Michael – Everything is choices


We are coming to the end of this festive time, but it still has not finished.

Many are asking themselves: Why are we going to meet tomorrow during this process? It is simple. It is exactly to bring the necessary light to each one of you. To get cleaned almost entirely from all this process. And why almost and not fully?

Because you are inserted in the ambient. It would be fully, if you get out from Earth,  but continuing there, it is as if only us could clean you and you come back for that durty and contaminated ambient, but you will be so illuminated that you will get dirty very little. This is our idea.

Tomorrow, you will celebrate Women’s Day. Despite being a man-made date, inside the egregore of this planet, it was already created a big light egregore of feminine power. Tomorrow, the girls who will conduct the process. There will be them to bring the energy, the power, the necessary love, to overlap a lot of things.

I  will start, and Sananda will end. As it was already explained, it will start at 9:00 AM, and it will last until around midday. In the afternoon, you will do the activities that you are planning. There is no time. Who thinks that it is too hot, start by the end of the afternoon, no problem at all.  I am very satisfied with the results that I have seen in all of you.

I like this, and I hope you enjoy this day. Do everything from the heart. Don’t do it just for the sake of doing it. Each action, each movement, must be done with much love to bring you the expected result.

My Brothers and sisters, don’t focus too much on this period that passes, because it ends. Unfortunately, I brought pain for many, regret for others, and all sorts of problems for a little minority, but each one has made your choice, and each one will get the result of what has been planted. Only this. Nothing more.

So, my Brothers, forget it: forget what was passed. Whether you committed mistakes or not, there is no judgment. Welcome yourself and follow your journey. Always remember, everything you do for yourself won’t be in vain. “Oh, but I won’t be able to ascend”, but you are in the evolution way. Maybe you won’t ascend now, but it will happen a little bit later, so don’t give up.

Don’t think that because you lost the way, you will have to lose it forever and get stuck in the mood. Don’t! Keep on your way. Don’t give up because you will continue evolving, and very soon, you can be in the fifth dimension. Think about that! Nothing is completely lost.

Right, you have lost the opportunity. Yes, I can assure you of that. Because there is no time. At the linear time of you, there will be no time for you to recover everything you have lost, but keep on going to your evolution journey. Don’t give up on it! Because this way you have at least the merit of going to a planet a little bit more evolved, otherwise, you will go to a planet worse than this, because you will be completely stuck in the mud. What do you want?

Don’t get stuck in the mud. Pay the price, but continue your journey. Don’t let be caught by defeatism. Everything has a price, and those who effectively forgot the trajectory need to pay for it. There is no other way.

So, my Brothers, don’t cover yourselves so much. You are still human beings. We are not covering you or judging. Only the ways are different. They are not those you were following. Only this. The rest is all the same.

So, be ready, all of you, to live these little moments tomorrow and receive all this energy and the love the Goddesses will emanate to you. The female energy of God the Mother/Father, fulfill you with love and a lot of light, and that is what you will receive. Don’t fear anything. The way has already been trodden. There is no way to retreat. You can only walk forward. Time does not return for you to undo the mistakes. So, keep on going the way. Have Faith. Soon, you will get another opportunity. There is no use crying now.

Right my Brothers and sisters, the appeal is great, and many think that…” Oh, I did not drink, I did not do drugs, I didn’t do easy sex, so I am fine.” I would tell you that you are in a very interesting class, but you got stuck in the mud. Let’s say that you got dirty from you knee down, but you got dirty. There is no use finding ways of believing that everything is ok because it is not.

You have been warned. You followed this way because you wished it. To fulfill the ritual, to fulfill an invitation? This will cost you a lot, my friend. And now, there is nothing else to do, but it is necessary that you have the conscience that many similar moments to these are still coming in the way. Don’t forget that you are passing by the final tests, and they will be the ones to give you the conditions for you to ascend or not.

So, too much attention is necessary. You always need to listen to your heart, then you will know exactly what the right way to walk is, not the way that is proposed from the Brothers of the Earth, but the way we are proposing to you. Listen well: proposal. Not obligation, not determination. Everything is a choice. Nothing more than choices.

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