Michael – Meditation for the Earth 09-04-24


So let each of you sit comfortably right now.

Close your eyes, and put your devices away.

Because whoever is reading what you’re writing, and whoever is writing, won’t be taking part. So it’s all right.

But whoever wants to take part should close their eyes.

And right now I’m going to take everyone back to that place we were in last time. Not that Green Field anymore. Remember?

But today, exceptionally, there will be a Green Field, because it is part of our meditation: green, life on planet Earth.

Only today, you’re not lined up one behind the other.

You’re in a big circle.

You are in profile, yes, but beyond this circle.

So you’re on the outside of this big circle.

And I can tell you that it’s huge. Very big.

And you are all around it, in a big circle around the edges of this circle.

Acho que deu para entender.

No centro deste círculo, há terra.

But we’ll need to make a few moves before we actually reach the pinnacle of our meditation.

So right now I’m inviting some dragons.

Precisely four huge dragons.

And they stand behind you because they are very big.

And I ask them all to throw their flames into this empty circle in front of you.

No, this fire is not burning the earth.

This fire is transforming the earth.

Anyone who has the ability to see will see that the earth has not turned to ash; on the contrary, it looks fresh and alive.

And this piece of land has now been cleansed of any energy that might have been impregnated there.

It has been cleansed by the fire of dragons; the ethereal fire of dragons. Well done.

Now, let’s call in a team who are very used to working with the earth: the gnomes, and the gnomines.

You can see them or not. It doesn’t matter.

They are there in their thousands, within this immense circle in front of you.

And what are they doing?

They’re stirring up the earth. They are fluffing the soil.

They are making the earth breathe, making it soft, and ready to be cultivated.

So these earth elementals are preparing the earth, preparing the cradle of the future.

Anyone who can see can see the earth moving.

You might even see the gnomes up ahead.

But if you don’t, there’s no problem. You just have to believe what I’m saying.

If you believe me, you’ll believe what I’m saying. Well done.

The earth is already well stirred and well fluffed.

So, we’ve already had the fire elementals who acted on earth by cleansing, through the ethereal fire of the dragons.

We had the earth elementals, the gnomes, and gnomines, cleaning the earth, stirring it up, making the earth breathe.

Now, a sweet breeze. I could even say a slightly strong wind, is beginning to form around this circle.

Bringing life. Bringing pollen. Bringing the spores, bringing the seeds. Bringing everything that germinates. Everything that makes the earth sprout. Everything that makes your vegetables grow.

The air elementals, the elves, are all there, bringing the seeds to penetrate the earth.

Now that the earth is well sprouted, with all the seeds. No, it’s not sprouted yet, the earth is planted with seeds.

So now we have the elementals of water, wetting this earth, making it encompass every seed, every spore, every pollen.

And putting each one in its place right.

Each one, in the right way to germinate.

And everything is ready for life to be reborn.

So that life can be born again on Earth.

And then I ask each of you now to repeat it with me:

“From the earth I came,

to the earth I shall return.

I am the son (daughter) of Gaia.

And I have a duty in my hands to take care of my mother

To take care of this planet.

Because it gives me everything.

It gives me something to eat.

It gives me something to drink.

It gives me the air I breathe.

Give me a house to live in.

That was my role: to look after my mother.

But I failed.

And today I’m here, my mother Gaia, asking you for forgiveness, for everything I did, and for everything I didn’t do to help you.

But today, right now, I am aware of all the harm I have caused you.

And for sure, now and in the future, I will suffer the consequences of what I have done.

But my conscience today is changing my mother.

And I make you a promise now: that I will do everything I can to have more love for you and to

change my attitudes.

I am aware and certain that if I don’t keep this promise, my future will be very uncertain.

But I’m also leaving you all my love from this moment on.

And may this circle in front of me represent your entire surface.

And may all the love that is being placed here help you to be reborn from the ashes.

And allow you to continue feeding me.

And enable me to live in your home.

Forgive me, my mother!

Forgive me, my mother!

Forgive me, my mother!”

 If you look at the circle now, whoever can see, of course, you’ll see that a lot has sprouted.

Little flowers. Little fruits, little trees. Everything is sprouting.

And so it will be all over the planet.

Because the Light has already won.

They will not take your food.

They will not win.

Always remember that you are stronger than anything and you have the power to change.

You have the power in your hands.

Let everyone play their part.

Don’t wait for the other.

You don’t have to join the other.

Let everyone do their part, in small actions, in small gestures.

In the awareness that is created and increased every day.

Show the awareness you have today.

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