Miguel – About Light Codes


Our Journey of Ascension has come to an end. And why? Because it is already represented by those beings that you are accustomed to hearing about or receiving messages from on a daily basis. It is obvious and clear that there are still many beings that could participate, but at this moment, the number of Light Codes that you have received is sufficient.

As already explained here, each Light Code has geometric shapes, is based on sacred geometry and has elements that emanate energy all the time, without the need for activation or any kind of word for this to happen. The energy of the being that is represented there emanates the energy of that being or that race, all the time. So realize that you now have an energy plant in your homes.

So, as I said before, today I will explain how you should use all this material that you received. Each symbol was printed or not, according to each one. It is not mandatory to print each symbol. You can have them on your devices without any problem. Of course, the printed code has much more power, because it is alive on paper. When it’s on your devices, it’s an image, but it also works.

So, those who have chosen to keep them on their devices today, that’s fine. Don’t panic and print everything at once. But I would say that as time goes by, try to print them out and have each symbol in your own hands. After all, if for some reason you don’t have your devices in your hands, the symbol will still be there. But don’t panic. Everything in its own time. All within the time possible for each person. Very good.

All codes must remain together.

Do not spread the codes around your home thinking that the energy spread out is better for filling your home. All codes must remain together. It is exactly the opposite. All codes together form an egregore of light. An immense one, which reverberates throughout the environment where they are and much more.

So, in fact, you are illuminating not only your homes, but the places where you live; and I would dare say, a good part of the neighborhood where you live. There is a lot of energy there, which is not only condensed where you live, but where they are.

The codes can be placed anywhere.

At home, at work, in the children’s room. No problem at all. No, the energy generated does not harm or is excessive for anyone. Understand one thing: when the light works, the Light is never excessive. The light is never attracted to your bodies in an excessive way.

Each body, each being, attracts what is necessary. The rest remains in the ether, remains in the air. And can be consumed by anyone else. So, the codes can be kept anywhere.

As I said, keep all the codes together. No, there is no order. They can be kept in any order. If possible, keep them in a small box. I repeat, if possible. If you can’t have the box, leave them together in one place, no problem.

Another important point: the code was made to fit on a sheet of paper. So, don’t change the size. Don’t increase or decrease the size of the code. They all fit on one sheet of paper. So, leave it exactly the size that is printed. If you cut the code and took what was left of the sheet, that’s fine. There’s no problem, but it’s not necessary.

Another important point: over time, you will see that the codes may lose their color, with some parts disappearing, so it will be necessary to reprint the codes. They cannot be laminated. Because this technique places something that is not natural on the symbols. Therefore, they cannot be laminated.

I believe I have already provided all the necessary information for you to keep the codes. Oh, and the codes can and should be kept in drawers and cabinets, without any problem. They do not need to be exposed, because not everyone who enters your home will understand. Keep them where your things are.

“There is more than one person in the house who absorbs the energy, who understands it and respects it. Do I need to have a code for each one?” It’s up to you. If the family only wants to have one code for each, that’s fine. “No, I want to have mine; you want to have yours.” That’s fine. Each person should keep their codes in their personal belongings. As I said, if possible, keep them in a small box. It doesn’t have to be a big box so they stay organized.

Good. The function of the codes is to emanate Light, to emanate energy from each being that created it. But, you can… have a problem, have a doubt, need help. So you can get the codes. With your eyes closed, place your left hand on your spiritual heart and with your right hand, you will choose a code. With your eyes closed. The chosen code should be removed from the rest and you should look at it for one minute. Explain to the code what you want to know; the help you need; the problem you are facing. After one minute, you will get a glass of filtered water. If it has mineral water, better, but it can be filtered. It doesn’t need to be a new glass. But if you want to buy a glass just for this, you can. Then, place the glass with the water over the code, being careful not to get it wet, and leave it for 24 hours. At the end of the 24 hours, drink the water and store the code normally with the others. And simply wait for the answers, the help that was requested.

So, my brothers, you have a source of energy, love and Light in your homes. And I would say that, as time goes by, some unwanted visitors will no longer come to your homes. So, it may be that over time, some relatives, some friends, some acquaintances, will begin to disappear from your lives. And why? As I said, this set of Codes is emanating Light, emanating energy of a very high vibration. And these energies will not allow contrary energies to penetrate your homes.

“Oh, but I don’t want that. I want to keep my family, I want to keep my friends, I want to keep everyone around me.” Then I would tell you that you have a problem. Because if you agreed to go on this journey, maybe you didn’t know it yet, but you know that the Light is removing from your path those who are not welcome. But if you still want to keep these companions, then I would tell you to do the following: Take all the codes, put them in a bucket of water and dissolve all the papers. When they are all dissolved, throw them away. It’s that simple. You don’t burn the papers. You dissolve the papers.

“Ah, but the paper I printed doesn’t dissolve.” So you’re going to gather all the papers and bury them, far from your home; preferably, in nature. And Gaia will take charge of working with that energy. It will be good for her because she will be receiving that vortex of Light in her bosom. Don’t put them in plants, because in the plants they will remain in your homes. And not in nature either. It’s important that they be in the soil, so that Gaia can absorb all this energy.

So, my brothers, I hope that I have given you all the instructions, so that you can keep these codes and use them and enjoy them for a long time. Just as I said now, those codes that are reprinted, do the same way. Take the old one and put it in water. It did not dissolve, put it in the earth; bury it in the soil of Gaia.

As questions arise, tomorrow, during our meeting, I will answer more questions. But I think I have said enough. I have made it very clear what these codes will bring to your lives. We will soon begin more movement. Wait a little. It won’t be long.

And rest assured, my brothers, each one who is making the choice to be fed, to be bathed by these energies, has made an important choice. Those who are still doing it or are going to start, it is all right, there is no time. Just don’t let too much pass. Because time is accelerating. Use it, my brothers. Use these energies and you will see the difference.

Translated by: Paula Prado

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