Today I want to make an invitation. In fact, it will not be only an invitation but several. This week is a week of great anxiety for the day of the meeting that is approaching. The first invitation I want to make is for each one of you to maintain your balance and integrity. Don’t start feeding anxiety that will not be good for you or the All. Learn, my brothers; the timeline for many of you is already defined and created by your own attitudes. Getting anxious now will do no good. It will not speed up the time, it will not make the meeting happen faster, nor will it make it happen 100% perfectly just because you are anxious.
So let’s keep calm. It’s interesting how many of you behave; the sloppiness and the lack of attention reign in many of you. You want everything, but you don’t pay attention, you don’t try to know, you don’t make an effort to be informed, but you charge. Oh, and how you charge … And most of the time, things don’t turn out how you want them to; why could? Everything has consequences. So, what will be the result if you don’t pay attention, don’t seek to know, and don’t know what is needed? I guarantee it won’t be good for you. The vast majority of human beings like to push their problems onto the backs of others… “Oh, I won’t do it because someone else will do it for me. Is this correct?
Each one has to be responsible for what he wants and for what he is responsible for. It is not by passing it on to others that you will achieve anything. Because you are, as I have been saying, lying in that hammock drinking juice and giving orders to others to do things for you. It is not correct. So to reiterate my first invitation: Calm down, keep calm; there is no reason to be desperate. So many are terrified: “I’m going to make it, I’m not going to make it, what if, what if”? So I’ll just put one thing: This egregore is already formed, and if you start putting problems in your mind, that it won’t work out, that you won’t be able to attend, that nothing will work out… This reverberates through the egregore.
So let’s do the opposite; let’s think everything will work out and you can attend. And if you can’t, you will attend later. It will be a similar event to all the others around here. It will be recorded, and those who don’t watch it at the time will watch it later. Would we be so… I don’t even know what term to use, that we wouldn’t do anything recorded, it would be a secret thing. Those who are present will be there, and those who are not will not be able to watch anything. What is this? Is it some secret cult? You are a little bit mistaken about us. So I don’t want any anxiety, questions, or a lot of messages asking how it will be or won’t be.
It will be a transmission like any other I do during the week, nothing different, just a little longer. So let’s focus on good things, that everything will work out, that it will be excellent, and that you will receive incredible energy. That’s what you have to think about, not putting in problems that still need to exist but that, if you push so hard, will come into existence. Remember, you reap what you sow. So if you start saying, “Oh, I’m not going to make it. Oh, because it won’t work. Oh, because it won’t work out.” It will definitely happen for you because you are feeding that. So my first invitation is this: no questions, no anxiety, no unnecessary questioning about the transmission, about what will happen in the meeting.
Second Invitation: You are really driving those of us here crazy with your lack of attention, zeal, and interest in what is to come. So I’m issuing an order here from this video: I don’t want any more action of any kind to look for anyone. It’s over. The interest is for whoever wants to participate. You will be done if you have no interest, but it’s over. So I am leaving an order here; whoever has not been contacted and is also not having the slightest interest in following up, OK; you will be respected, and no more action to find you will be taken; it’s over. So my second invitation is: Whoever intends to participate, stay tuned to what will be informed. Not to keep asking, not to send many messages asking what will happen.
You have all been put together so that announcements are made in one place. So I don’t want messages asking how it will be or not be. Is that understood? I hope so. So my second invitation is for you to pay attention to what is reported, that’s all. Another point: Of course, like human beings, there will be those who like everything and those who dislike everything. Now I will ask each of you to make your own considerations. Lying in a hammock, drinking juice, having everything ready to go, and then talking about it are easy. It is effortless. So I’m going to make a third invitation. If you don’t like something, keep it to yourself. Don’t further increase the negative energies already all over the planet with your gossip and comments.
Keep it to yourself. If it is tough for you not to tell anyone, look in the mirror and tell everything to yourself. Emphasize it and put all your anger and grief to yourself so that you put it out, but it doesn’t reach anyone. It’s an invitation I make. Your opinion doesn’t matter to anybody. It only matters to yourself. So please keep it to yourself. It’s not up to you to increase what is already so negative on the planet with gossip or comments. Fourth Invitation: All of you will be together. You will meet for the first time, many here, first time physically. Many already know each other. But the vast majority do not.
So let it be a moment of meeting, a moment of joy, a moment of elevation. So here is my Fourth Invitation: No comments outside the purpose of the meeting. No comments about what is happening on your planet, in your country. I don’t want any. When you set foot inside where the meeting will take place, let each one of you vibrate the energy already there. Because if you start talking, I will make you bite your tongue. I am not kidding; you will bite your tongue so that you learn to respect the egregore that will be created there. If you want to talk, talk about anything positive, about the change in your life… Now don’t start parading the difficulties that went into getting there, the problems in your life, the difficulties… I’m going to make you bite your tongue.
Emanate positive energy. Or do you think? That this place is not already being prepared by us? So we will not admit that you go in there to say negative things. Are we clear? Very well. Now my Fifth and last invitation: This one does not concern the meeting. It involves another meeting: The 11/11 Portal, an essential portal I will not let pass by. So we will meet on Friday, 11/11, at the usual time to activate this portal. For those who are going to the meeting, the activation of this portal will open energies that you still need to learn. So that they can all be added together on the day of the meeting.
So I can see some people saying, “Oh, but I’m not going to the meeting. I’m not going to have this energy?” Apparently, you will attend the meeting, so you will receive what will emanate from there. Nobody is being privileged here. I need to prepare who is going to be there. It won’t be just any egregore, it won’t be just any meeting. The people who will be together will emanate enough energy for everybody who attends. So I need to prepare each one of them so that they can emanate this energy. Do you understand? I hope so. I am not privileging anyone here. I can’t demand that this group that will gather emanate energy for so many without being prepared.
Look at the feelings you are putting there: jealousy, envy, anger… be careful because these will also reverberate back at you, don’t think they won’t. So I hope you will listen calmly and attentively to this video. I hope each of you will behave as I am asking you to. Now, each one knows its own path and free will, and what each one does will reverberate back to himself. Of course, it hits this big egregore. Of course, it does. But we will know how to minimize this problem, but I sincerely hope you contribute positively. Not with feelings of low vibration. Come on, let’s have a week of peace and calm.
Those of you who will be moving, come with Love in your hearts, joy, and faith, emanating a lot of good energy for the time that you will be here, here in the place, in the city where you are. Come with your heart. Don’t feed fear, don’t feed negative situations. Come with an open and joyful heart, and I assure you will come back the same way, with a celebrating heart. I will be mainly with each one of you. Now, if you vibrate fear and dread and begin to think only of adverse situations, that is also your choice. And then I’m sorry to tell you, I won’t be able to be around. So be careful what you vibrate when you come to the meeting city. Whoever vibrates joy, I will be by your side the whole time. You can trust what I’m saying. Stay calm and peaceful; everything is already happening. In fact, everything has already happened, and we know that the meeting was a success. How do we know? We know because we know that nothing will prevent this meeting from taking place. And for sure, it will be a milestone in everyone’s life.