I have come here quickly to add to what Saint Germain said and to end any doubts. Everything that Saint Germain has said is related to what we have been passing on to you since the beginning of this path, especially me. Let it be clear that nothing that was said refers to anything in the letters of Christ. That is another subject, another issue.
Many may ask, “What about the Journey? Hasn’t the Journey been passed on by you?” The Journey is not a mere ritual, a procedure; it has a purpose. So the journeys can go on without a hitch, the Journey of Forgiveness, without a hitch. What is closed here is any other kind of ritual that has been passed on, any procedure of these old rituals. It’s all over.
You must understand that you’re living in new times with new ways of moving forward. I don’t want you to be attached to anything that has been handed down here over the years, the little rituals that have been handed down. We’re about to begin a new path. Yes, each of you will be on your own path, and we’ll be on ours. You’ll have to rely on yourselves, not on us.
So pay attention to what I’m saying: nothing I’ve said refers to any aspect of the study of the letters of Christ. The walks, the journeys, the expansions of consciousness, all of this continues because these are processes that you are doing for your ascension, it’s not a simple ritual, there’s an evolutionary point there. So don’t confuse things. Don’t create unnecessary excitement. Pay attention to what you’re hearing.
Only the Hilarion, Mary and Arcturian procedures will be closed. Please understand this. Don’t get the wrong idea. The valley before you is beautiful, easy to walk through. The cliff is over. Now it’s all about moving towards the light, nothing else. No crutches, no supports, just your own heart.
Translation by Helena do Lago Basile