everything will happen according to the Light. Everything will be according to the purpose of the new era, which means equality, balance, and the expansion of love all over the planet. Anything that runs away from that will not spread, will not exist, will not be present.
I tell you that, just get ready for a New World, a new way of living, a new way of thinking, a new way of sharing, a new way of seeing the brother next to you. This world you know today will no longer exist because new possibilities and solutions will arrive. And everything that you see as wrong today, contrary to the Light, will gradually be eliminated from the planet. How? It doesn’t matter. It will just be eliminated from the Earth. They will no longer rule here nor make decisions regarding the Whole. It ends.
Be ready with your hearts for the changes. There is no point in you coming together in small or large groups to try to lower the vibration of this planet so that none of this will happen. This process has already begun, and there is no stopping it. It increases daily, and those who manipulated this planet for so long will stop ruling the day of the summit. Now the disciples who remain here will have a choice: they either modify themselves or continue to follow those who guided them, but, I assure you, for a short time.

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