Miguel – About Our Messages


For us, it was a short time ago; for you, it’s been a long time. It’s interesting to note the dependence that many of you still have on our messages. I’m not saying it’s bad, but we want things to be different. When there will be no messages, you should look into the old ones, and I guarantee you will find one that is perfect for now. But besides the sense of lack, there is the judgment of why. Why did it stop, and why doesn’t it have anymore?

This simple question brings judgment, and it’s also a feeling that I don’t like to see in your hearts any longer. It is a feeling that needs to be mastered and eliminated. Every human being tends to judge others, not putting himself in the other’s shoes. “Oh no, this is too complex, too complicated. So I just put myself in my own place, judge, and think whatever I want about the other.” That’s who you are.

You criticize, judge, and complain about others’ attitudes. But at no time do you put yourself in the other’s shoes or think about the problems that the other might be going through. No, no, it doesn’t fit; it’s just a judgment. My brothers and sisters, I don’t like to come here and say some things and then you come to your senses on the spot, recognize that you were wrong, but then that stays in the past, not to be a lesson, not to repeated in the future.

It’s interesting; you look for our messages, and you listen. And as you listen, you make affirmations; you promise yourself that you will change and never do this or that again. At that moment, the feeling is true, but when the message is over; everything is in the past; everything is forgotten, and you go back to repeating everything you just promised you wouldn’t do.

My brothers and sisters, this seesaw isn’t good at all. Because you get on and off, you always stay in the same place. You think you are walking towards the Light, towards the Fifth Dimension, but you always take steps backwards. Yes, you are moving forward on some issues, but for the most part, you are moving backwards. So, mathematically speaking, you’re moving back, not forward.

Look closely at your journey. You promise, promise, and affirm, but you never deliver. All it takes is a problem to occur for you to repeat it all over again. Brothers and sisters, the journey is not easy; change isn’t easy; change is for you at every single second. So much attention is required to avoid taking one step forward and two, three, or four steps back. Yes, you are walking towards the Light, I don’t dispute that, but you take steps backwards and go back on your path, which isn’t good.

Let’s stop this dependence on our messages which makes no sense. Much has already been said here; all the teachings that we needed to pass on have already been given. So why the dependency? Ah, there is an interesting aspect to knowing the news because we bring what is happening. Do we?

At some point, we talk about what is happening in your world; we speak in general terms and are not reporters or news channels.

So be ready; at any moment, you will no longer have our messages, and they will end one day. Listening to our messages daily won’t keep you on the right path. Instead, keep in mind that you have a path to follow. Are you on the path just because you listen to our messages? That’s not right; it turns into dependency and becomes a crutch, and we don’t want that.

So try to find that support inside yourself and observe your path, not our messages. If there is an emptiness in your heart, go inside and fill it with Light. Request help from Beings of Light to fill your heart with Light. Seek out more than support in our messages; we aren’t crutches; learn to walk alone and ask for help, but don’t depend on it.

A lot will change throughout this cycle, this year–2023. And how will you be? Lost and totally aimless, just because you won’t have messages? You enter a school; it has a beginning and an end, and this school here will have an end. So learn today, that which must be learned. You have vast material to read, re-read, and pay attention to what is being read.

Refrain from understanding that this means we will abandon you in the future; far from it. Just like children, parents educate and teach until they have their own walking legs. Parents must respect the views and choices of the child, and we will do so. The day will come when you won’t hear from us. Each one will have already learned what is necessary to follow his path, and the choices will be up to each person.

Again, we’re not a news agency; if you want news, there are many places that give it; search them. Here we have teaching; here we have learning, not news. So accustom yourself to walking with your own legs, not counting on us to walk or depending on us to think. You still don’t seem to have learned what you should have learned by now.

The paths of many here will change, and each of you will have to go your own way with everything that has been taught to put into practice all teachings that were spoken here. Doesn’t getting our message lead you astray? So where is everything you’ve learned? I can assure you you didn’t learn a thing. But if you want to keep looking elsewhere, that’s fine. I’m just warning you that you won’t always have us here and a lot will change over the course of this cycle. We will come some days, and some days we won’t. This is an order I am giving; you will never know when we will come.

I’m not saying this will happen today or tomorrow. But it will happen, and I don’t want demands; I don’t want judgments. Each person’s journey changes; a lot will change this year, so learn. And again, if you want news, look elsewhere, not here. Here, it’s all about learning and teaching. Learn to walk with your own legs and practice all that we teach. You’re forgetting part of what’s already been said here. What are you looking for in our messages? Reflect on that.

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