Metatron – The Ascension is made of Many Roads

Dear brothers and sisters of this beautiful planet. I AM METATRON

As we continue on this beautiful journey today, we want to focus on expanding your consciousness, understanding, and clarification. We will strive to bring you the truth, whatever it is: beautiful, ugly, easy to digest, or complex. Now is a special time of your journey. You have the opportunity to look at all that is necessary for the cleansing and evolution of your Souls.

Hearts ache, minds become extremely confused, there is a reaction not to change, not to do, not to accept. Any and every change has never been simple and easy. Adaptation to new concepts, ideas, or habits is never easy; it always takes time for the body and the mind to adapt to the new.

So, start imagining that you have been carrying habits and concepts for eons, not months, not years, eons. They all come to the surface with the energetic burden of time. The further back you go, the heavier it is because the mistakes were much more severe than they are now. Just as an example, so that you can understand. Was killing a habit? Yes, an everyday habit. There was no remorse, no judgments, no pain for those who killed because they always believed they were doing it in the name of something significant. Today, you have a new idea of what killing is. But unfortunately, not everyone does. Many people still believe that there is no remorse in the killing. You kill a brother as you would kill an insect without any guilt or analysis.

Then, the burden of the past is not easy, not easy images, not easy sensations to understand and digest. So, I ask you to at least have the awareness, the understanding of the enormous opportunity you receive now to get rid of it, to put an end to it, or not. Then, it’s up to you to accept and deal with and change whatever it comes; to understand, to learn, to finish the lesson, or not; or to leave it where it came from and choose not to look at it, not to deal with it, not to change it.

At this time, your choices take priority. And based on that choice, you will earn little passports, which will allow you to enter the road to ascension. These passports are not physical; they would be like the keys of vibration placed within you. When you reach that key, you will automatically go to a new road, perhaps a little more complex or internal, and so will be your path to ascension.

Now you will handle minor problems; you will deal with big problems later because you have to be ready to face them, the big truths, head-on. So it is like nasty medicine, and you start by taking one drop to get used to the taste. Then, after a while, you start taking two drops and take some more time to adapt. Later on, you take three drops, and so on, until the day comes when you take a full glass. Then, realize that it will not be easy to reach the whole glass.

In this journey, we propose that you take these drops gradually and learn to tolerate the bitter taste, and get used to taking another drop every day to increase the dose. The only way to get your little passports is by learning, understanding, and cleansing. Think of this process as a series of roads. There is no single road but many roads, each with a vibration. You change roads and become part of a more vibrating road as you go up.

Now all of this depends on your choices. Facing mistakes, problems, and heavy energy is a choice. We don’t force you to do anything. The option is yours. Those who choose to follow the walk, be sure that each of us is there, bandaging the wounds of the walk, holding you in our arms in moments of despair. We involve you in a mist of Light, of Unconditional Love so that you can get where you want to go.

Count on our help, as for it. Beg us to help you. Why beg? Because many ask with indifference as if we were obliged to help you. We cannot interfere with your free will. So we need a password, and that password is just a request for help and, in extreme cases, begging.

Be confident that we will act instantly if the request or supplication is from the heart. Believe that.

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