Michael – About Gatherings and Challenges


My presence here today is to talk a little about the moment that is to come next month, in our New Gathering.

At this moment, I see a lot of tight hearts and I can even say, a lot of angry hearts because they won’t be there. I ask a question: Are all things in your world unlimited? Is everything according to what you want? From what I could see, it’s not like that, everything has a limit. So why so much revolt? Why emanate anger and annoyance against those who are organizing everything?

I’ll tell you, it’s very easy from the outside point of view to criticize, condemn, judge, who is trying to do their best. The problem is that for you it’s never enough, you always think it could have been better. But in terms of what and in terms of whom? In terms of yourselves, to meet your wishes.

Well, my brothers, I keep repeating: many of you are deceiving yourselves, thinking, screaming, and I would even say showing off, saying that you are ready for the Fifth Dimension. You don’t believe in what you are saying, because in your hearts, most of you continue to live within the Third Dimension and let the ego remain in control.

It’s interesting how you put yourselves in the face of setbacks, you still complain, you get angry, you emanate contrary energy to those on the other side… “But it is right, I continue on the path of the Fifth Dimension!” Is that it? My brothers, we have said it here and I repeat it several times: Nothing we do is meaningless, everything has a meaning, everything has a why.

So, at our last gathering, many were angry because they didn’t participate fully. And I explained to you at the time that it was meant to be this way and it will continue to be this way. Not everything can be opened, not everything can be spread around, not everything we do can be put on your Internet. So this one will be the same thing, you will participate until a certain time, then no more.

Oh yes, I can already see hearts jumping here, minds racing… “Again. I will not participate!” So let me make one thing clear here: if you’re open-hearted, happy, uplifted, it doesn’t matter what’s going on out there on the other side, you’re doing your part. And another important point: at the time of a gathering, with a large number of people, an egregore is created, an egregore of Light. So, whoever participates in this egregore from the heart will remain in it until the end, regardless of whether he is seeing or hearing or participating physically; he will be in it until the end, because he has been given the right to enter it.

So learn that we are not as bad as you put it. Whoever, the one who has an enlightened and open heart will be with us until the end. Now what is important is that the heart remains open. It is not at the moment when he gets cut out that the anger will enter, because at that moment he will be expelled from the egregore, because he will no longer be vibrating what is asked, which is Love and Light.

No, I’m not asking here that during the time that we’re out of tune, for those of you who are out, that you get on your knees in the corn praying and praying, doing penance… I’m not asking that. You can be at home, sitting with your family, but with a pure, happy heart and with the awareness that far away, something important is happening for humanity and that precisely because you have an elevated, happy heart, you are participating in it.

Ah, but would you like to isolate yourself and continue to participate in a more isolated way? Perfect! So it will go from the heart of each one, to continue participating with a happy, joyful heart or to isolate and continue in that tune, or simply to give up everything and start babbling, complaining, and this way, you will be out of the whole process.

We are not as unfair as you say. “Ah, but this was not said before.” Yeah… because we like to reveal things little by little. So for whoever is in your house, create a pleasant environment of Light and stay in it until the end and you will certainly be inside the egregore, participating in another way, but you will be adding your energy to the whole process.

It is also interesting to say, as many people complain about having to make new clothes, I would say the following: You go to any event in your world, which has a date, has a sequence and then you go wearing clothes from a previous event. How will you feel towards others? Ah, many are answering here to me: “Oh, for me… I don’t even care!” To say that here now is easy, but getting there and seeing all eyes on you, because you decided to be different, you decided not to follow the rules and that will do you good for sure. Lots of people whispering, lots of people talking. Ah, but you won’t feel anything, your ego is so shriveled that it won’t bother you. “I will take my chances”… as you say.

Then there are others who say: “Oh, but I can’t afford it”. This rhetoric is already getting a little old, this rhetoric is already going out of fashion. Because at the present time, if you know how to desire, if you know how to want, everything will come to you. But if you continue with this rhetoric: “Oh, I can’t… oh why this? oh, why that?” things won’t happen.

Playing the poor thing is no longer in fashion at the moment. I would say it is a moment of elevation, of superiority, not of feeling inferior. Everything is possible as long as it comes from the heart, the universe has its taps open, you just need to know how to ask. And how do you ask? With joy, with the heart, with the certainty that you will succeed. So are we going to stop with this rhetoric of poor people? Let’s stop with this rhetoric that: “I don’t have it… I can’t… It is not possible…”; this is already out of fashion, it doesn’t fit anymore at the moment.

I am able to. I can. I will have”. Much better, isn’t it? Then I gave some explanations regarding our next meeting.

Now, I keep saying it all the time: Nothing is obligatory. Everyone makes their own choices. Everyone makes their own decisions. So all right, everyone will reap their own decisions.

I hope I was very clear about our gathering. And I hope that you learn to change the frequencies, your vibrations in relation to everything that happens. You always put the negative side first, it’s amazing. “I can’t do it”… “I don’t know”… “I’m not capable”… always comes first, why? Why do you have to always maintain dependency upon the other?

Ah, no… no, I’m not mistaken, the other one is always wrong. Why? Why didn’t he do it the way you wanted? Why didn’t he do it the way you expected? Ego… ego… ego and ego. Everything has to come out and everything has to be the way you want it, why? Because it is easier? Because you don’t want to have to work on it? Oh, no… “Because I can’t!”… always”!

So I’m going to say something to you: As long as you depend on others to solve your challenges, your obstacles, hum… the journey is impaired. Because the moment is one of overcoming, the moment is of challenges and it is the small challenges that show you how unprepared you are, but you don’t see it that way. “It’s not my challenge, it’s someone else’s mistake”! As long as you see it this way, the journey will continue to be hampered.

There are problems and problems. There are the real issues, the ones where you do all you can. Listen to what I just said: They do everything possible! Then it gets to the point where there really is a problem. Perfect at asking the other for help! Now, don’t try or try and think you won’t succeed and start asking for help, no… no… that’s wrong! The path is already damaged!

It’s interesting and I’m going to end this message, leaving this for you to think about: What are you capable of doing? Then, you will answer me: “Ah, anything!” So why don’t you do it? So, why don’t you do that, why don’t you try? Why don’t you come out of the rhetoric of “I can’t… I don’t know!”. Each obstacle is a challenge to be overcome, don’t throw to the other what you can’t do. The other didn’t create anything thinking about you, you are not the center of the universe.

So if you can’t, that’s your challenge… not his. Understand it! So, here’s the question for you to think about: Do you stop your lives, because you think you won’t be able to do it? Think about it!

Tradução: Paula Prado

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