Metatron – Process for Quiet Nights

Dear Brothers and Sisters of Planet Earth! I AM METATRON!

To be here once again is always a reason for joy and peace in our hearts. We bring a lot of energy to each of you, full of Love, Light, and the highest balance. After finishing all the tasks of the day, at this moment, you must clear the thoughts that still populate your mind before going to sleep.

Your planet is accelerating, your minds are accelerating—everything is accelerating. The secret is learning to empty your mind of all problems, anxiety, and thoughts. You have already learned that anxiety leads to nothing, imbalance, and uncertainty of what is to come. So the time has come for new learning and for you to strip yourself of all that is not good. Empty your minds of any worries or thoughts with the snap of your fingers.

We know it is not easy. You are used to bringing your problems to bed before going to sleep. Because it is in the moments before going to sleep that you try to put your mind in order; you redo the entire day trying to find your way, where you missed the right path, the right point of each problem. You plan the day ahead, and this fills your mind. Sleep rarely comes, and you start to have problems with relaxation, with not being able to effectively get a long, excellent night’s sleep.

So starting today, I will leave some instructions here so you can start practicing without anxiety. It is not to say that the first day you do it, it will work out, and you will be able to empty your mind. There is no way; everything is a learning process. You will teach your mind to control and empty itself and show that you, not your mind, are in charge. You must now take control of this rein.

Then each of you will have a printed copy of my cube near your beds. You will put a glass of water. Any glass doesn’t have to be brand new; any water, as much water as you can get your hands on. Place the Cube on a surface, and place the glass on this surface near where you sleep. Be careful that the water in the glass doesn’t get the paper wet, but if it does, put another piece of paper with the symbol on it again. What is there to do with what has been wet? Just throw it away; nothing will happen to it. Because the moment the symbol was damp and fell apart, there was nothing there anymore, no energy or emanation of anything.

So you have the paper and the cup next to your bed. Before you go to bed, still sitting up, you are going to literally pull with the tips of your index finger and thumb. You are going to touch these two fingertips. Which hand? The dominant hand is the one that is mandatory on your body. Then repeat: You will place the tip of your index finger and your thumb on your forehead. You will imagine that by moving your fingers away from your forehead, you are pulling out the thought, the worry, whatever. Consider what you think about before going to bed—that worry, that problem. Think about it, pull it out, and then throw it into the glass.

And so you will repeat. Whatever comes into your mind, you will do it; you will put your fingers against your forehead and pull and drop it into the glass. Now, this process requires that you believe it. You believe that you will be removing this thought from your mind. When you finish, don’t be anxious wondering if you’ve put all your problems in the glass. As I said, it is a learning process, and each day, you will realize that, over time, your mind will learn that, at that moment when you sit on your bed, it should be empty. This will happen over time as your mind learns this process.

When you have finished removing all your thoughts, lie down and try to relax. Put on some music or just say a prayer; ask me to keep your mind clear, to help you keep your mind clear so that you can have a peaceful, relaxing night’s sleep. And I will help you.

I’ll repeat it: This is a process; it’s not a magic pill. It’s not the first day you’ll get it; it’s a learning process. It shows your minds that they have to empty themselves before they go to sleep. This will be very important because the process will speed up every day, and everything will begin to happen in your life at an accelerated pace. There won’t be much time for planning; there will only be the time of the here and now, of execution, of living each moment.

Try not to plan so much. Try not to have anxiety about tomorrow. Live each day as it has been taught here. This is the great secret: to live the moment, to surrender to the Higher Self the conduct of your day, always believing that he will come with everything that needs to be resolved at that moment, on that day. Don’t be stressed, don’t be anxious, and you will manage, little by little, to learn to relax your mind and have very peaceful nights.

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